David Blanchett

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Clan Toreador
Position Primogen
Status 4+1
Domain Atlanta
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player R. Carroll



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Alias(es): Davy, Lips

Real Name: David Blanchett

Apparent Age: 32

Concept: Southern Saxophonist

Physical description: Just below average height, swarthy with a perpetual smirk

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by the late Prince Silverson of Birmingham, Alabama
  • Entertaining by Lilyanna Salvatore, now Seneschal of Middle Georgia
  • Well-Connected by Former Prince Leonard Flynn of St. Augustina
  • Influential by His Arbiter Eleganciae, Justicar Titus Niger Petronius
  • Revered as Primogen of Atlanta

Character Information

Known History

Davy hails from the great state of Alabama, as anyone with ears to hear is likely to pick up on when speaking to him. His mouth has been known to get him in trouble from time to time, but as his time among his more refined clanmates grows, Davy has calmed down a great deal and learned a little about what it is to be a team player. He's worn (and lost) a number of hats during his time in Atlanta, including Whip, Lesser Harpy, and Keeper.

Davy is now the Primogen for his clan in Atlanta, having learned some of the ropes of what it is to play the game. While he knows that he'll never win, he also knows how to not lose and keep himself in the running.





Amelia Marchetti



Character Inspirations

Johnny (from The Devil Went Down to Georgia), Mal Reynolds, J.E.B. Stuart, My Father and Uncle


  • Guitars and Cadillacs - Dwight Yokoam
  • Human - The Killers
  • Disturbia - Rhianna
  • The Hardest Part - Coldplay
  • The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels
  • Honky Tonk Badonkadonk - Trace Adkins
  • I'm a Goold Ol' Rebel - Hoyt Axton (Traditional Southern)
  • Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd


"Corner pocket, motherfuckers!" - Davy, before unloading his revolver into some pool-playing Sabbat

"Bullshit!" - Davy, more times than he can count

"I speak proper English, not this strange dialect you seem to have picked up!" - Rachel Dubhan, to Davy


Davy has Necromancy.

Davy has beaten the devil in a musical duel.

Davy has serious issues with Jon Sebastian and his brood.

Davy has walked into and out of Anarch-held cities.