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*''Well-Connected'' by Justicar [[Manuela Cardoso]]<br>
*''Well-Connected'' by Justicar [[Manuela Cardoso]]<br>
*''Relentless'' by Prince [[Remi Pompeii]] Magnus of Carthage.<br>
*''Relentless'' by Prince [[Remi Pompeii]] Magnus of Carthage.<br>
*''Insightful'' by Prince [[Jason Wilkes]] of the Western Shores
*''Dignified'' as a Dignitary of the Camarilla.<br>
*''Dignified'' as a Dignitary of the Camarilla.<br>
*''August'' as a Luminary of the Camarilla.<br>
*''August'' as a Luminary of the Camarilla.<br>

Revision as of 20:28, 29 July 2024

Clan Brujah
Status 4+2
Domain Central Florida
Coterie None
Society ???
Path Humanity 000
Player Caity


Lena at Midwinter 2013 after her Conclave

Alias(es): Former Archon Dido, Princess, Calamity Jane, Lil, Psyche, and Lena the Barbarian

Real Name: Lilian-Evelyn Nanette Ashbury

Apparent Age: 18

Concept: Shieldmaiden

Physical description:Lena! is 5'3" tall, she's wiry and athletically built. She has dark red hair with blue-green eyes and freckles that cover her entire face. Easily mistaken for a human (Blush of Health) and is known to make good first impressions (Friendly Face) Appearance x5 (Magnetic x4, Alluring x1)

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by (former) Prince Chester Black of Twin Cities
  • Faithful by Paul Walker
  • Well-Connected by Justicar Manuela Cardoso
  • Relentless by Prince Remi Pompeii Magnus of Carthage.
  • Insightful by Prince Jason Wilkes of the Western Shores
  • Dignified as a Dignitary of the Camarilla.
  • August as a Luminary of the Camarilla.

Character Information

Like the Phoenix, she rises...

Known History

Came to Iowa in August 2008 as an Anarch.
In Autumn 2008 was sold to Police Hunters by a group of Anarchs and was saved, in the name of the Masquerade, by members of the Camarilla.
In January 2009 was taken under the accounting of Zio!.
In March 2009 received her Acknowledgement from then Prince John Ragner.
Shortly after gaining her Acknowledgement, she lost her Acknowledgement for refusal to deny Chester Black's praxis, which offended Sara Durward.
Was then taken under Chester Black's Accounting for several months.
Received her second Acknowledgement from then Prince Chester Black of the Twin Cities in Autumn 2009.
Joined Team Fail in 2009.
Gained and lost standing over several years. Served as Deputy Sheriff in Blackhawk County, Keeper of Elysium in Blackhawk County for one night, Harpy of Cedar Rapids, Sheriff of Cedar Rapids during this time.
Declared Praxis of Cedar Rapids, Iowa on the evening of June 3rd, 2011
Shortly after that was Temporary Seneschal in Iowa City for one night.
Worked closely with her clan, the Camarilla, and others during the Year of Fire.
Was Conclaved and removed from Praxis on January 18, 2013
Was made Primogen in Iowa City, IA on May 4th, 2013.
Grew her eyes back on January 16, 2014.
Resigned from Primogen of Iowa City, IA on April 24th, 2014
Named Servire to Archon Ophelia Summer 2014
Named Archon to His Arbiter Eleganciae, Justicar Titus Petronius Niger March 8, 2015
Released from service as an Archon to Justicar Titus Petronius Niger March 14, 2023
Named Facilitator for Clan Brujah by Justicar Manuela Cardoso July 1, 2023
Resigned from her position as Facilitator in November, 2023
Reportedly died under unknown circumstances at the grand gathering in Milwaukee, WI in 2024.
Survived her own destruction under a new name, known as Psyche.
Relieved herself of three personal standing as a result of her "rebirth" within the Camarilla.


Team Fail/Freeman (Disbanded)








Anthony "Tony!" Black (Adopted & Deceased)
Clyde Bershire (Adopted)


Fiona "Fifi!" LeStrange (adoptive & deceased)
Zoey! (adopted & deceased)
Foxxxy! (adoptive & missing)

Character Inspirations

MacKayla Lane from Karen Marie Moning's Fever Series
Bryce Quinlan - Crescent City
Margo Hanson - The Magicians



"Let's be serious here Chet, you didn't want a Childe, you wanted a Princess you could lock up in a tower. And last I checked, little birds didn't fly into my haven and braid my fucking hair for me." Lena!'s comments to Chester Black a few months after she left his accounting.

"...Besides, they (Meaning Team Fail) didn't come here for me, they came here for you." - Ted Freeman's last words before he gave his life saving Lena!'s in Twin Cities.

"My earlier question having been answered, I would remind kindred that animals are more dangerous when they are wounded." -Augustine St. Just

"Justicar Streck blinded her...but not with science...I'm guessing with a pencil." -Murray

"I was just a child standing in the desert with a butterfly net and he was the oncoming storm. Nobody can harness a tempest, I understand that now." - Lena

"We always shared that void, the burden of dead loved ones. I always thought you were better than that, stronger than me. Don't look back, keep your eyes on the horizon. I will be with the ghosts, we have nothing for you... Death is unavoidable, life must be fought for." - Part of Pinky Wheeler's last letter to Lena

"I won't say his name, saying it means he'll be remembered. He told me once I'd die alone and forgotten, but I'm still alive and he isn't. So there's that." - Lena

"I need to see a man about a horse." - Lena

"I think I prefer you like this." - Justicar Petronius
"Out of the dress and corset and in something more comfortable?" - Lena
"No no, your demeanor. I have no interest in you being somebody else. We want you for who you are." - Justicar Petronius

"Inspiration is the Death of Stagnation." - Lena


  • Her eyes change color when she's about to frenzy
  • Helped her sire kill a Balrog.
  • Was one of the people involved in the praxis seizure against former Prince John Ragner
  • Buried Zio!'s hatchet into Jaroslav Pascek's desk.
  • Was sent from the future to keep the Camarilla domains in Iowa from falling to the Sabbat.
  • Has been investigated by several Archons to multiple Justicars due to her behavioral issues.
    • This lead to a secret conclave in 2013
  • Her haven was destroyed by unknown assailants shortly after her conclave.
  • Has received numerous death threats since her conclave.
    • But has also had several allies come out of the woodwork to protect her.
  • Her status was definitely affected cause she kept it up like a lovesick crackhead.
  • Her former domain, Cedar Rapids, IA, has fallen into complete disarray and is now in the hands of the Anarchs.
    • Many believe this is a result of her no longer leading the domain.
      • It's a sore topic.
  • Formerly an Archon to Justicar Petronius and spent eight years in Rome.
  • Gained and lost Hospitality in the Domain of Cincinnati, OH within five minutes.
  • As likely to be seen around Assamites as she is around her own clan. Both clans have grown particularly protective of her.
  • Is a working for some Justicarial office.
    • but which one?
  • She clearly doesn't learn and seems to be entangling herself in yet another love affair, this time with a certain Assamite Harpy.
  • No one knows what a "Facilitator" is, but it's evocative. She probably just made it up to sound important.
  • Several Members of her clan seem to look to her as some kind of mother-figure. This is a wild divergence to the hot mess she was before she went to Rome.
  • Sacrificed her life to create a special bloodline of Brujah.
    • No, it was to try to permanently bring Paul Walker back to life.
      • She got rolled for being a mouthy bitch and someone made a deal to save her at the last moment.