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|Domain= Fortaleza
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[[Image:LADSLAW_II.jpg|400px|right|(Mr. Ladslaw Marjorie)]]
Mister Ladslaw
'''Real Name:'''
[[Image:LADSLAW.jpg|300px|thumb|(Mr. Ladslaw Marjorie_Camarilla Chess by Alexandre Rodrigues)]]
It's not public knowledge.
[[Image:Ladslaw-Marjorie.png|300px|thumb|(Mr. Ladslaw Marjorie by Alexandre Rodrigues)]]
'''Apparent Age:'''
Mister Ladslaw
'''Real Name: '''
It's not a public knowledge
Não é conhecimento público
'''Physical description:'''
'''Apparent Age: '''
Ladslaw looks to be 34-38 years old, stands at 1.86m with broad shoulders. He is a very handsome man with a rigid and sculptural body. Ladslaw has attractive and remarkable features. He behaves in a very distinguished and honorable manner, being extremely polite and kind. His gait is fascinating and confident, while his blue eyes have a serene yet seductive gaze. He emits a mild, slightly sweet scent that whets the appetite, though it's only perceptible to those in close proximity. He typically dresses formally, preferring clothing from before the industrial revolution. His presentation is impeccable except for his unruly, tousled hair, and his blue eyes constantly seem to shift focus, analyzing everything.
'''Detailed Status:'''
Por volta dos 30
* Acknowledged by [[Rafael de Corazon]], former Prince of Paris;
* Loyal by [[Jan Andre Van Eyck]], former Prince of Brasília;
* Influential by [[Rafael Vila Real Tudor]], former Prince of São Paulo;
* Respected by [[Demitri Armorieri]], former Prince of Natal;
* Admired by [[Maris Streck]], Justicar Malkavian; 
'''Concept: '''
* Insightful as a member of E Division (Honorary Status);
* Dignified as a Dignitary member of the Camarilla;
* August as a Luminary member of the Camarilla;
<h2>Character Information</h2>
Ladslaw is quite patient and peaceful, always observant with his serene gaze. He greets everyone with a beautiful smile, being gentlemanly and honorable. Ladslaw always maintains eye contact during conversations. When others begin to raise their voices, he prefers to remain silent, seemingly anticipating the conflict. In moments of discussion and tension, he rarely engages in argument, even if personally offended.
'''Physical description:'''
Ladslaw follows a logical thought process that may be difficult for others to understand, but he respects and seeks to comprehend opposing viewpoints. Conflict is eschewed, as Ladslaw maintains emotional control and relies on his beliefs rather than instinct.
Height relatively above the average. Body robust and rigid. Black and smooth haired. White skin. Broad shoulders. Normally dresses socially. He prefers clothing that were made before the industrial revolution. His presentation is impeccable except for his unruly, touseled hair and his eyes constantly seem to shift focus and analyzing everything.  
He believes that every member of the Camarilla has potential to offer, regardless of status. Ladslaw's investigative methods are antiquated yet effective, and he selects cases carefully, often initiating the most successful investigations himself. In his free time, he aids the poor without seeking recognition or reward, believing in their potential even when they doubt themselves.
Pesa um pouco acima da média. Corpo robusto e rígido. Cabelos pretos e lisos. Pele branca. Ombros largos. Normalmente se veste socialmente. Ele prefere roupas que foram feitas antes da revolução industrial. A apresentação dele é impecável exceto pelo cabelo um pouco assanhado e por seus olhos constantemente analisando tudo.
==Known History==
'''Detailed Status: <br>'''<br>
[[Image:LADSLAW.jpg|400px|right|(Mr. Ladslaw Marjorie)]]
* Acknowledged by [[Ernesto Paes]] [January 15, 1690];
After being acknowledged by [[Rafael de Corazon]] as a member of the Camarilla in France, Ladslaw embarked on a pilgrimage. In the early 15th century, Ladslaw primarily integrated into mortal society, assisting in less significant cases and studying human behavior. This experience proved invaluable in his future roles as counselor and investigator for the Camarilla.
* Loyal by [[Antony Gardel]] former Prince of North Castle [March 20, 1890];
* Admired by [[Elvira da Lua]] Elder Malkavian (in memorian) of Pindamonhangaba [July 25, 2001];
* Honorable by [[Crian Lobos]] former Prince of Fortaleza  [September 12, 2003];
* Estimated by [[Lorraine Baudelaire]] former Prince of Fortaleza [December 12, 2012];
* Influential by [[Rafael Vila Real Tudor]] former Prince of São Paulo [June 9, 2013];
* Insightful as a member of E Division (Honorary Status) [March 30, 2017].  
* Revered as Malkavian primogen of Fortaleza.
* Prestigious Sire 
Ladslaw resided in various locations in France, notably on Mont Saint-Michel, where he lived among humans, earning a reputation as an educated and compassionate individual. He provided aid to the sick and wounded, beginning with spiritual healing and extending to physical treatment.
<h2>Character Information</h2>
Historical events, such as the Industrial Revolution, profoundly affected Ladslaw, witnessing humanity's destructive tendencies firsthand.
In the late 17th century, Ladslaw faced challenges during the abolition of slavery in Brazil, where Sabbat-led revolutions threatened Camarilla dominions. He collaborated with allies to craft life-saving strategies and maintain Camarilla territories.
Ladslaw is quite patient and peaceful, always observant and with his serene gaze. Greets everyone always with a humble smile, men a firm grip on hand and women always being gentleman and generous. Always look into the eyes of those who are talking. When people begin to raise their tone of voice, he prefers to remain silent as if he already knew this would happen. Moments of discussion and inconvenience among people, he would hardly enter into a discussion even if someone offends him.
Ladslaw's involvement in the foundation of Brasilia by his Sire, Jan Andre Van Eyck, exemplified his dedication to Camarilla causes. Despite facing challenges from immigrants and anarchists, Ladslaw contributed to the city's establishment.
Ladslaw follows a logical thought difficult for others to understand, but those who disagree with him, he respects and tries to understand each particular point of view. The idea of a conflict for him is always discarded by the experience of life and by having a great control of his emotions. He never lets himself be dominated by his instincts, but by what he believes.
* In 2001, Ladslaw coordinated the elimination of two Sabbat packs threatening São Paulo, leveraging alliances and strategic attacks.
Ladslaw believes that every member of the Camarilla has a potential to be exploited. Even members with low status have much to offer the Camarilla in his point of view. He is aware that he spends most of his time helping the poor people on the streets.  
* In 2002, Ladslaw investigated cults venerating the devil and their connections to corrupted werewolves, providing crucial evidence to Prince Sir Edward Iron Will.
Your work as a investigator is not common. That is why he does not accept every case. Usually the best cases solved by him were those he himself took liberty to initiate.
* In 2003, Ladslaw hunted down a creature named Herrera, responsible for kidnapping Camarilla members.
Ladslaw é bastante paciente e pacifico, sempre observador e com seu olhar sereno. Cumprimenta todos sempre com um humilde sorriso, homens um aperto firme de mão e as mulheres sempre sendo cavalheiro e generoso. Sempre olha nos olhos de quem esta conversando. Quando as pessoas começam a levantar seu tom de voz, ele prefere manter-se calado como se já soubesse que isso iria acontecer. Prever momentos de discussão e inconveniência, entre as pessoas, então dificilmente ele entraria numa discussão mesmo que alguém o ofenda.  
* In 2004, Ladslaw, alongside allies, defeated Herrera and expelled anarchists threatening an Elysium.
Ladslaw segue um pensamento lógico difícil dos demais compreenderem, mas aqueles que discordam dele, ele respeita e tenta entender cada ponto de vista em particular. A ideia de um conflito para ele é sempre descartada pela experiência de vida e por ter um grande controle de suas emoções. Ele não se deixa jamais dominar por seus instintos e sim pelo o que ele acredita.  
* In 2005, Ladslaw investigated spiritual manifestations across Brazilian cities, collaborating with allies to discern the cause.
Ladslaw acredita que todo membro da Camarilla tem um potencial a ser explorado. Mesmo os membros de pouco status tem muito a oferecer para a Camarilla na visão dele. É de conhecimento de que ele passa maior parte do seu tempo ajudando as pessoas mais necessitadas nas ruas.  
* In 2006, Ladslaw confronted the Leopold Society in Natal, working with the Sheriff to resolve the conflict.
O seu trabalho como investigador não é comum. Por isso ele não aceita todo caso. Geralmente os melhores casos solucionados por ele, foram aqueles que ele mesmo tomou liberdade de iniciar.
* In 2007, Ladslaw played a crucial role in defending the Imperial City against the technocracy, isolating the threat and neutralizing it.
* In 2008, Ladslaw initiated the hunt for Moebius, a prominent Sabbat figure.
==Known History==
* In 2009, Ladslaw, alongside allies, exposed and defeated Moebius in Joao Pessoa.
* In 2010, Ladslaw married Lorraine in Joao Pessoa, officiated by Maris Streck, and defended a Camarilla court in Florianopolis.
A few years later Ernesto Paes recognized Mr. Ladslaw as a Camarilla's member, Ladslaw returns for his pilgrimage. Ladslaw lived most of his life traveling from city to city in order to help the domains in some way, but in the beginning, in the early centuries, he devoted himself more to mortal society, trying to understand people's behavior and help them as He could in less important cases. Getting to know people's behavior, helped him in future jobs for the camarilla as counselor and investigator. Ladslaw's methods are old, antique, but efficient.
* In 2011, Ladslaw orchestrated strategies to eliminate infernalists across Brazil.
The late eighteenth century was a very difficult and troubled time. The abolition of slavery was a milestone that made Mr. Ladslaw happy, but he knew this could create problems for the Camarilla's domains. In 1889, the prince of Pindamonhangaba-SP summoned Ladslaw to help him and according to the prince, several revolutions began in the city. Revolutions that were harming the Camarilla because they were led by anarchists. The anarchists were taking advantage of the end of the slavery, to try to overturn the dominions of the Camarilla in some cities of Brazil. Mr. Ladslaw began to craft life-saving tactics. Throughout the year, Ladslaw worked together with other Camarilla members that so the Camarilla did not lose her background.
* In 2012, Ladslaw uncovered Sabbat infiltration in São Paulo, purging the city of their influence.
* In 2001, Ladslaw heard rumors and began to investigate there were two sabbat packs in route to the state of São Paulo. They were coming from Rio de Janeiro and had an interest in attacking the dominion of São Paulo. The idea of Ladslaw was to make a coordinated attack eliminating the forces of these two packs. Through alliances, Ladslaw gained valuable information from the refuge and route that would be used by packs. Ladslaw used a strategy first to separate the packs and then attack one of them. The main pack was eliminated and the second returned to Rio de Janeiro. A few months later, in contact with the Rio domain, Ladslaw and one other ally passed information from the second pack to the Camarilla, and the second pack was equally destroyed.
* In 2013, Ladslaw strengthened the Imperial City's defenses through discreet management and strategic coordination.
* In 2002, Ladslaw noticed something very strange and scary, cults of humans who admired the devil. This made him very intrigued and Mr. Ladslaw started an investigation. A few months later this investigation revealed these humans had contacts with corrupted werewolves. Ladslaw handed the old prince Crian Lobos, all the evidence of his investigations, which according to the prince, helped the Camarilla to take very promising initiatives against this enemy.
* In 2014, Ladslaw provided discreet assistance to various Camarilla offices and domains.
* In 2004, Anarchists begin to threaten to attack some Elysium, but alongside some allies, Ladslaw expels them from the city before they can do anything.
* In 2016, Ladslaw returned to Fortaleza to investigate a troubling atmosphere in the city.
* In 2007, Working with the collaboration of several members of the camarilla, among them, Joulitta Kleine, Demetrius, Don Alejandro and Ladslaw, they managed to save some primogens who were being attacked by the technocracy. But unfortunately Ladslaw was seriously injured and the one who saved his life was an elder of the Camarilla who kept him safe until the enemy was completely destroyed. This was the time when Ladslaw began to specialize and focus in certain subjects.
* In 2017, Ladslaw was tasked with dismantling the CORUS company and curing Gimli's disease in Ceará, amidst threats from Fog Creatures.
* In 2008, Ladslaw begins to hunt Moebius (Vasantasena's Childer).  
* In 2018, Ladslaw led a hunt against the Forgotten Creatures alongside allies.
* In 2009, Many problems occur in Joao Pessoa, but amid the chaos, Ladslaw manages to destroy Moebius who had a prestigious position on the Sabbat.
* In 2019, Ladslaw confronted a pack of corrupted werewolves, ultimately defeating them.
* In 2011, Infernalists were appearing everywhere and rumors of demons in various cities. It really seemed like the end of the world, it seemed that the fallen angel himself had come to earth. An Age of Chaos and Storm. Ladslaw in conciliation with several members orchestrated strategies to remove to eliminate the infernalistas of Brazil.
* In 2020, Ladslaw faced the challenges of the pandemic crisis, prioritizing aid to affected families.
* In 2013, Ladslaw is called to defend the city of São Paulo. Ladslaw discreetly manages various resources and members to defend the imperial city. Consequently its influence, contacts and strategy through well coordinated actions, the city became much stronger. Making the city of Sao Paulo once again inhabited by the Camarilla.
* In 2021, Ladslaw was directly involved in providing support to several domains facing issues with the Sabbat.
* In 2015, he has helped several Offices and Domains in discretion.  
* In 2022, Ladslaw found himself needing to dedicate time to his own renewal, particularly in reclaiming his ties to Humanity.
* In 2017, he was appointed to be the member that would disarticulate the company CORUS and cure the state of Ceará from Gimli's disease. The same year there were threats from ancient creatures called Fog Creatures.
* In 2023, Ladslaw embarked on a pilgrimage throughout Brazil, seeking to understand the needs of various principalities and contributing in the best way possible in each case.
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In alphabetical order:
* [[Casemiro Pezão]]
* [[Cassandra Montenegro]]
* [[Cockroft]]
* [[Enrique Sanchez Uchoa]]
* [[Erdota Urmen de Corazon]]
* [[Erdota Urmen de Corazon]]
* [[Joaquim Manoel Carneiro da Cunha]]
* [[Lorraine Baudelaire]]  
* [[Lorraine Baudelaire]]  
* [[Joaquim Manoel Carneiro da Cunha]]
* [[Luna Winterfeld Mendoza]]
* [[Marcio Arruda]]
* [[Peregrino de Carvalho]]
* [[Peregrino de Carvalho]]
Line 153: Line 177:
* [[Vinicius Vettra]]
* [[Vinicius Vettra]]
* [[Marcio Arruda]]
* [[Zack, the Jack]]
* [[Marcellus Renano]]
* [[Enrique Sanchez Uchoa]]
* [[Ariana Arpad]]
Who knows
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* [[Taulin Siegebreaker]] (in memory)
* Taulin Siegebreaker (Ladslaw's childer)
      Melissa (Taulin's childer)
      Dice    (Taulin's childer) 
* Dementador (Ladslaw's childer)
      Uriel (Dementador's childer)
* Granito (Ladslaw's childer)
      Winter (Granito's childer)
* [[Dementador]]
* Brenno (Ladslaw's childer)
      (Brenno had no childer publicly known)
* [[Granito]]
* Conde da Lua (Ladslaw's childer)
      Jesus da Lua (Conde da Lua's childer)
      Joana        (Conde da Lua's childer)
* [[Elvira da Lua]] (deceased)
* [[Zack, the Jack]]
==Character Inspirations==
==Character Inspirations==
* Oskar Schindler
* Ablon
Enigma - Sadeness
*[https://youtu.be/x4maoo4A3x4 Enigma - Sadeness]
*[https://youtu.be/Rk_sAHh9s08 Enigma - Return To Innocence]
Respect to be Respected
Respect to be Respected
I will not always know the right way. I may fall, but know that I will always persist.
Is Inconnu
Is he an Inconnu?
Is he an Angel?
If you are a loyal member of the Camarilla suffering from injustice and in need of help, he will be your best choice.
Some say he's a Loremaster.
He has trained several members to become archons.

Revision as of 18:30, 4 March 2024

Clan Malkavian
Status 8: 5+3
Domain Fortaleza, Brazil
Coterie None
Society E-Division
Path Humanity 00000
Player Mário Aguiar


(Mr. Ladslaw Marjorie)


Mister Ladslaw

Real Name:

It's not public knowledge.

Apparent Age:




Physical description:

Ladslaw looks to be 34-38 years old, stands at 1.86m with broad shoulders. He is a very handsome man with a rigid and sculptural body. Ladslaw has attractive and remarkable features. He behaves in a very distinguished and honorable manner, being extremely polite and kind. His gait is fascinating and confident, while his blue eyes have a serene yet seductive gaze. He emits a mild, slightly sweet scent that whets the appetite, though it's only perceptible to those in close proximity. He typically dresses formally, preferring clothing from before the industrial revolution. His presentation is impeccable except for his unruly, tousled hair, and his blue eyes constantly seem to shift focus, analyzing everything.

Detailed Status:

  • Insightful as a member of E Division (Honorary Status);
  • Dignified as a Dignitary member of the Camarilla;
  • August as a Luminary member of the Camarilla;

Character Information

Ladslaw is quite patient and peaceful, always observant with his serene gaze. He greets everyone with a beautiful smile, being gentlemanly and honorable. Ladslaw always maintains eye contact during conversations. When others begin to raise their voices, he prefers to remain silent, seemingly anticipating the conflict. In moments of discussion and tension, he rarely engages in argument, even if personally offended.

Ladslaw follows a logical thought process that may be difficult for others to understand, but he respects and seeks to comprehend opposing viewpoints. Conflict is eschewed, as Ladslaw maintains emotional control and relies on his beliefs rather than instinct.

He believes that every member of the Camarilla has potential to offer, regardless of status. Ladslaw's investigative methods are antiquated yet effective, and he selects cases carefully, often initiating the most successful investigations himself. In his free time, he aids the poor without seeking recognition or reward, believing in their potential even when they doubt themselves.

Known History

(Mr. Ladslaw Marjorie)

After being acknowledged by Rafael de Corazon as a member of the Camarilla in France, Ladslaw embarked on a pilgrimage. In the early 15th century, Ladslaw primarily integrated into mortal society, assisting in less significant cases and studying human behavior. This experience proved invaluable in his future roles as counselor and investigator for the Camarilla.

Ladslaw resided in various locations in France, notably on Mont Saint-Michel, where he lived among humans, earning a reputation as an educated and compassionate individual. He provided aid to the sick and wounded, beginning with spiritual healing and extending to physical treatment.

Historical events, such as the Industrial Revolution, profoundly affected Ladslaw, witnessing humanity's destructive tendencies firsthand.

In the late 17th century, Ladslaw faced challenges during the abolition of slavery in Brazil, where Sabbat-led revolutions threatened Camarilla dominions. He collaborated with allies to craft life-saving strategies and maintain Camarilla territories.

Ladslaw's involvement in the foundation of Brasilia by his Sire, Jan Andre Van Eyck, exemplified his dedication to Camarilla causes. Despite facing challenges from immigrants and anarchists, Ladslaw contributed to the city's establishment.

  • In 2001, Ladslaw coordinated the elimination of two Sabbat packs threatening São Paulo, leveraging alliances and strategic attacks.
  • In 2002, Ladslaw investigated cults venerating the devil and their connections to corrupted werewolves, providing crucial evidence to Prince Sir Edward Iron Will.
  • In 2003, Ladslaw hunted down a creature named Herrera, responsible for kidnapping Camarilla members.
  • In 2004, Ladslaw, alongside allies, defeated Herrera and expelled anarchists threatening an Elysium.
  • In 2005, Ladslaw investigated spiritual manifestations across Brazilian cities, collaborating with allies to discern the cause.
  • In 2006, Ladslaw confronted the Leopold Society in Natal, working with the Sheriff to resolve the conflict.
  • In 2007, Ladslaw played a crucial role in defending the Imperial City against the technocracy, isolating the threat and neutralizing it.
  • In 2008, Ladslaw initiated the hunt for Moebius, a prominent Sabbat figure.
  • In 2009, Ladslaw, alongside allies, exposed and defeated Moebius in Joao Pessoa.
  • In 2010, Ladslaw married Lorraine in Joao Pessoa, officiated by Maris Streck, and defended a Camarilla court in Florianopolis.
  • In 2011, Ladslaw orchestrated strategies to eliminate infernalists across Brazil.
  • In 2012, Ladslaw uncovered Sabbat infiltration in São Paulo, purging the city of their influence.
  • In 2013, Ladslaw strengthened the Imperial City's defenses through discreet management and strategic coordination.
  • In 2014, Ladslaw provided discreet assistance to various Camarilla offices and domains.
  • In 2016, Ladslaw returned to Fortaleza to investigate a troubling atmosphere in the city.
  • In 2017, Ladslaw was tasked with dismantling the CORUS company and curing Gimli's disease in Ceará, amidst threats from Fog Creatures.
  • In 2018, Ladslaw led a hunt against the Forgotten Creatures alongside allies.
  • In 2019, Ladslaw confronted a pack of corrupted werewolves, ultimately defeating them.
  • In 2020, Ladslaw faced the challenges of the pandemic crisis, prioritizing aid to affected families.
  • In 2021, Ladslaw was directly involved in providing support to several domains facing issues with the Sabbat.
  • In 2022, Ladslaw found himself needing to dedicate time to his own renewal, particularly in reclaiming his ties to Humanity.
  • In 2023, Ladslaw embarked on a pilgrimage throughout Brazil, seeking to understand the needs of various principalities and contributing in the best way possible in each case.


Camarilla is his Coterie.


In alphabetical order:




  • Jan Andre Van Eyck


  • Taulin Siegebreaker (Ladslaw's childer)
      Melissa (Taulin's childer)
      Dice    (Taulin's childer)  
  • Dementador (Ladslaw's childer)
      Uriel (Dementador's childer)
  • Granito (Ladslaw's childer)
      Winter (Granito's childer)
  • Brenno (Ladslaw's childer)
      (Brenno had no childer publicly known)
  • Conde da Lua (Ladslaw's childer)
      Jesus da Lua (Conde da Lua's childer)
      Joana        (Conde da Lua's childer)


Character Inspirations

  • Oskar Schindler
  • Ablon



Respect to be Respected

I will not always know the right way. I may fall, but know that I will always persist.


Is he an Inconnu?

Is he an Angel?

If you are a loyal member of the Camarilla suffering from injustice and in need of help, he will be your best choice.

Some say he's a Loremaster.

He has trained several members to become archons.