Zoe Moreau - Deceased

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Clan Toreador
Position Keeper of Elysium
Lesser Harpy
Status 4+1
Domain Scranton, PA
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player Kelly

[[Category:Position:Keeper of Elysium
Lesser Harpy]] [[Category:Society:{{{Society}}}]]


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Zoe Moreau

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: Mid Twenties

Concept: New Orleans Socialite

Physical description: Zoe is stunningly beautiful, with the slender build and graceful gait of a dancer. Her pale skin offsets her large, dark eyes and bright red lips. Her long jet-black hair is usually braided back, with wisps falling to frame her face. Rarely dressed casually, she favors skirts and dresses in deep, rich colors. Her outfits are typically embellished with fine jewelry or intricate embroidery. Quick to smile or laugh, her eyes are almost always sparkling with curiosity and wonder. Zoe speaks with a distinctive accent reminiscent of French, but not quite. She always seems to stand out from her surroundings.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by Marquis Villeneueve of Marseille
Loyal by Marquis William Magister of Scranton, PA for foresight in salvaging mortals and artwork in a damaged Elysium
Praised by Marquis Deckard Stevens of The Lehigh Valley, PA for assistance with mortal influence to eliminate a hunter presence
Well-Connected by Primogen Bastion Stone of The Lehigh Valley, PA for coordinating Kindred with knowledge and expertise to combat an infernal threat
Honorable by position as Keeper of Elysium

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Character Information

Alluring x4, Seductive x2
Surreal Quality
Fame x3: Socialite

Known History

Zoe is originally from New Orleans. She claims that the territory was Spanish during her mother's lifetime, French during her lifetime, and American in her daughter's lifetime. While the details of her mortal life remain a mystery, she was obviously groomed from a young age to thrive in high-class social circles. Her accomplishments in ballroom dancing, piano, embroidery, calligraphy and poetry caught the eye of Clan Toreador. Eventually she and her future Sire departed for Marseille.

Zoe has spent a significant amount of time in torpor. Her resting place was bombed during the World Wars, causing those who knew her to assume she had been destroyed, and thus she was forgotten. When she finally awakened almost a century later, she found the world radically different, and she has spent the past several years adjusting to these changes. Zoe returned to the United States and visited New Orleans in the wake of Katrina, but found her old home so radically changed that she did not stay.

In the Spring of 2011, Zoe settled in Scranton, PA where she started networking with local Clanmates and establishing herself within certain mortal circles. She quickly built an influence base and became a patron to some proteges in the local arts scene. Something of a "rising star," Zoe's popularity grew in Scranton, where she first served as Lesser Harpy. During a nasty Praxis battle that took place on Elysium grounds, Zoe helped to move mortals out of harm's way so the Masquerade could be upheld, and then moved to protect the artwork on display. For these actions she was named the new Keeper of Elysium. That event shook Scranton's Court, but Zoe found her foothold and is now an active player in the politics of Northeastern Pennsylvania Hegemony.

Since her appointment, Zoe has continued to build her reputation in Kindred society, protecting the Masquerade in Scranton and often lending influence aid to the neighboring Marquisdom of The Lehigh Valley. She was active behind the scenes of the Conclave held against Prince Kelly, wherein all three Marquisdoms, including Scranton, were placed under Ordeal. While under Ordeal, Zoe has been quietly attentive to her duties. Upon the Final Death of her sire, Zoe took her broodmate Jared under her own Accounting. She is known for hosting grand gatherings for Scranton's Court, but also regularly frequents Annapolis to visit her Patron, Prince Rook.

Most who meet Zoe are struck by her wide-eyed enthusiasm and curiosity. She has entertained numerous Archons and Princes with piano recitals and dance lessons, and has also traded commissioned calligraphy and embroidery work. While poetry remains her most private art form, she has published a few popular pieces. A novel juxtaposition of old-fashioned manners and youthful innocence, Zoe revels in pleasant company, but has yet to develop the sharp tongue or melodramatic ennui characteristic of so many Roses.


Toreador Guild Only: Zoe is a member of the Guild and considered a Muse.

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Prince Rook
Seneschal Harrow
Primogen Bastion Stone
former Prince Vincent Velario
Marquis Deckard Stevens (deceased)
Archon Aetius
Archon Plaguerat
Archon Jacob Black
Primogen Keri Raven
former Prince William Dunstin
former Prince Arthur Chandry (deceased)
Prince Gerard Saint Clair
Seneschal William Harkness
Seneschal Cameron Fagan
Harpy TJ Blackthorne
Harpy Pierrot Francon
Keeper Adan Castillo
Primogen Lysandra Martin
Rishi Massoud
Lilyan Townsend
Michael Sutherland


Liz Blacklock of Scranton (former Keeper)


Elaine Renaud (deceased)




Jared Paul Lincoln

Character Inspirations

Inara Serra from Firefly
Research about Placage in New Orleans
The White Queen from Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland



"They are having you do things so that they may sit back and enjoy how silly you are, how "innocent" you are and wallow in what they have lost and can never again posses. Their ultimate goal, I assure you, it to stand back and watch that innocence and youth be crushed under foot by those monsters of the night that you will accidentally offend. They want to enjoy your innocence for a time, and then relish the process through which it is stripped away." - Prince William Dunstin, S. J.

"You have a remarkable talent for the game. Honesty is hard to come by and well, someone who one can laugh with, play the games of court with, lie to, hold three conversations at once with and still know they can be honest .... that is, well I guess it is a dream, isnt it? You will be great at it some day." - Marquis Deckard Stevens

"I know talent when I come upon it. One day, you'll see that I was right." - Archon Aetius

"Your situation is, I think, one of being coveted far too much and having far too little in the way of power of your own to defend yourself. You are a treasure and a work of art. Your entire way of being is a part OF your art, but you are more than just the art itself. You are intoxicating." - Prince Rook

"At this point, all I know is that you speak Creole, possess both a smile and eyes that hint at secrets, and that you possess a wit like the wind-its effects are unseen until they are felt." - An Admirer


Zoe is not as innocent as she seems, and is haunted by victims of some past crime.
Zoe was a concubine in her mortal years, and is less than virtuous in unlife.
Zoe is a practitioner of voodoo; her appearance has been altered to hide a dark secret.
Zoe has an entire gallery filled with gifts given to her from various Kindred seeking her favor.
Zoe also has a scrapbook of melodramatic love letters written by various Kindred.
Zoe's stance at Prince Kelly's Conclave was rather controversial.
The Sabbat want to kill Zoe because she dresses better than they do.