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(CILF (Cammies I'd *Like* to Fuck))
(Fuck Buddies)
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[[Susana Angel Larouge]]
[[Susanna Angel LaRouge]]
[[Isabella Visconti]]  (former)
[[Isabella Visconti]]  (former)

Revision as of 02:53, 21 February 2012

Clan Toreador
Status 1
Domain Santa Rosa, CA
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 00
Player Abigail



Mallory doesn't like you.

Alias(es): Neil Howard

Real Name: Mallory Jones

Apparent Age: 30-ish

Concept: Toreador in the throes of Ennui. Burnt-out music and social critic. Black Sheep of the family. Jilted lover. Ladies Woman. Misbehaving minor nobility. Absolute train wreck.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Francois Villon

Known History

Embraced in the 60s.

Came from Paris.

Appears to be on a first name basis with Francois Villon.

Seems to enjoy making a scene (or just doesn't care).


If she ever develops any, I'll let you know.

Fuck Buddies


Susanna Angel LaRouge

Isabella Visconti (former)

Susan Sontag

Joni Mitchell (rumored)

CILF (Cammies I'd *Like* to Fuck)

Susanna Angel LaRouge

Kathrin Braddock

Kate Davidson


Marcus Jovan

Jack Sebastien


"Prince Edward: Lord Sparkles" aka Virgil Deems


Isabella Visconti aka Claudia deWinter


Odette Visconti

Someone you've never met.

Character Inspirations

Allen Ginsberg

Hunter S. Thompson

Jim Morrison

Lindsay Lohan



"...Fuck my life."

"What?? He's a dick!"

"Worth it."


Was lovers with Isabella Visconti.

Was jilted by Isabella Visconti.

In a relationship with Susanna Angel LaRouge.

Threatened to kill Virgil Deems.

Kicked Jack Sebastien in the junk.

Got her tongue ripped out by Jack Sebastien.

Doesn't give a shit about anything.

Addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.

Used to write for Rolling Stone under a pen name.