Michael Grim

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Clan Tremere
Position None
Status 3
Domain Columbus & Dayton
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player SeanJohn



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Grim or Grimm

Real Name:
Michael Grim

Apparent Age:

Modern Day Occultist

Physical description:
Around 6'2", a little over 200 lbs., normally has a smile, good natured. Normally drunk.

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged in Dallas 2006, Prince Granger
Loyal in Columbus 2008, Bradley Lazarion
Loyal in Columbus 2010, Issac Lazarion

Character Information

You can always find Grim at the latest event or at home reading a book or doing an experiment or doing the book store clerk if she is hot. He stands over six foot with a large smile and sarcastic quip. Mostly seen with a drink in his hand getting a girls number. He seems in a different world at times, but snaps back to reality if needed.

Known History

Originally from Dallas, Texas, Michael Grim moved to Dayton in 2006 for good times and stake his claim in kindred society. As he became more adjusted to court life Grim became a quiet socialite. Grim has made a new for himself as a cool and smooth playboy at the gatherings he attends. Currently he owns a construction & architecture firm which has been successful in Dayton & Columbus, along with some low key Night Clubs.




William Schultz
Randell Scott
Lydia Laskey
Bradley Lazarion
Issac Lazarion
Hugo Valentine

And everyone who becomes a part of his entourage at Events and huge gatherings


None that he knows of..




Hell NO! Grim uses a rubber. And if anyone says it his, we going on Maury



Character Inspirations

Tim Hunter from Books of Magic
Robert Langdon from the Lost Symbol
Don Draper from Mad Men
Jim Morrison from the Doors
Every stoned, drunk, or altered state person from the 60s, 70s, and 80s


TOOL, the whole catalog
The Doors, the whole catalog
Barry Manilow in all of his glory


Insert sarcastic quip


Lydia Laskey and Michael Grim have been sexually intimate. He rocked her world and never called her back.
Grim is an alcoholic and drug addict who struggles nightly to stay sober.
Grim is a sexual deviant.
He is a member of the Freemasons now and when he was a mortal.
Has a disorder where he speaks in a language only known to those who study hermetic magic.
Sells Real Dolls for fun and profit.
Grim is constantly in an altered state of consciousness to hide from debilitating social phobia.
He is obsessed with finding order among seeming chaos.
He is the childe of a rogue Necromancer, and is trying to re-invent himself.
Secretly has a pair of Selene Lazarion's panties from a panty raid in Memphis; they are quite sexy and lacy.