Dr. Josephine Lee

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Clan Ventrue
Position Primogen
Status 3+1
Domain Savannah, GA
Coterie N/A
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player J.Clark



Josie/Kitten(by her sire only, try it on her if you want a demonstration of dread gaze)

Real Name: Josephine Lee

Apparent Age: Mid twenties

Concept: Woman with a past.

Physical description: 5’11 without heels, long dark hair, cut nightly depending on event . Often seen in business dress, though has been known to travel long distances barefoot in more casual garb.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by word of Casino Reeds, former Prince of Seattle, Washington
  • Daring by word of James Krieger, Former Prince of Savannah, Georgia (Currently on loan to Harpy Silhouette)
  • Loyal by word of Saxton H. Redfield, Prince of Griffin, Georgia
  • Revered by Position
  • Ventrue only: Holds a Dignitas, use lore to find out which

Character Information

Known History

Josephine Lee was formally acknowledged in Seattle Washington. She made the move to Savannah for a fresh start.

Current Businesses include a private practice known as Lee and Associates, and a business consulting firm called Professional Solutions. She always has a business model on hand waiting for fruition. If one business folds, she has two more on the shelves waiting to be dusted off. She is a frequent patron of the Savannah Orchestra, and an avid World Cup fan.

Currently traveling within the state of Georgia.

  • Currently has an opening for kindred patients after the former Prince of Savannah left a...vacancy.


Now accepting applications.




Now accepting applications.


Liam Rosier



Now accepting applications.


God I hope not…

Character Inspirations

No character inspirations, she just kind of exploded into existence with the force of a hurricane.



  • "Oh Aaron, I'd only be after anyone's heart at this point if I thought it'd keep me fed.
  • (When prodded about Ventrue being ‘picky’ eaters) “Just because I have standards and you clearly don’t, it does not give you the right to mock my preferences.”
  • “Catholics are my favorite hypocrites.”
  • (When told there were no ‘real’ doctors at the table.) “I completed MY residency sir!”
  • (Waving off a question about a limp.) “Josephine, what happened to you?”
    • “I swan dove out of a tree to avoid a wall of fire…you’ll see it in the reports later.”
  • “You said it would be fun….”
  • “That man makes my teeth itch.”
  • "You know Josephine...you should get yourself a cat...or a ghoul...something you can pet.."
    • "I think I'll get a ghoul and name him Mr. Buttons."


  • Has grabbed a priest by the collar and threatened him.
    • That same night she left a lipstick stain on his collar and a kiss on his cheek.
  • Is best friends with a Nosferatu.
  • Is leaving the Harpy of her Domain shoes in her will.
  • Sleeps in a suit.
  • Leaves her business cards in unsuspecting potential client's pockets when they aren't watching/conscious.
  • Allegedly killed a man with her bare hands.
  • Can dance.
  • Has never seen an episode of Game of Thrones.
  • Is a cunning-linguist and talks to snakes.
  • Is on a never ending quest to find the perfect bloody mary.
  • Openly lusts after the shoes of a Malkavian Primogen.
  • Has never participated in a "Ventrue Toss."
    • Nor does she care to.
  • Carries a pistol named "Sympathy." It is called that because she, herself, has none.
  • Only one person has ever heard her truly laugh. Immediately afterward, she removed the moment from their mind. Some things should never be known.
  • (Nosferatu Only) Is currently the model for a 3D image being fashioned by a Nosferatu who can't seem to understand that she is not an anime or hentai model.
  • (Ventrue Only) Is secretly a pet project of her local Praetor. She just doesn't know it yet...

Has a temper...