Alec D. Hatfield

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Clan Tremere
Position N/A
Status 4
Domain Springfield, IL.
Coterie none
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Karl Williams



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Real Name:Alec Hatfield

Apparent Age: Early 40's

Concept, Original: A retired Indiana Jones.

Concept, Past: Investigator and Masquerade breach fixer.

Concept, Current: A more social Tremere and possible liaison with the local Sabbot.

Physical description: Clean-cut and usually shaven, wears glasses. Nicely dressed, often wearing something with a smiley face on it.


Gatherings: dress pants with a collared shirt with a distinctive yellow smiley-face tie
Formals: dress pants, polished shoes, dress shirt with an appropriate tie.
Clan shin-digs: Sith lord robes with hood...we all have one, didn't you know?

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged - Many, many places.
Loyal - 9-24-2011 from Glen Young

Character Information

Known History

Mortal life: Alec was a Professor of history and a field archeologist, known for his focus on mineralogy and metallurgy.

Embraced life: Alec was brought into ----------Clan Tremere in 1999 when he was in Illinois on a ----------------------. It was here that he caught the eye of ------------- and was embraced. Returning shortly thereafter to Virginia, he made adjustments to his teaching schedule to suit his new nocturnal hours. Though he couldn't continue any kind of on-site archeology digs, he continued to discover new and previously hidden truths by learning the ways of kindred life and the Camarilla.

East coast: Attending gatherings in both the Southern Mayland and Northern Virginia areas, he set himself part from other Tremere with his friendly demeanor and willingness to openly socialize and assist other kindred with their problems. Making several allies in the Toreador, Malkavian, and Gangrel clans, Alec and his allies spear-headed an effort to re-claim Fredericksburg, Virginia from Sabbot control. After many weeks, the waves of shock troops began to subside, but the claim that Fredericksburg was Camarilla domain was tenuous at best.

After the conclusion of a gathering at Elysium in Virginia, Alec was escorting Anna Nevermore to her vehicle when -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Spending several weeks in Fredericksburg after that, Alec was then sent to -------- for several years for --------------.

Midwest: After ------------ Alec returned to Illinois only to find many new faces and very few kindred with knowledge of the few kindred he knew from the time of his embrace. Now trying to make new allies among the various clans and anarchs, Alec is facing a similar issue as he faced in Virginia: Springfield, a Camarilla held domain is only 30 minutes away from the Sabbot held domain of Decatur, though with the conclusion of the Convention of Fire, rather than aiding in an effort to re-claim a city, he may be aiding in negotiating with the Sabbot there to cooperate in unifying the efforts of the two cities to remove any harmful infernal presences in the region.

Alec still has a pet cat that was given to him as a kitten by Nemoria Rossini.

Upload Pretend frying a local Setite who also attended NOLA




Clan Tremere:

Reginald Stilton - Quite the stand-up guy

Takeda Kirasowa - One samurai I do not want to piss off.

Faith Delgado - Too cute...something isn't right.

Josh Washgow - The guy who helps me do the crap work at the -------.

Jonathan Hammer - Perfect gentleman...too perfect.

Jon-Apolo de Soult - Screw the eyes, do not look directly at his pectorals

Alexis Sutherland - Do not startle her, or the building might get burned down

Deidre Cassidy - Best.Gangrel.Ever. If kindred had "BFF"s, this would be mine

Gabriel Sefirot - One charming Toreador

Zachary Rose - So much glitter in such a small package

Nemoria Rossini - A great conversationalist, and she has kittens!

Anna Nevermore - Rest in peace

Kate Kennedy McKenna - What is there not to like about the FF?

Saul Good - We agree on much, and his hat is amazing

Glen Young - What is there not to like about the FF?


The McCoys (only slightly)




Character Inspirations



"It is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it".

"Blaming every Tremere for the war with the tzimisce from long ago is like blaming every spoon for Rosie O'Donnell being fat"

"An archaeologist is someone whose career lies in ruins.”

"I WISH Lara Croft was an accurate representation of an archaeologist. Sadly, she and her activities aren't even close to reality."


The "D" is for "Danger."

There is a sex tape of Alec in a three-some; that isn't the rumor. The rumor is that Alec actually thinks other Kindred care.

Was nearly "collateral damage" when the Sabbot attacked Anna Nevermore upon exiting Elysium.

Might be Stephen Colbert's identical twin.