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Clan Brujah
Position Prince
Status 5+3
Domain Cedar Rapids, IA
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player Caity



Alias(es): Princess, Princess Sparkle Tits, or Freckles

Real Name: Lillian-Evelyn Nanette Ashbury

Apparent Age: 17

Concept: Shieldmaiden

Physical description:Lena! is 5'5" tall, she's wiry and athletically built. She has sunny blond hair with blue-green eyes and freckles that cover her entire face. Easily mistaken for a human (Blush of Health) and is known to make good first impressions (Friendly Face)

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by (former) Prince Chester Black of Twin Cities
  • Just by (former) Prince Isaiah of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
  • Relentless by (former) Prince Cricket Mariott of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
  • Loyal by (former) Prince Cricket Mariott of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
  • Resourceful by Primogen Ito of Cedar Rapids,Iowa
  • Famous (As Prince)
  • Well-Known (As Prince)
  • Exalted (As Prince)

Character Information

Lena! is the little miss So-and-So living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The daughter of the Glitter Fairy himself, Zio!, she resembles her father in word and wit. She took praxis in June of 2011 and is known for being a loud mouthed, party girl. This girl is always caught in a scandal and wouldn't have it any other way. Her tongue is as sharp as her sword, and she's never afraid to use either of them to defend those she calls "friend". With a growing bad reputation, she takes on the world with drink in one hand and flipping the bird with the other.

Known History

2008 In the summer of 2008, Lena appears for the first time in Iowa City, Iowa. She is a rambunctious Anarch who tells stories of blowing up shrubbery and several conquests. She catches the eyes of several noteworthy kindred quickly, these include Zio!, Chester Black, and several ganrel within Iowa.

Something happens in Autumn of 2008 in the Anarch territory of Waverly that leaves Lena claiming she's done being a liason between the Anarchs and the Camarilla. She is taken under the wings of Daniel "Mac" McDonald and Zio!, as well is seen spending most of her time at gatherings with several Gangrel, including Amber, Daniel Bronson, Charlotte Parfois, and Alex Rhoades

In winter of 2008 Lena expresses the desire to bite the bullet and join the Camarilla officially. She can be described as excited and nervous at the same time.

It has been debated as to what made her decide on leaving the Anarch movement. She has been known to claim that the reasoning for this involved a group of Anarchs in Waverly, Iowa, selling her to Police Hunters so that they could proceed with dealings with the Sabbat as well as a other supernaturals. When she was left by them, the Camarilla saved her and in a debt of gratitude, Lena agreed to join the Camarilla.

2009 At the Midwinter Gathering of 2009, Lena is taken under a joint Accounting under Chester Black and Zio!. She makes her public debut amongst Camarilla citizens. And seems more reluctant and nervous than she ever had been before. When she wasn't hiding behind one of her Brujah guardians, she was seen relaxing with the Gangrel and playing games with them.

The accounting was a short one, as Lena already knew the traditions and, having resided within a Camarilla domain for a while, had displayed numerous counts of loyalty to her new sect. In March of 2009, Lena! received her Acknowledgment from John Ragner in Iowa City, as well as was officially adopted into Zio!'s family, officially receiving her "!" which she has since used in almost all over her missives.

Shortly after receiving her Acknowledgment, Lena! publicly had a row with John Ragner where he had called her out on her behavior on Elysium, and when asked what she had done wrong, Lena! was received with dodgy behavior from the Prince as well as being verbally scolded by Former Archon Pavel Nadolski for questioning a Prince publicly. She proceeded to ask what she had done wrong, besides mention the mere name of a neighboring prince, and for her pertinence was stripped of her Acknowledgment. John Ragner ordered Lena! to be brought to him by his scourge and several other people, including Matthias Blackstone, and she managed to elude their grasp. It was later revealed to her that John Ragner spread the word of her being a coward and running away from him, when she was in fact evading his attempts to murder her for standing up to his sadistic humiliation. She was taken under the accounting of Chester Black right after and several Kindred outside of Iowa City congratulated Lena! for standing up to John Ragner and doing what needed to be done.

For the next six months, very few people heard from Lena!, however she still managed to visit Iowa once to mourn the death of her friend and mentor, Misty Lynch-Tyr. She was seen in Iowa City a couple times, though often not allowed to leave the side of Chester Black and often was discouraged from talking to other men. The reports of those that did see her during this time said she frequently asked about her friends back in Iowa, prominently Daniel Bronson and Amber. She was often reported to be sad and longing for home, sometimes even described as being captured in a castle.


2011 (Under Construction)

Declared Praxis of Cedar Rapids, Iowa on the evening of June 3rd, 2011


Team Fail/Freeman (Disbanded)


Paul Walker
Ambrosio Valez de Leon
Isabella Rodriguez
Daniel "Mac" McDonald
Oliver Freigh
Nikolaus Athanasius
Prince Murray x
Prince Tommy Truelove
Tony Maietta
Roxy Codone
Chloe Davidson
Kit Dillon
Prince Pinky Wheeler
Edward "Eddie" Lincoln
Prince Morgan Wynn Howell
Aleister Blackwell
Luni the Wise
Fiona "Fifi!" LeStrange
Cricket Marriot
Archon Jacob Black
Elias Beecher
Sadie Court
Masako Hara
Katja Nothing-Llyandryn

Daniel Bronson (Deceased)
Zio! (Deceased)
Matthias Blackstone (Deceased)
Misty Tyr (Deceased)






Anthony "Tony!" Black (Adopted & Deceased)


Fiona "Fifi!" LeStrange (adoptive)
Zoey! (adopted & deceased)
Foxxxy! (adoptive)

Character Inspirations

Eve Malone from Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy
MacKayla Lane from Karen Marie Moning's Fever Series
Éowyn - The Lord of the Rings



"Let's be serious here Chet, you didn't want a Childe, you wanted a Princess you could lock up in a tower. And last I checked, little birds didn't fly into my haven and braid my fucking hair for me." Lena!'s comments to Chester Black a few months after she left his accounting.

"I will never kill a Camarilla citizen, no lesson is ever learned in death. It is final and allows for no growth and change in one's actions. Plus, it only garners unnecessary resentment." - Lena! on killing.

"...Besides, they (Meaning Team Fail) didn't come here for me, they came here for you." - Ted Freeman's last words before he gave his life saving Lena!'s in Twin Cities.


  • Her eyes change color when she's about to frenzy
  • Helped her sire kill a Balrog.
  • Little birds fly into her haven and braid her hair for her.
  • Is known to introduce herself to Camarilla domains by blowing up trees or shrubbery.
  • Was one of the people involved in the praxis seizure against former Prince John Ragner
  • Killed Cricket Marriot in a praxis seizure.
  • Has been investigated by several Archons to multiple Justicars for her behavioral issues.
  • May be in love with Paul Walker