Category:Domain:Atlanta, GA

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The Domain of Atlanta includes most of north Georgia.


Prince: Charles McMillan, Ventrue

Seneschal: Douma Charoum, Tremere

Keeper of Elysium: Antonia Patrella, Ventrue

Sheriff: Samuel Jordan, Gangrel

Harpy: Greg Fields, Gangrel

Primogen: (in order of seniority)
David Blanchett, Toreador
Jacob Pearl, Malkavian
Simon Random, Gangrel
Logan, Tremere
Marco Luca, Brujah (NPC)


The Domain of Carrollton reclaimed the city of Atlanta from the Sabbat under Prince Jon Sebastian in (late 2004 or early 2005).


  • Jon Sebastain, Brujah - 2004?-?2005
  • Scott Daine, Ventrue - ?2005 - April 1, 2005
  • Charles McMillian, Ventrue - April 1, 2005 to present

Prince's Edicts

  • Those possessing the sorceries of the Followers of Set are not allowed in the Domain of Atlanta.


  • Botanical Gardens
  • High Museum of Art
  • Atlanta Opera House - Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre

City Rumors

  • Midtown is a dangerous place.
  • Werewolves run the zoo
  • The city is a necropolis full of wraiths
  • The domain barely weathers the current siege, physically. It is losing the battle for its mind and soul.
  • There has been no Ventrue Primogen since the last one took Praxis in Middle Georgia. Prince McMillan rarely awards status, even in the midst of a siege. It may be that the Prince is paranoid of upstarts doing to him what he did to the last Ventrue Prince.
  • Don't go to the Fox Theatre. The fey are not shy about enforcing this.

OOC Information

Whispers of Atlanta plays the first, third, and fifth Saturdays of the month.

The OOC location is the Georgia Tech Student Center Commons.