David Blanchett

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Clan Toreador
Position Primogen
Status 5+1
Domain Atlanta, GA
Coterie I'm not in a coterie.
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 00
Player Roddy



Davy and Sybil together soon after their wedding, a perfect picture of Kindred bliss.

Alias(es): Davy, Lips

Real Name: David Blanchett

Apparent Age: Early 30s

Concept: Southern Saxophonist/Composer of Things That Should Not Be

Physical description: Davy is just below average height, swarthy with a perpetual smirk. His attire started out as jeans and button-up shirt with an M&M tie (the blue one, playing the sax). Now he's almost always seen in a gray suit and black shirt, foregoing a tie.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Former Prince Alex Silverson of Birmingham, Alabama
  • Entertaining by Lilyanna Salvatore, now Seneschal of Middle Georgia
  • Well-Connected by Former Prince Leonard Flynn of St. Augustine, Florida
  • Influential by His Arbiter Eleganciae, Justicar Titus Petronius Niger
  • Steadfast by Prince Charles McMillan of Atlanta, Georgia
  • Revered as Primogen of Atlanta, Georgia

Toreador Prestige (Toreador Only):

  • Loyal
  • Devil's Bane on the Saxophone
  • Talented Composer
  • Talented Music Theorist
  • Fearless

Character Information

Known History

Davy hails from the great state of Alabama, which anyone with ears to hear will be aware of within moments of meeting him. His "rural" accent and mannerisms are the butt of many jokes, most told by Davy himself. While it's rare these nights to hear at gather, Davy is most famous for his skills on the saxophone. He plays for Princes, Archons, countless luminaries of the Camarilla, and if rumors are to be believed, other supernaturals as well.

Davy's worn a number of hats during his time in Atlanta, including Whip, Lesser Harpy, and Keeper.

Davy had a fairly public feud with the Brujah of Atlanta, culminating in an Elysium debate between himself, Harpy (at the time) Victor Creed, and Victor's broodmate, former Archon Jon Sebastian, on the nature of Elysium and whether or not powers of the blood could be used there. Years of practicing the sax instead of speeches hindered Davy (to say nothing of the severe status-gap), and he was soundly defeated. He spent the rest of his time as Keeper a shell of his former vibrant self, growing a chip on his shoulder towards the Brujah that many insist he still carries.

Davy's time as Keeper ended after the 2009 Atlanta Gala, when he was publicly stripped of status for inadequate event preparations. Davy did not play politics. He focused instead on his music, going back to his roots as an affable good old boy. It seemed to pay off; after almost a year in the political wilderness, Davy rose to become Primogen of his clan in Atlanta after Lilyanna moved to join the court of Middle Georgia. He holds the seat to this night.

In his time as Primogen, the Year of Fire came and went. Davy spent time both in the background on on the front lines combating the threat, but he is not convinced that the threat is over, or that the obvious tactics of Moloch were the actual plans of Hell. He's taken to traveling to sites where reality is "thin or broken," taking notes, then leaving as quickly and unceremoniously as he arrives. While in Atlanta, however, he's still Davy. He is still signed with Otherwise Media, and has recently stepped into the role of producer. In addition, he is the driving force behind a charity that has not only kept music in Atlanta public schools, but started a new school for musical prodigies.

Of late, Davy's fallen into a darker demeanor. His smiles never really reach his eyes and people whisper that Davy has gone mad, infernal, or both. Be it publicly auctioning off "Johnny's Fiddle" in Savannah, dropping certain unwholesome references into his conversations, or "threatening" to play (to the visible concern of the Toreador present), he's made it clear that he's not playing around any more. Whatever game he's gotten into, Davy plays for keeps.


The happy couple.

I'm not in a coterie.

That said, Davy is happily married to Sybil Chandler of Baton Rouge.




Not publicly known.


Davy has no publicly known childer.


If Davy has any broodmates, no one knows about them.

Character Inspirations


An artistic interpretation of Davy, courtesy of J. Saltarella


  • "Bullshit!" - Davy, more times than he can count
  • "I speak proper English, not this strange dialect you seem to have picked up!" - Rachel Dubhan, to Davy
  • "Hang 'em all." - Davy, when asked about infernalists (such as Wayne Brady)
  • "When one is truly dedicated to their art, all else pales in comparison. That is the essence of Clan Toreador." - Davy, to Prince Charles McMillan
  • "Patterns of wind and water, falling from darkness but not into the light." - Davy, context unknown
  • "Davy, do you play with your food?" - asked of Davy as he toyed with a neonate in Elysium
  • "Nuance. Complication. Truth with a capital 'T.'" - Davy, on Humanity, to a very bestial Harley Draven
  • "Blanchett? He's a snake in the grass...but I think he's on our side." Zack Burke


Something very much like this, indeed.
  • Davy faced the Devil in a musical duel...and won.
    • Davy is an infernalist. It turns out that duels don't always end like they do in songs.
  • Some feel that Davy is completely out for himself, and doesn't care about his Clan.
  • Loves to talk about himself, and then his music. Ask him about the Christmas album he plans on making this year.
  • Davy knows Necromancy, taught to him by the Baron Samedi, to whom he was introduced by Simon Random. That's how he finally got rid of the ghostly children that tailed him at Elysium...unless they were already bound to him, that is.
  • Davy started a riot to rescue a mortal reporter he has been dating. He burned the city again while fighting a musical demon. Moral of the story: don't involve Davy if you don't want the city to burn.
    • Someone needs morality lessons. Davy led two neonates to steal cop cars, start shootouts, and kill random mortals. No one can puzzle out why.
      • Atlanta is practically rioting. The only calm area in the city: Davy's feeding grounds.
  • Using Telepathy on Davy is inadvisable. His music dominates his thoughts, as it would dominate the mind of any to hear it in such a pure way.
    • Using Telepathy on Davy is inadvisable simply because he's crazy. You don't want that to rub off on you.
      • Davy's not "simply" crazy. He's gone utterly mad.
  • While most Kindred have issues visiting the Fox Theater, Davy can attend shows there without being harassed.
  • Davy was trapped in another dimension.
    • It wasn't another dimension, it was an Elder Malkavian's mind.
      • The after-effects have been "interesting."
  • Is now happily married to a Tremere.
    • He still very publicly has several mistresses around the globe. Wonder how the women feel about each other?