Fernando de Aragão Lindberg

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Clan Toreador
Position Harpy
Status 6+2+2
Domain Piriápolis, Brazil
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player Paulo Almeida

[[Category:Domain:Piriápolis, Brazil]] [[Category:Society:{{{Society}}}]]


Fernando, in a reunion

Fernando; Nandinho; Lindberg

Real Name: Fernando

Apparent Age: 25

Concept: Visionary-celebrant

Physical description: Tall (182 cm), Brown eyes, and well defined muscles (but far from being equal to a Mr. Universe). Fernando has the Merit "Blush of Health"

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged
  • Dedicated
  • Trustworthy
  • Honored
  • Efficient
  • Loyal
  • Dignified as Dignitary
  • August as Luminary
  • Influential and Well-Connected as Harpy

Character Information

Known History


Allies (or people that Fernando would do his best to help)

Johannes Kamph Lindberg

Rachel Dubhan (Fernando has a great admiration for her)

Tupac Amaru

Amélia Nolleto, Primigen of Recife. (disappeared)

Luigi Falcone

Erdota Urmen de Corazon

Fixer (status unknown)

Melody (status unknown)

Isaac Zamir (deceased)

Cassandra Sumner (Fernando has a great admiration for her) (deceased)

Maria Eduarda de Alcântara Vieira (deceased)

Renato Ribeiro Rocha (deceased)

Many members of his clan, that Fernando sees as his family



Johannes Kamph Lindberg


Aeris Pandora Lindberg (status unknown)

Luna Lindberg


Lena Lindberg (deceased)

Alexander "Heathcliff" Lindberg (deceased)

Guido Lindberg (deceased)

Rafael Lindberg (deceased)

Mia Scarlatti (deceased)

Paola Bracho (status unknown)

Character Inspirations


