Saul Good

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Clan Brujah
Position Archon
Status 6+2
Domain Memphis, TN
Coterie (Rumored) DMH, Bowling League
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity -
Player Robert



Saul and Flames 1.jpg

The Croatian
And many, many more....

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: Mid to Late Twenties

Concept: Angry Paragon

Physical description: Saul can generally be found wearing his trademark bowler, as well as a pair of sunglasses and some fingerless gloves. Sometimes wearing an actual suit, he more often can be found in a black, velvet blazer along with some jeans and boots ... though he does break out his bowling shoes on occasion.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by many ... long story; last one was Prince Cole
  • Feared by Word of Prince Worthington
  • Good by Word of Prince Masters
  • Loyal by Word of Prince Mars
  • Respected by Word of Prince Cage
  • Well-Connected by Word of Prince Brown
  • Empowered by Position
  • Feared by Position

Considered a "Friend of the Family" and known as "The Scourge of the Infernal."

Character Information

Archon to Cock Robin, Justicar of Clan Nosferatu

Known History




Elias Beecher


Unknown - But she sure is a hottie...


Desmond "Dizzy" Lockhardt
Khloe Hale
Joseph Payne
Bartlebe Good
Antonia Salerno
Jason Abbott

Others are unrevealed


Skippy (aka Thomas, deceased)

Character Inspirations

That dude...what knows a dude...and is really pissy about things...




"That man can sure wear a hat."

  • "I'd like to F@#k start their face with my fist"


Saul is infernal.
Saul is a Baali.
He is a member of The Dead Man's Hand.
Saul is partners with fellow Archon, the Tremere Selene Lazarion, as a punishment, but no one knows which of them is being punished...
Saul is so bad ass that he once summoned up a demon and raped it to death just because he could - Overheard in St. Louis.
Likes to eat Tremere.
Was once addicted to Malkavian blood.
He can't stop killing, which is why he gets locked up from time to time.
Saul and Jakob Phuridae's alliance is based on mutual secrets they keep for each other.
Under those sunglasses, Saul has beautiful eyes.