Razi Massoud

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Clan Child of Haqim
Position None
Status 1
Domain Twin Cities, MN
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player Lin McP



Vague character reference... player pic to come soon!

Alias(es): Razi

Real Name: Nice try...

Apparent Age: very early 20's

Concept: Keeper of the Masquerade/Priest on the Battlefield

Physical description: Razi looks like a shorter, athletically-curvy woman with dark auburn hair and grey eyes. Going on appearance, she's a mix between Spanish, North African/Arabic, and Eastern European, but her accent is decidedly Turkish. Her taste in clothing is cosmopolitan but demure.

Appearance: 3 (Magnetic x3)

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Prince Mustafa of Istanbul, Turkey

(CoH Only: Student sister of Dragons)

Character Information

Quiet and curious, Razi is almost never without a small notebook and her string of glass prayer beads, which see several dozen turns over the course of any gather night. When such has come up in conversation, she states she is trained as a Rabba and is willing to speak with whomever needs her services. However, she prefers to listen to the conversation than be the focus of it.

When at gathering, she actively tries to be helpful in whatever situation she finds herself in- be it finding a Primogen for a visitor, helping calm down a scared ghoul, pointing out interesting news articles worth checking out, or providing information on topics of discussion. In less-than-friendly situations, she acts protective of those around her, doing her best to get non-combatants out of dangerous areas and end confrontations as quickly and amicably as possible.

Known History

Razi moved to the Twin Cities a couple months ago from Istanbul. She has been seen most notably in the company of other Children of Haqim, such as Prince Morgan Wynn Howell and clanmates from the Winona and La Crosse domains. Lately, however, she's been seen working more closely with a few Toreador on domain security concerns, after she was attacked while continuing with an ongoing investigation.


...that's another word for closet, yes?


Children of Haqim (by no means an exhaustive list):
Prince Morgan Wynn Howell
Prince Saif Al Din
Primogen Felix Alabastor
Alex Gray
Samuel Draco
Archon Takashi
Archon Al-Jhavad
Archon Rishi Massoud
Primogen Reva Massoud
Olivia Reed Brannon

A few others she gets along reasonably well with:
Primogen Sylphain Delille (Toreador)
Whip Maeve Cahill (Toreador)
James Carlson (Toreador)
Primogen Tiago Rangel (Brujah)
Whip Lillian McCoy (Brujah)
Daja (Brujah)
Scourge Alexei Semago (Brujah)
Harpy Rachel Violet Eiken (Ventrue)
Keeper Nekoj Kustic (Ventrue)
Sheriff Joseph Hanover (Ventrue)


None that she really knows of, although she's understandably watchful of the Tremere.

The Massoud Family

Rohan Massoud

Rishi Massoud, Archon to the Ventrue Justicar Lucinde



Other Family Members:
Rishi's Broodmates:
Reva Massoud and Nadja Vadoma Lovel

Reva's Childer:
Rani Massoud

Character Inspirations

[As a player, I like to put up plenty of stuff so that other people might come across something they can use ;) ]

  • Gulseren, my Research Methods professor from Turkey
  • My good friend Wren, who's Jewish and Puerto Rican: "...both at the same time."
    • In LARP terms, Wren's like a real-life Zio!, but as a straight woman with less glitter. I kid you not.
  • Delenn, G'Kar, Lyta Alexander, and the Rangers from Babylon 5
  • Tex, Church and Grif from Red vs. Blue
  • The Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  • Billy Covington from Air America (we've come to the conclusion that Rishi is Gene Ryack)
  • Spike Spiegel and Ed from Cowboy Bebop and Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Knockin' on Heaven's Door)
  • Samurai Champloo
  • Door and Hunter from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere
  • Jewish Folktales; selected and retold by Pinhas Sadeh
  • Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural; selected and retold by Howard Schwartz, Illustrated by Uri Shulevitz
  • The abundance of cultural tidbits and folk music I've picked up on over the years
  • That darned military upbringing of mine...
  • My personal interests in history, religion, spirituality, environmental studies, and politics


The Seatbelts- MUSAWE (feat. Hassan Bohmide)
Jimi Hendrix- All Along the Watchtower
The Replacements- Can't Hardly Wait [Demo Version]
The Rolling Stones- Gimme Shelter
ZZ Top- La Grange
Allman Brothers- Jessica
Janis Joplin- A Woman Left Lonely
Led Zeppelin- Kashmir
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers- Learning to Fly
Everclear- Sunflowers
Green Day- 21 Guns
Incubus- Wish You Were Here
Moby- Extreme Ways
Lauryn Hill- Everything is Everything
Tupac Shakur- Changes
Asian Kung-Fu Generation- Blue Train
Stance Punks- No Boy No Cry
NOFX- We Threw Gasoline on the Fire and Now We
Have Stumps for Arms and No Eyebrows
Gogol Bordello- My Companjera
Linkin Park- Waiting for the End


From the Inside Out:
Collective Soul- Run
The Guess Who- Hand Me Down World
The Velvet Underground- Who Loves the Sun
Lily Allen- Not Fair
Breaking Benjamin- What Lies Beneath
Seether- Master of Disaster
Victor Borge and Sahan Arzruni- (Liszt) Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2
The Seatbelts- Memory
Pink Floyd- On the Turning Away

Yoko Kanno- Smile
Stephen Malinowski- (Debussy) Arabesque no. 1
Lemon Jelly- A Tune for Jack
Nujabes- Silver Morning
The Seatbelts- Fingers
Garmarna- Paso
The Seatbelts- Wo Qui Non Coin (feat. Aoi Tada)
Lemon Jelly- Nice Weather for Ducks
The Seatbelts- 3.14 (feat. Aoi Tada)
The Seatbelts- Green Bird (feat. Gabriela Robin)


"Forgive me, my English is not quite recovered."

"Why don't you let me drive? My car is much less... noticeable, yes." - said to some clanmates about to go "patrolling" in a bright yellow, pimped-out Hummer

"How may I help?"

"Perhaps a joke would help you cheer up: two rabbis walk into a deli, one turns to the other and says, 'hey, did ya hear the one about us?'" -said to a nervous ghoul at gather

"...wait, so the glittery one used to be Prince?" -on first learning about then-Archon Zio! during his last visit to the Twin Cities

Mrs. Priscilla Howell: "So Digger, what task did you give the Children of Haqim to do?"
Seneschal Digger: "Oh... I didn't give them one..."
Priscilla: "Why not?"
Digger: "Well, they're not exactly... um, they don't..."
Razi, smiling: "It's alright Seneschal, you may say whatever is on your mind- I promise I will not be offended."

(CoH Only) "The exchange of knowledge is itself a shield against our enemies in times like this."

Prince Berith: "... and that stuff's just the beginning of all the crap we've got to deal with."
Razi: "Things that would require the 'patience of Job.'"
Berith: "Oh, don't get me started on that guy!"

"Who's Horace?" -said to Primogen Sylphain Delille


  • (CoH only) She's not only an actual Rabba, but a Soferet (Jewish ritual scribe) as well.
  • Harpy Eiken likes her because of her Sire.
  • She's a seer and an oracle.
  • Razi talks in Yiddish when she's having a bad day.
  • She follows Felix Alabastor around wherever he goes in the Twin Cities. Either she really likes him or Felix knows she can clean up his messes for him.
  • She doesn't get the whole "Assamites are all Muslim" thing.
  • Oh yeah, she's Rishi's kid alright... she just needs something to trigger his kind of crazy.
  • Is a tee-totalling, holier-than-thou, goodie-two-shoes. Or maybe she just hasn't tried the dark side's cookies yet.
  • Razi and Jacob Nazarene really need to meet each other. It will either be awesome or some piece of reality will spontaneously disappear.
  • Razi doesn't use Kalif, ever- she thinks Felix smokes enough for the both of them.
  • Definitely prefers ninjas to pirates.