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* Archon: "What is it you want most in unlife?" - Madison: "To maintain the stability of the Camarilla." - Archon: "That's a political goal. What do you want personally?" - Madison: "I have just answered that question." <br>
* Archon: "What is it you want most in unlife?" - Madison: "To maintain the stability of the Camarilla." - Archon: "That's a political goal. What do you want personally?" - Madison: "I have just answered that question." <br>
* "In your grief and your rage, you lost track of time while the world moved on. You wear your jaded ennui like a badge of honor. Hypocrite." <br>
* "In your grief and your rage, you lost track of time while the world moved on. You wear your jaded ennui like a badge of honor. Hypocrite." <br>
* "Ultimately it does not matter whether you find a wizard behind the curtain. We play a Masquerade for a reason: it works. And when it doesn't, removing one's mask to better view the immediate problem only further damages the game in the long run. And the long run is worth it, for we are, after all, undying."
* "Yeah. Okay." <br>
* "Yeah. Okay." <br>

Revision as of 23:52, 2 September 2014

Clan Brujah
Position Marquess
Status 6+2
Domain Lehigh Valley, PA
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 00
Player Kelly



At her bar 2013


Real Name: Yeah, Right

Apparent Age: Late twenties

Concept: Flair Bartender with Hookups; Camarilla Idealist

Physical description: Madison stands just above five feet tall, with a small but wiry frame. Her mid-length dark hair is usually pulled back into a loose ponytail, and on her own time she typically dresses in tight, revealing tops, fitted jeans, and black steel-toed boots. She dresses more formally at gatherings since taking the throne, but she still almost always sports her trademark red leather jacket with a gold metal owl pendant hanging from one shoulder. She often ties several bandannas around her left ankle. She's rarely seen without earbuds in. When she smiles it's more of a smirk that rarely touches her intense and somewhat haunted blue eyes. Her pale skin and cold demeanor suggest that her beast is close to the surface.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Sovereign Imperial Prince Kelly of Northeastern Pennsylvania
  • Connected by Sovereign Imperial Prince Kelly of Northeastern Pennsylvania
  • Loyal by Sovereign Imperial Prince Kelly of Northeastern Pennsylvania
  • Passionate by Sovereign Prince Mattias Roman of Northern Virginia
  • Brave by former Prince Tatiyana "Anya" Pyotrevna of Hartford
  • Respected by Sovereign Imperial Prince Kelly of Northeastern Pennsylvania
  • Exalted as Marquess of The Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
  • Well-Known as Marquess of The Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

Character Information

  • Gorgeous x3
  • Fame x1: Bartending
  • Natural Leader
  • Dynamic Personality

Known History

Glitter and Gloom 2013

Mortal History: Aimless but Passionate

  • Modern upper-middle class upbringing, studied Political Science at Lehigh University
  • Dropped out to couch surf with underground bands and travel, lived it up in the nightlife scene, enrolled in bartending school
  • Established and ran her own bar on the outskirts of The Lehigh Valley, developed a network of contacts, allies, and other hookups from behind the bar, and caught her sire's eye of her sire with her dynamic personality

Early Political Career (Spring - Summer 2013): Young, Eager, Idealistic

  • After her debut into Kindred society, Madison realized how little structure was in place in The Lehigh Valley and began working with local neonates and ancillae to restore stability to the domain.
  • Immediately began fighting, taking on an evil mage: Prince Kelly named her *Connected
  • Continued to hunt down all manner of monsters including (rumored) her own doppleganger: Prince Kelly named her *Loyal
  • Became Sheriff of The Lehigh Valley
  • During first month in office, lead an investigation that implicated several local Tremere in horrific crimes

Prince Rook's Court 2014

Picking Up Speed (Fall 2013): Immersed in Violence and Riding the Edge

  • Attended Nonclave, where Prince Matias named her *Passionate for assisting with an investigation during the festivities
  • Answered Prince Anya's call to Hartford against the Rebellion and was named *Brave for leading a raid against a blood feast
  • Answered Prince Slash's call to Cleveland against the Sabbat, where she literally brought the roof down on their enemies
  • Traveled extensively throughout the Mid Atlantic and Northeast, Helped host a Tourney in her home domain
  • Continued to lead investigations at home against strange occult activity and evidence of a mounting Sabbat presence

Getting Louder (Winter-Spring 2014): For the Duration

  • Coordinated an influx of Brujah to The Lehigh Valley. Many of these quickly took on Officer positions.
  • Promoted to the position of Seneschal
  • Discovered the disappearances of Slash and Anya in the same night and hosted an impromptu Rant consisting mainly of "the next generation" of Brujah who were tired of watching their sires, mentors, and other Clan leaders fall
  • Became more vocal and involved in national Clan discussions, including the fallout from Bartlebe Good's and Galina Petrova's executions
  • Was left to defend The Lehigh Valley when the neighboring Marquisdom of Scranton fell to the Rebellion and Prince Kelly went on the warpath. The relatively young court earned the praise of Justicar Paschek's Office for holding the line.

Ascending to the Throne (Summer 2014): Learning to Lead

  • Madison was appointed Marquess of The Lehigh Valley
  • Attended Toreador salons and other regional gatherings discussing the politics of her rare position and checking in on younger Clanmates
  • Publicly denounced Marissa Holbrook as Marissa Ashford, a defector to the Rebellion
  • Recognized as *Respected by Prince Kelly for her burgeoning leadership and its positive reflection on the domain
  • Helped facilitate the North American Brujah Summit


As a Marquess, Madison is a sworn vassal of Sovereign Imperial Prince Kelly Half-Blood:

  • Madison: "I swear fealty unto you, Sovereign Imperial Prince Kelly Half-Blood. Your command is my desire, and your request my desire.May my service always please you, and may my sight grow dark if it does not. As the tides to the moon, my will to yours, my liege."
  • Kelly: "As the sea to the river, as the tree to the seed, as the mountain to the stone, so do I now recognize you to me. From this day forward, I take you as my vassal. I pledge to you glory and riches. I pledge to honor your service as it deserves, and to reward loyalty in kind. As the moon to the seas below, my will to yours."


Madison, Jayden, and Zackary at the Lehigh Valley Tourney 2013

Court Officers:

Other Local Allies:

Regional/National Connections:



Connor Collins
Lucien Rex (deceased - mostly)
Marissa Ashford


Corbin Langley


None Yet Acknowledged


Edward Langley (deceased)
Ethan Langley (deceased)
Joseph Gallagher (disowned)

Character Inspirations

Ellen and Jo from "Supernatural"
Faith from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
That kick ass bartender from the old Baltimore game site


Grooving out at a gathering


"Madison Playlist #1


By Madison:

  • "Yeah, so we're in a steaming pile of political shit. I get that. All I'm saying is how about we walk out of here with a plan once we're done bitching about it?"
  • "Look. Our sires chose us for their own reasons. If we live up to our potential then we honor the ones who gave us the gift. If we do it in our own way, on our own terms and by our own merits, maybe it'll even mean something."
  • "All anybody can tell me is that I'll get used to it. I don't WANT to get used to it. This shit SHOULD piss me off. If it's out there then I'm glad I know about it and of COURSE I'm going to fight it - but that doesn't mean I have to, or even should, accept it."
  • "They tell you not everybody survives the Accounting. That not everybody is strong enough, not everybody is cut out for this. The ones who get bit and then don't make the cut are cautionary tales at best. DAMNIT! The world shouldn't be so fucked up that good people just lay down and die!"
  • "What higher power do I place my faith in, to get me through the night? Well, I have faith that I make a mean Long Island Iced Tea."
  • "You don't measure someone's worth by how long they exist, when all they do is sit on Elysium while BETTER people go out and die for them."
  • Deputy: "Sheriff Langley, perhaps we can subdue her without knocking her out? I mean she's pregnant." - Madison: "Bro, her face ain't pregnant!"
  • "We've been grieving. And plotting. And venting. And scheming. And debating. And arguing. And asking questions that may or may not have answers we can find. And it's been loud and messy, but for what it's worth, it's been damned encouraging. So no, I don't think we'll be shutting up any time soon."
  • "When you tell me you care about something, that you're going to take a stand with me, you don't fucking bail as soon as things get hard. What do I want from you? I want you to back up your words with actions. That's what I expect from people I respect."
  • "In a perfect world, every Kindred who puts the stability of this domain over their personal agenda would be my ally. This isn't a perfect world, this domain is dangerous, and we are selfish creatures. So you tell me - where does that leave us?"
  • "I gender identify as Brujah."
  • "Remember how I said in this domain you learn or die? Welcome to the deep end, kid. Sink or swim. If you need anything, just survive long enough to ask."
  • "How have I made it this far in only a year? I look around for the Kindred I fought beside when we were all just getting started, and then I remember - I'm the one that didn't die."
  • "We can be humane without being human. Tolerance is not a foregone conclusion in our society, and we need to approach this situation with the caution of Kindred, not the modern democratic notion of freedom. We are discussing our very blood, not gay rights."
  • Archon: "What is it you want most in unlife?" - Madison: "To maintain the stability of the Camarilla." - Archon: "That's a political goal. What do you want personally?" - Madison: "I have just answered that question."
  • "In your grief and your rage, you lost track of time while the world moved on. You wear your jaded ennui like a badge of honor. Hypocrite."
  • "Ultimately it does not matter whether you find a wizard behind the curtain. We play a Masquerade for a reason: it works. And when it doesn't, removing one's mask to better view the immediate problem only further damages the game in the long run. And the long run is worth it, for we are, after all, undying."
  • "Yeah. Okay."

About Madison:

  • "I think you're trying to be a good person. I also think you're in over your head, and so you're forgetting that lately. In the meantime, though, keep yelling - it actually helps me think more clearly."
  • "In a way, my suspicions about you are like a compliment. You're pretty much the perfect Brujah. It's too good to be true."
  • "I know we just met and all, and I get that I'm pissing you off...but I just can't shake this vibe like you've dealt with worse tonight. This week. This month. So, I guess you don't have time for my bull shit, then."
  • "Who's that? She is...forceful."
  • "Did you just select who's coming on this mission based on which of us are morally capable of killing in cold blood? I - I think I just fell in love with you."
  • "So, you guys committed a faux pas in her bar. And maybe it could've been handled better, but, well...she's a Brujah. And a Langley. I mean really, what did you expect to happen?"
  • "Watching Madison literally bring the roof down on our enemies while giving them a boot stomp in perfect timing to the well laid out plans of Slash as you all came in from the air like the 101st Airborne Division, the SWAT like team from the rear quietly surrounding the exits and the BAMF Group charging in literally on fire as we drove through the front door, without a life on our side lost, should be the new mental definition of Brujah."
  • "No. FUCK that. I have seen too many neonates thrown into the meat grinder by their Elders in the name of duty. I'm not going to let that happen to you."
  • "I am proud. I see much in you, and know that you are going to be a great leader of our Clan someday....what I really see, and what I really want to continue to see, is the future of our Clan."
  • "Madison's attempt to find a balance has her walking a tightrope that she technically didn't have to walk in an attempt to find a more reasonable and honorable way of approaching a unique and ill-defined situaiton...It's good to have standards, but where there aren't codified rules or traditions -- little 't' of course in this case -- we get to blaze a trail. Or at the least, Madison does."
  • "It is fitting for a Prince who isn't a Prince but not a Seneschal either. Who has ruling over her domain but has another above. A good balance. I wish you can manage to inspire others by your example and bring consistency to the hegemony."
  • Justicar Art Morgan upon seeing Madison's formal body language in his presence: "You know you can relax, right?" - Everyone else in the room, immediately: "No she can't. And if she could she wouldn't."
  • "Ah, Madison. The audacity of youth combined with the zeal of a missionary. You amuse and amaze me at every turn....I hope you keep that passion and near unique ability to focus it on things that actually can make a difference. I truly do. It must be hard."

Madison and John Q Public


Madison's sire has wassailed.
Madison is Using a D&D Monster Manual to research the "crazy shit."
Madison's style of clothing has been termed "I look good, fuck you."
Madison is a member of a secret socks on cocks fighting ring.
Madison's bar, The Rabble Rouser, is actually the D&D Tavern where adventurers can meet up and find quests.
Madison is a not so secret admirer of Seamus MacGregor.
Madison was sold to Prince Kelly when he asked her Clan for more Brujah in his domain.
Madison is really her doppelganger that successfully killed the original.
Madison has amazing legs.
Madison hates Anarchs.
Madison keeps...interesting...company. Who is John Q. Public?
Madison is currently on a crusade to purge all of Clan Tremere from The Lehigh Valley.
Madison is being stalked by Lucien Rex.
Madison's red leather jacket is like catnip for Toreador. They just have to pet it.
Madison is being stalked by a member of the Rebellion.
Madison has a habit of staking mortals.
Madison has a growing fan club.
Madison strictly adheres to Justicar Jaroslav Pascek's edicts.
Madison has an unbroken streak at gatherings: at least one Kindred will declare undying love or propose marriage.
Madison is somehow compromised in a way that has local Officers both vigilant and nervous.
Madison's political views seem incompatible with Prince Kelly's. Why is she so *Loyal?
Madison has been seen lately in the company of Archon Peter Premysl.
Madison has been offered a variety of positions in neighboring domains.
Madison is working for Archon Jacob Black.
Madison's way of claiming Marquess status is the talk of Toreador Salons lately.
Madison's ongoing feud with Joseph Gallagher is just a facade for more complicated Clan issues. Or romance.
Madison is constantly stripping herself of her third positional standing.
Madison's residency was once the prize in a duel between Prince Kelly and Prince Rook
Prince Rook is not pleased about having lost Madison to Kelly
Madison Langley is secretly a Tremere, put in place by the Pyramid to seduce the Camarilla to their line of thought, and she's dating Ryan West.
Madison met privately with Justicar Art Morgan at Nonclave 21014, and soon afterwards was interviewed by a panel of Archons.