Selene Lazarion

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Clan Tremere
Position Archon to Justicar Cock Robin
Status 6+2
Domain Memphis, Tennessee
Coterie Lazarion Brood and Valderath line
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Not Humanity ???
Player Jenn Bahrs



File:Selene Smiling.jpg
Selene Lazarion

Rumored Alias(es): Savannah Thendara, Savannah Daemos

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: late 20s

Concept: Corrupt Socialite

Physical description:
Selene is of average height, but a surreal beguiling beauty and attraction that matches her inhumanity and eerie presence. She moves with a vampiric grace of a creature comfortable in her Kindred state. She is most often seen at large social functions in a long and elegant evening gown, adorned with diamonds. Other times, simply formal black slacks and business clothes, with a slytherin scarf about her black wool coat.

[OOC: Eerie Presence]

Detailed Status:

Character Information

Selene has been deeply involved in Camarilla politics ever since she came mysteriously into the scene in 2001. It has been rumored that in the days before being an Archon, she would replace Princes on whims, and was responsible for placing many of the Princes she was Seneschal to in their positions. After a failed Praxis attempt with the help of her allies Xavier Murdoch, Michael Heartsblood, and Matty Evans, she turned to the Justicariate for political outlet, and became one of Ctarinov's more ruthless and political Archons. When Cock Robin became the new Nosferatu Justicar, he retained Selene Lazarion on staff, though she now seems to stay in Memphis with him.

A careful predator amongst the societal flock needs allies in all the right places to tow the line between useful and expendable, and she is known to be entrenched politically within the Sect, with rumors of extensive under-handed deals, off-the-books boons, blackmail, extortion, and underworld-like activity. It is likely that the witch weaves her thaumaturgy towards such ends.

She has a reputation for a bit of a shady past. It is rumored (through the Nosferatu leaking her background to the Sect) that her sire was the globally bloodhunted Arcades Daemos, and at one point had been an assassin for Arcades and Andrea Grimmwald. She is known for a notoriously intense hatred of Assamites, and treats Caitiff with contempt.

Selene has been involved in many of the major Sabbat fronts in New York and San Diego. She has also been known to go to small towns and hunt down full packs of their Sabbat herself out of boredom.

Known Political History

  • Seneschal of Prince Daniel Blackthorne, Toreador, Cincinnati, Ohio (August 27, 2001 – October 2001)
  • Seneschal of Prince Dean Famularo, Brujah, Columbus, Ohio (October 2001- January 2002)
  • Seneschal of Prince Abigale Willoughby, Gangrel, Columbus, Ohio (January 2002 – April 2002)
  • Seneschal of Prince Josh Swan, Tremere, Columbus, Ohio (April 2002 – February 2003)
  • Seneschal of Prince John Keats, Toreador, Columbus, Ohio (December 2002 - January 2003)
  • Seneschal of Prince Indigo, Nosferatu, Columbus, Ohio ( January 2003 – February 2003)
  • Harpy of Prince Indigo, Nosferatu, Columbus, Ohio (April 2003 – July 2003) (During her tenure as Harpy, she was the hostess to the Grand Elysia in Columbus, Ohio that year. [OOC: Origins])
  • Seneschal of Prince Indigo, Nosferatu, Columbus, Ohio (July 2003 – November 2003)
  • Prince of Columbus, Ohio (November 17, 2003 - March 2004)
  • Seneschal of Prince Xavier Murdoch, Gangrel, Indianapolis, IN (June 1, 2004 – September 11, 2004)
  • Archon in Training to Justicar Igor Illyovich Ctarinov, Nosferatu (September 30, 2004 - September 30, 2005)
  • Archon to Justicar Igor Illyovich Ctarinov, Nosferatu (September 30, 2005 - January 14, 2008)
  • Archon to Justicar Cock Robin, Nosferatu (January 14, 2008 - present)


Seems to affiliate with the Lazarion brood and the Valderath Line (Daemos, DeSylva, Grimmwalds). Selene also seems to be a part of an internal-clan group. (For Tremere only: House Validus.) Had alliances with members of the Colors and of the Dead Man's Hand.



Known Sire

Known Childer

Known Broodmates


  • Selene is an obsessive thaumaturge that has created a great deal of deadly but secretive thaumaturgy, but none have lived to see its results.
  • A harsh mentor, she has no toleration of failure, and kills those that have proved unworthy - including her own childer.
  • Selene was part of a 'pack' with Michael Heartsblood, Xavier Murdoch, Jobe le Sainte, and Matty Evans... all of whom are now dead.
  • It is rumored that she may be a Tzimisce that's been infiltrating the Tremere.
  • When Selene was Prince of Columbus, she granted herself Amaranth and diablerized a Caitiff in front of the Court to prove a point of their denial of Hospitality.
  • When Selene kills someone a devil gets it's horns, and when Selene Lazarion coughs someone dies in California.
  • Selene is a rampant diablerist, but manages to extort Right of Amaranth over all she consumes.
  • A bucket of cold water will melt Selene Lazarion.
  • Selene Lazarion once tried to get into the Society of the Hague, but her heated lesbian love affair with Elizabeth York went south.
  • Selene's real sire may be someone more infamous than the globally bloodhunted Arcades Daemos.
  • Her true heart's location is inserted into the body of a small child that she watches over as a ward.
  • Selene only feeds on pre-natal blood.
  • Selene is infernal and practices dark thaumaturgy... but she has a soul.
  • She has a talking monkey, a flying cat, and a monster in the lake in her back yard that she swims with nude under the pale moonlight.
  • Xavier Murdoch and Selene Lazarion were lovers.
  • Selene has a bizarre addiction to a thaumaturgical concoction that she ritually brews.
  • Two of her childer have been diablerized by the Assamites, which has only enflamed her intense hatred of the Clan.
  • Selene Lazarion likes kittens, and her office in her Regent chambers looks like Dolores Umbridge's office.
  • The Ventrue once dressed Selene Lazarion up as a Slytherin schoolgirl as a prank, and Selene was so amused she wore it to her Clan meeting to piss them off.
  • Selene Lazarion is really on Humanity but makes herself out to be wickedly inhumane to seem scaaaaaaaary.
  • She actually arranged for the Daniel Book drop dead after she arranged for Daniel's death to give her public credit for the act.
  • Selene Lazarion has extra nipples as she was a wicked witch before she was embraced in the 1700's. She also tortured small animals as a child.
  • She has a good twin out there that was embraced as an Assamite which is why she hates the Assamites.
  • Selene Lazarion found a way to hide her Mark of the Betrayer and is actually of the line of Goratrix.
  • Selene is a dream witch and can walk into your dreams and kill you with the powers of a corrupted sand man.
  • Cock Robin punished Selene for Bolt's death, and made her take Saul Good as her partner as punishment.
  • Selene Lazarion practices Necromancy and keeps wraith slaves, but has a standing deal with the Giovanni.
  • She was affiliated with the Dead Man's Hand through her allies and worked for them on occasion.
  • Selene controlled Justicar Anastaz di ZeGreb and many of his missives were actually written by her.
  • Selene Lazarion is actually a man in a woman's possession suit.
  • Selene never strays far from home because she obsessively sleeps on a bed of angel wing feathers from her dead lover's corpse.
  • Selene killed her own childer and blamed it on the Assamites so she would have someone to blame for their deaths.
  • Selene's childe Dymas Lazarion was killed by the childe of Al-Ashrad.
  • Selene is the illegitimate child of British nobility and was never loved during her childhood, and sent to a nunnery, and that is why she is so cruel.
  • Selene Lazarion is part of an underground Kindred slave-trade ring.
  • Selene Lazarion helped catch and bring on the Tremere Anti-tribu Nikolai.
  • Selene executed Anna Nevermore, aka, Black Mariah.
  • Selene only embraces her childer from artists that she poaches from the Toreador, or the Toreador-antitribu.
  • Selene once diablerized a man in Reno just to watch him die.
  • Selene is the inspiration of Belletraix Lestrange, due to a use of Occult influence over author J.K. Rowling by other Tremere as a prank on her.