Abigail North

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Clan Tremere
Position Primogen
Status 3+1
Domain Springfield, IL
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Erin O'Neal



Abigail North

Abi, The Couch Tremere

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties

Concept: The Conscience

Physical description: Abigail is petite in stature, only a little over 5 feet tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She has the vital glow of someone who is not undead, and has a certain aura about her ((Blush of Health and Sanctity)). She often is seen wearing glasses, and typically dresses in a long sleeved black shirt and either black or dark blue jeans. When dressing up she will wear slacks or skirts and blouses, but black is almost always a color featuring prominently.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by Prince Edward Williams of Denver, CO
Dependable by Archon Jon -Apolo de Soult
Valued by Prince Philip Walkin
Revered by Position
((Tremere Only: Apprentice of the Fourth Circle))

Character Information

Abigail is usually quiet and often can be seen in the Springfield gatherings sitting quietly on a couch listening to the rest of the city discussing the night's business, this has earned her the nickname 'The Couch Tremere'. However when she does speak up she is surprisingly gentle and almost universally advocates for methods which will minimize bloodshed.

Known History





Clan Tremere:
Jonathan Hammer
Jon-Apolo de Soult
Amaia Weiss
Philip Walkin


None known







Character Inspirations

Penny- Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog

Jekyll- The musical version of Jekyll & Hyde




"So you're saying the kool-aid man burst through a wall, a Malkavian embraced a faerie, and then the demon infernalist took the childe away?" - Alastarr Quinn
"Well when you say it like that you make it sound ridiculous." -Abigail after recounting a very long story involving a Malkavian 'adventure time'


  • Abigail's saintly demeanor is all an act; she's actually a mastermind.
  • Abigail routinely turns into a giant dragon and flies around Springfield, breathing fire.
  • Abigail is known as the "Couch Tremere" for sitting for hours in one spot while the Domain crumbles.
  • Abigail is rumored to have created a strain of roses that feeds solely on kindred vitae.
  • To the shock of gathered observers, Abigail used the power of nature to destroy demons.
  • Despite her seemingly reserved nature, Abigail was overheard being quite flirtatious at the 2013 Grand Elysium.