Category:Domain:Middle Georgia

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Revision as of 00:51, 28 January 2011 by StH-001 (talk | contribs) (Elysia)
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Prince's Edicts


Macon, GA

  • The Hay House
  • The Douglass Theatre
  • St. Joseph's Cathedral
  • Rose Hill Cemetery
  • Middle Georgia Regional Library: Washington Memorial Library
  • Grand Opera House

Milledgeville, GA

  • Sacred Heart Catholic Church
  • The Campus Theatre
  • The Old Governor's Mansion
  • Memory Hill Cemetery
  • Andalusia Farm

City Rumors

  • A Lovecraftian squid monster lives in Lake Sinclair, just outside of Milledgeville
  • Catholic Churches in Milledgeville are very dangerous places
  • All the wraiths have been destroyed or driven into hiding by entities dubbed "harvesters" by skin-land mediums.
  • Ventrue who enter Middle Georgia are driven insane