Giordanno Donati di Medici, PhD

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Clan Ventrue
Position Prince
Status 8: 4+4
Domain Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Coterie None
Society None
Path Humanity 00
Player Priore



Doctor, Medici.

Real Name: Giordanno Donati di Medici.

Apparent Age: 40.

Concept: Scientist Researcher.

Physical description: Giordanno has the classic appearance of a Roman Renaissance. Wide and strong, curious and smiling eyes. It has 1.70 meters and about 90 kilos. He usually wears dark hair, Blue eyes, that is too short or shaved. He wears social clothes or scientific uniforms. Giordano Donati di Medici is a man of Italian roots, with a slight accent and a face that exudes charisma A light smile and a diplomatic air of a well-traveled person. It brings with it a calm, welcoming and advising presence.

Notable Merits: Born Leader, Powerful Gaze, Steadfast, Powerful Aura, Noble Demeanor, Friendly Face.

Charisma 12
Fame x5 - Biotechnology Investor and Researcher.


Prince of Nova Enoch, RJ, Brazil

  • Acknowledged
  • Loyal
  • Articulated
  • Well-Conected
  • Exalted
  • Famous
  • Well-Known
  • Distinguished

    Known History

    Little is known about Medici's history before the mid-1980s, where he stood out in the European Camarilla for reporting on infiltrators and investigating Sabbat niches. He is extremely loyal, being personally awarded this Prestige by Cardinal Fabrizzio Ulfila, a notorious member of Europe and predecessor of his Lineage. He came to Brazil at the end of 2019, at the invitation of his Master Lady Giuliana di Medici; and, strangely, never found it after stepping on Brazilian soil in early May 2020. He is a member of a great lineage and is fond of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the sciences. He is a researcher in the medical and biological fields, as well as a major investor in Biotechnology, where he made his fortune and fame. He is extremely cultured and naturally calm. In 2020 he became the firstborn of Viana, in the region of Grande Vitória and created a company called Biotech in the region of Viana, Grande Vitória do Espírito Santo, where he started studies related to members and other beings. Some international activities related to his name are known in this field of research. Giordanno di Medici is a born mediator and excellent master of ceremonies, a fact that ended up culminating in his election to the position of Master of the Harpies of the Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo, in 2021. In early 2022, a project began to retake Rio de Janeiro to return the City of Wonders to the Camarilla's arms. In August, the execution against Hunters and other creatures took place, fortunately successfully conquered. Finally, supported by several Kindred and Elders, he gave Praxis and was established as Prince of Rio de Janeiro.




  • Arthur Rocha, Harpy, Joinville, SC, Brazil.
  • Åse Odinsdottir, Primogen Ventrue, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
  • Barão Alencastro, Prince, Natal and Forth North, RN, Brazil.
  • Cleo Selfridge, Member, Alto Tietê, SP, Brazil.
  • Corkie Pelligrino, Harpy, Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil.
  • Cormia Aghony, Harpy, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
  • Crixus Craven Stavros, Member, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil.
  • Dijian, Emissary, Grande Vitória, ES, Brazil.
  • Dom Leocádio de Avis, Advocate of Hague Society, Primogen, Brasília, DF, Brazil.
  • Erdota Urmen de Corazon //Missing.
  • Evelyn Landrake, Prince, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • Gabrielle la Touche Deppailler, Consul Kuei Jin, Parahyba,Brazil.
  • Gary Kowaleski, Fury, Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil.
  • Jean-Luck Matado, Harpy, Natal and Forth North, RN, Brazil.
  • Jervis Strange, Primogen Malkavian, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil.
  • Julian Santorini, Member, Vale do Itajaí, SC, Brazil.
  • Lorena Novaz, Harpy, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
  • Luna Winterfeld Mendoza, Harpy, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
  • Philip Pendragon, Sovereign Prince, Grande Vitória, ES, Brazil.
  • Raul Della Vega, Seneschal, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
  • Raul Martinez de Avís, Archon of Ventrue Office, Grande Vitória, ES, Brazil.
  • Sheila O'Sullivan, Member, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil.
  • Sko-Ello, Member, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil.
  • Viktor Romanov, Harpy, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil.




  • Lady Giuliana di Medici, Founder Elder, Grande Vitória, ES, Brazil.


  • Don Alcibiades Gobbo di Medici, Primogen Ventrue, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
  • Pietro Dopamine di Medici, Colonel, Sheriff, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
  • Edoardo Antonio Matarazzo di Medici, Primogen Ventrue, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.


    Ricco Bórgia.

    Character Inspirations

  • Don Corleone, The Godfather.
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
  • Detective Hercule Poirot.




  • "Come... Tell me about your problems?"

