Shanghai Kelly

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Clan Gangrel
Position Archon
Status 6+2
Domain San Francisco, CA
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 00
Player [1]



Shanghai Kelly

Real Name: unknown

Apparent Age: 30's

Fame 5: jackass

Concept: ?

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged
  • Engaging
  • Famous
  • Feared
  • Relentless
  • Silvered
  • Empowered as Archon
  • Feared as Archon

Character Information

Known History






Jenny Two-Tails



Character Inspirations

  • Louisiana Used Car Salesman on meth
  • A Certain Rooster



"I say I say I say boy"


Shanghai Kelly didn't get his name for being a famous trader, but rather, for that being the city he picked up most of his STDs.
Shanghai Kelly keeps getting beat by the Chicken Hawk. It's embarrassing, but he keeps trying.
Likes to shanghai kindred from San Francisco under Prince Virgil Deems.
Shanghai doesn't hate Kuei Jin because of their strange powers or the war--but he's got horrible memories of some bad sweet-and-sour chicken.
Shanghai is offering three major boons as a dowry to marry Virgilia Two-Tails so he doesn't have to deal with her anymore.
Fucked a Nos, her sire came in and threatened a shotgun wedding... and Shanghai ran away.
Rumored to be secret lovers with: Elissa Maxwell,Hugo Valentine, Cock Robin, and Virgil Deems.
Cock Robin hates Shanghai because the Gangrel can lay a bigger egg.
Shanghai secretly propositioned Cock Robin, but has been denied many times... with a "Cluck No!!!"
Shanghai is an Archon because he lost a poker game to Art Morgan, who was high at the time. The original bet entailed giving up his hat, and when he wouldn't do that, Art made him an archon, instead, as punishment.
Shanghai has the coping skills of a five year old needing a Ritalin fix!