Evelyn Landrake

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Clan Toreador
Position Seneschal
Status 5 + 2
Domain Old Dominion (Northern Virginia)
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 00
Player Veronica Jensen



File:Evie Badge.jpg Evelyn's Character Picture Alias(es):

Evie, Evelyn Landrake Corenelli

Real Name:


Apparent Age:



Porcelain Doll

Physical description:

4'7", olive complected, ridiculously long dark brown hair and brown eyes. She has a slight build- that of a dancer. She speaks with an Italian accent.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by Prince Gaius Orsini of Orvieto, Italy.
Cherished by Ace Landrake (deceased, while he was Primogen in Baltimore)
Relentless by former Prince Jesse Clayborne, Philadelphia
Resolute by former Prince Michael Jameson of Baltimore
Striking by former Prince Jesse Clayborne of Philadelphia
Cherished as the Seneschal of Old Dominion
Esteemed as the Seneschal of Old Dominion

Character Information

Known History

Evelyn is a European embraced kindred from Italy. Her embrace was prior to the formation of the Camarilla, though the details of her sire and her embrace are not publicly known. While she shares the Landrake family line's progenitor, she does not hail from the same direct line of Gonovin, Ace and Lily Landrake, contrary to popular belief.

She is known to take her art forms seriously, having mastered dance first, followed by singing. In recent nights, she has become a crafter of jewelry, mastering metalsmithing, jewelry making and gem cutting and it has become the art that she is best known for, though there are others.

Evelyn came to the states in 2002, settling in Washington, D.C for a time before heading to Baltimore and serving as primogen. After a number of years there, she relocated to Philadelphia, serving as Keeper and then Sheriff for 2 years before moving to Northern Virginia in the fall of 2010 where she now serves Old Dominion as Seneschal.




Luther Rommell
Cassandra Sumner
Davy Blanchett
Mattias Roman
Harlen Miles
Verlic Marr
Victoria De La Noche


Almost everyone has an enemy...


Fabrizzio Landrake (deceased)




None known to her.

Character Inspirations

Elizabeth Lavenza Frankenstein, Frankenstein

Anne Elliot, Persuasion


The Kill (30 Seconds to Mars)
Passive (A Perfect Circle)
Beautiful Mess (Jason Mraz)


"Wait, what the fuck is a Tribble?" Evie to Harpy Tommy of DC.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! 'Get 'em Ray!' is NOT a plan!"

"I don't go to clubs any more... I don't like them and when I go, bad things always happen."

"Why do you assume that I would be acceptable bait for your plan?"

"How fantastic!... Note the sarcasm in my voice."


Evie is a Gangrel and not a Toreador.

Evie used to be shorter than she currently is.

Evie has been frequently used as bait for various purposes with mixed effects.

Evie lost the majority of her humanity in one night.

Evie has returned from having her Astral cord snapped more than once.

Evie embraced a kindred named Vermilion.

No matter how hard she tries, Evie cannot drive a car to save her life.