Petra Grunwald-Cole

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Clan Toreador
Position Primogen
Status 2+1
Domain Atlanta, GA
Coterie Glasswalkers
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player J. Clark[1]





Real Name: Petra Grunwald-Cole

Apparent Age: Late 20's

Concept: Reluctant Politician

Physical description: Rather tall with a stern posture when she is in work mode. Dark hair and skin

Detailed Status:

Revered as Primogen of Clan Toreador of Atlanta, Georgia

Resourceful by Sovereign Prince Charles McMillan of Atlanta, Georgia

Acknowledged by former Prince Julius Cole

Character Information

  • OOC: Most likely to respond to IC e-mails M-F from 9am-6pm EST.

Known History

A rising star in Germany's culinary world, Petra's passion caught the attention of her sire upon first meeting. That or the assault on her sous-chef during competition may have done it. Whatever the rationale or logic, her 'lie, steal, cheat, kill or die' attitude for perfecting her art led her into the arms of Clan Toreador.

After making her way to America post embrace, she devoured every lesson Julius had to offer. She even found herself a student of Julius' spouse, Lucas Grunwald in combat tactics. It has been suggested she inherited both his and Julius' disdain for stupidity. After his death Petra kept her name hyphenated in his memory. After his death, and the passing of her broodmate Aegis Cole she was thrown into a deep state of mourning with her sire.

After her sire stepped down from her position as Prince Petra began considering a change of scenery for herself. She allegedly rolled out a large map of the united states and threw a dart to determine where she would be moving. However it would seem she never lost her taste for travel or wanderlust.

The Toreador has also made quite a splash in the domain of her broodmate Zackary Cole while visiting with her family. She was also spotted out in public dancing with Prince Luther Rommell.

She has recently come to be the caretaker of Dr. Ion, a scientifically gifted ghoul whose vivid imagination for innovation matches her thirst for culinary discovery. She is incredibly protective of him and his time, and is known to charge for it if she feels it will take him away from the projects she has designated him to.

After a trip to Columbus, Ohio and an extended conversation with their Keeper, she was struck with inspiration, sending the domain 7 Yoshino Cherry Trees as a token of affection. She would return again a year later to check up on her new found friends.

Her most recent travels have landed her in Baltimore, Maryland. She left the weekend with a Boon from a Prince, gifts from a suitor, and a shorter temper for a certain Tremere.

She has recently taken the Primogen seat of Atlanta, Georgia, a reputedly cursed spot for Toreador after David Blanchett vacated the position, as well as existence.




Holocaust Deniers


Julius Cole


Adam Cole

Hunter Cole


Olivia Kennedy Cole

Aegis Cole (deceased)

Zackary Cole

Alexander "Lex" Ryley-Cole

Ian Cole (deceased)

Character Inspirations

Quindim Buongiovanni-CHEW Comic Book

Gorden Ramsey

Hannibal Lector

The Scarlet Pimpernel


30 Minute Love Affair - Paloma Faith

Budapest - George Ezra

The Mating Game - Bitter Sweet

Just Dance - Lady Gaga

Uptown Funk - Mark Robinson, Bruno Mars

Lets Get It Started - The Black Eyed Peas


"*silent gesture, points at ear*"

"You cannot hide from me."

"As the most boring person at the table, it is now your responsibility to give us a topic of interest. See this way you can sit back quietly while the rest of us talk. Brilliant, yes?"

"Better to be a bitch than a weak Prince's cunt."

'Simply be flawless as usual, and you have nothing to worry about. If you get vexed? Well, then outshine your vexer, and get even later.'

"I am robbed of your wit I enjoyed in Ravenna."

"Performance art?"

"Here, I will teach you the German swears!"

Elder: Now you speak English. Other than being Nazi? Non.

Petra: Nein, I am not part of a defunct class of bigots. I have a question for you, how do you say, 'I surrender' in French? Or do you say it in German?

"-if you want what you cannot have then you will always have disappointment. Be like me, want what you have, then make others want you. Denial of others is sweeter than denial of self."

"Next time you wear the pants and pay for things, I already pay for limo!"

"I find better, that more interest comes from seeing, and listening, than person prattling aimlessly."

"Ms. Grunwald-Cole is an interesting individual...and persistent." - Jennica Sparrow


  • Once literally talked a kindred into gaining humanity.
  • Was given status for looking fabulous in 4 inch heels.
  • Is an acclaimed Nazi hunter, actively seeking the last of the surviving members of the third Reich.
  • Bad things have a tendency of happening to the men who stand up her dates.
  • Always has a date before gather.
    • Incidentally she is always late to gather.
  • Is fond of giving gifts and presents, almost as much as she enjoys receiving them.
    • Will be gravely insulted if they are snubbed.
  • All of her suitors have a habit of ending up in unfortunate accidents or situations.
  • Doesn't actually live anywhere, just wanders.
  • Is actually a Gangrel.
  • Doesn't actually hate Nazis, just Holocaust deniers.
  • Bit her thumb at the Brujah Primogen of Columbus, Ohio.
  • Can't speak or understand English.
  • Has never sat through an entire clan meeting.
    • This is actually part of an elaborate Performance Art piece that has been ongoing for years.
  • Her prized possession is a piece of red sea glass given to her by Rishi Massoud
  • Escorted the former Prince of Athens throughout Savannah while rocking out to Avenged Sevenfold. Had no idea who he was.
  • Flustered the former Lady Prince of Athens by teasing her about a possible romantic interest.
  • It was not a tease, Petra appears to have become a Jennica Sparrow fan girl.
  • Petra thinks it's attractive when Jennica Sparrow is displeased.
  • She rocks a black corset vest while fighting monsters.
  • Her true art form is creating elaborate and amusing rumors to spread about other Kindred.