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[[File:File:Ryah.gif|thumb|Ryah Massoud]]
[[File:Ryah.gif|thumb|Ryah Massoud]]
'''Alias(es): None'''
'''Real Name: None '''
'''Real Name: None '''
'''Apparent Age: 30 Years '''
'''Apparent Age: 35 Years '''
'''Concept: Lady '''
'''Concept: A poet demon hunter '''
'''Physical description:'''
'''Physical description:'''
Ryah is a medium heigth woman that usually wears simple dark clothes, a long sleeve tunic and pants or a black abbaya Her hair and part of her face is covered by a veil, reveling attentive hazelnut eyes and white skin. Her appearent age is around earlly thirties, and she is usually a shy, quiet person, who speaks on a low voice.
Com cerca de 1,70m de altura, Vicky é uma esguia mulher de cabelos dourados e fascinantes olhos brilhantes que revelam um azul tão claro quanto o céu, perfeitamente delineados por uma impecavel maquiagem.
Os delicados traços de seu rosto, perfeitamente desenhados sobre uma pele alva e macia, discretamente revelam sua origem inglesa através de uma beleza divina e angelicalmente sedutora (10 traits de aparencia).
Sua pele quente e corada é sentida ao toque, sua respiração é visivel aos olhos mais criteriosos e não sabendo sua natureza facilmente seria confundida com uma humana não fosse por sua beleza sobrenatural.
Ao falar, uma melodiosa e suave voz é ouvida por seus interlocutores enquanto transporta palavras de um tempo que não aparenta ter vivido, os encantando como uma sereia que encanta com seu doce canto.
Os movimentos da toreador são fluidos e delicados, denotando uma elegancia e graciosidade impar.
Veste-se de forma impecavel, usualmente com trajes da mais alta costura e um marcante aroma com notas citricas e verdes, tangerina, fresia e salvia, as notas de coração formando um lindo bouquet floral composto de lirio, cravo, violeta, jasmin, cravo frances, lirios do vale, rosas e narcisos, representando a pureza do amor e notas de fundo sensuais composta por sandalo, ambar, patchouli, almicar e heliotropio, preenche os ambientes por onde passa.
Seu comportamento é dotado de leveza e frescor, traduzido por alegria e gentileza constantes e o impeto de auxilio ao proximo.
About 1.70m tall, Vicky is a slender woman with golden hair and fascinating sparkling eyes that reveal a blue as clear as the sky, perfectly outlined by impeccable makeup.
The delicate features of her face, perfectly designed on a fair and smooth skin, discreetly reveal her English origin through a divine and angelically seductive beauty (10 Appearance Traits).
Her warm and flushed skin is felt to the touch, her breathing is visible to the most discerning eyes and not knowing her nature would easily be mistaken for a human if was not for her supernatural beauty.
When speaking, a melodious and soft voice is heard by her interlocutors as she transports words from a time that does not seem to have lived, enchanting them like a siren that enchants with her sweet song.
The toreador's movements are fluid and delicate, denoting a unique elegance and grace.
She dresses impeccably, usually with the most haute couture clothes and a striking aroma with citrus and green notes, tangerine, freesia and sage, the heart notes forming a beautiful floral bouquet composed of lily, carnation, violet, jasmine, carnation. French, lilies of the valley, roses and daffodils, representing the purity of love and sensual base notes composed of sandalwood, amber, patchouli, musk and heliotrope, fills the environments wherever it goes.
Her behavior is endowed with lightness and freshness, translated by constant joy and kindness and the impetus to help others.
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'''Detailed Status: <br>'''<br>
'''Detailed Status: <br>'''<br>
'''Reconhecida''' por Rafael de Corazon  - Principe de Paris em 1540
'''Acknowledged''' by Mustapha, Prince of Istambul
'''Dedicada''' por Adriana Montenegro, Primogenita Toreador de Fortaleza em 2021, por sua valiosa contribuição no afazeres do dominio alencarino, especialmente durante os ataques da rebelião
'''Magistral''' por Lucas Bonfim, príncipe soberano de Ouro Preto, por suas maneiras de fazer nossas vidas sociais florescerem
'''Eficiente''' por Carola Van Hooves, príncipe de Alto Tietê, pela bravura, companheirismo e devoção a camarilla, pela coragem, empatia e dedicação por suas ações em prol da proteção e preservação da Camarilla do Alto Tietê
'''Respeitada''' como Legatária da Camarilla (Linhagem de Prestigio Violetta, François Villon, Helena de Troia)
'''Reverenciada''' por ser do conselho de primogênitos de Ouro Preto
'''Insightful''' por ser uma agente da E-Division
'''Trustworthy''' by Lucas Bonfim, Prince of Ouro Preto
'''Toreador Only:'''
'''Wise''' by Tatjana Krajinik, Sovereign Prince of Savannah
'''Prestigio de Clã:''' Historiadora, En Vogue
'''Panacean''' by Stanford Warwick, Justicar Nosferatu
'''Steadfast''' by Lark, former Prince of CIET
'''Well conected''' by Tegyrius, Former prince of Dubai
'''Acknowledged''' by Rafael de Corazon, Prince of Paris in 1540
'''Dignified''' as Dignatary of Camarilla
'''Dedicated''' by Adriana Montenegro, Toreador Primogen of Fortaleza in 2021, for her valiable contribution in affairs of the domain of Fortaleza, particularly during the attaks of sabá
'''Exalted''' as Prince of Ouro Preto
'''Masterfull''' by Lucas Bonfim, sovereign Prince of Ouro Preto, for her ways of making our social lives flourish
'''Famous''' as Prince of Ouro Preto  
'''Efficient''' by Carola Van Hooves, Prince of Alto Tietê, for her bravery, companionship and devotion to the Camarilla, for her courage, empathy and dedication for her actions towards the protection and preservation of Alto Tietê Camarilla
'''Well-Know''' as Prince of Ouro Preto
'''Respected''' as a Scion of the Camarilla (Prestigious Lineage Violetta, François Villon, Helena de Troia)
'''Distinguished''' as Prínce of Ouro Preto
'''Reverenciada''' for being part of the primogen council of Ouro Preto
'''Insightful''' for being an agent of E-Division
'''Assamite Only:'''
'''Toreador Only:'''
Ustath Kamil, Dragon, Hell Diver, Weathered, Brand of Ur Shulgi
'''Clan Prestige:''' Historian, En Vogue
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==Known History==
==Known History==
A história de Victoria é um mistério, dizem que poucas pessoas sabem de seu passado, porém é de conhecimento público que chegou em Fortaleza no ano de 2021, que é inglesa e pela sua forma de falar e agir percebe-se que passou um longo tempo em torpor. Ela tem boas maneiras e a fama de se dar bem com todos que a cercam, tamanha sua gentileza e graciosidade. Ela gosta de aprender e sempre tem algo em mente para fazer a cada novo aprendizado. Muitas vezes as pessoas a tomam por inocente, tomando por verdade algo que pode ser apenas uma máscara. A toreador está sempre disposta a ajudar, sejam seus irmãos de clã ou qualquer outro membro que sirva a Camarilla.
Ryah is a discrete kindred. She had come to Brazil in 2014, first dwelling in Joao Pessoa Domain. She had moved to Natal, to live under Prince Armorieri’s rule, and when the tensions between Tremere and Children of Haqim arised with the Conclaved she moved again to Ouro Preto, where the Prince, Lucas Bonfim is a known ally of her Clan.A few months later she become his senescal and hold the position untill she had became Warwick’s archon at the end of 2020.  
Of Persian descente, she seem to be a bit old and have some trouble with moderm technology. Uncommon for a woman of her time, she was highly educated and had many years of experience as a doctor on the Red Crescent. A Seer and sensitive before her embrace, she was an specialist of Spirits untill the Year of Fire, the powers of her Blood helping her to become a sucessfull demon Hunter. When the Josians came into open, she joined it’s ranks and now days is an Arbiter, even with inicial restrictions for her Clan.  
In person she is a kind, calm soul, who values her privacy, lives a modest live, is a devoted Muslim and very humane. These traits makes her often understimated as spineless, wich she is not. The recurrence of this ocasions amused her. Married to Dawood Marwan for some time by now, before the somewhat troubled begining due to the rivalry of the lineages, they are deply devoted to each other and often work together as Josians.
Revitalizou a Vila das Artes em Fortaleza (2021)
Participou da construção do Cyber Café de Natal (2022)
Foi apontada como Marquesa e Primogenita em Ouro Preto (2022)
Foi apontada como agente da E-division (2022)
Tornou-se publico que ela é uma criança de Violetta, antiga Justicar Toreador (2022)
Lutou na batalha do Palla Grande em Alto Tiete (2022)
Victoria's history is a mystery, they say that few people know about her past, but it is public knowledge that she arrived in Fortaleza in the year 2021, which is English and by her way of speaking and acting it is clear that she spent a long time in torpor. She has good manners and a reputation for getting along with everyone around her, such is her kindness and grace. She likes to learn and always has something on her mind to do with each new learning. Often people take it for innocent, taking for truth something that may just be a mask. The Toreador is always willing to help, whether it's her clan brethren or any other member who serves the Camarilla.
[[Lucas Bonfim]]
Revitalized the Vila das Artes in Fortaleza (2021)
Participated in the construction of the Natal Cyber Café (2022)
[[Che Valiente]]
She was appointed as Marquise and Primogen in Ouro Preto (2022)
Appointed as E-division's agent (2022)
[[Nathan White]]
It has been made public that she is a child of Violetta, formerly Justicar Toreador (2022)
[[Alef Lockustus]]
Fought in the battle of Palla Grande in Alto Tiete (2022)
[[Shay Salerno]]
[[Andre Brassi]]
[[Gary Kowalesky]]
[[Sophie de La Vega]]
[[Alisson Davis]]
[[Hughes de Saint-Omer]]
[[Hughes de Saint-Omer]]
Flodin de Saint-Omer
[[Lucas Bonfim]]
[[Corkie Pelligrino]]
besides infernal beings, none that she knows.
[https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Violetta Violetta]
[[Rishi Massoud]]
Laurie Sanders
Leo de Bolbec
[[Razi Massoud]]<br>
[[Rue Massoud]]<br>
[[Roland Massoud]]<br>
==Character Inspirations==
==Character Inspirations==
[https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana_Bolena Anne Boleyn]
Rumi and Rab’bia poems
[https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_da_Esc%C3%B3cia Mary Stuart]
[https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Dormer Natalie Dormer]
[https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meia-Noite_em_Paris Adriana]
[https://youtu.be/4BJDNw7o6so Lisztomania - Phoenix]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdAbEHPIWdU Ages Past, Ages Hence Loreena McKennitt]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnX7PtkRdjM Lost Stars - Keira Knightley]
[https://youtu.be/VZqPoriYXho Shade of Pale - Annie Lenox]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEHXTrJb3HQ Cello Suit n 5, Bach]
Lur/Lak Songs
"Boa noite, Milorde"
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aocOvFkrLpE Ya Allah Suhel Rais Khan]
[https://youtu.be/e-fA-gBCkj0 Bruno Mars: Locked out of heaven]
"Posso ajudar em algo?"
[https://youtu.be/aHjpOzsQ9YI Lindsey Stirling – Crystallize]
[https://youtu.be/48bfKs5p4Ik The Absence of You – Tim Minchin]
"Se fizer metade das merdas que ele fez, te coloco num cestinho e te entrego em território sabbat" - Para Flodin de Saint-Omer sobre Gabriel Santos
" If someone desserves the Wise status, it’s her"  -  Archon Hughes de Saint-Omer
"Good night, Milord"  
"A Marwan? Why? There were no Baali around?" – Her broodmate Roland when learned she had married Dawood.
“I am giving you what you had offered to me” - Ryah Massoud
"Can I help you with anything?"
“I need to stop hanging out with you I am starting to understand"
"If you make a half of shit that he did, I'll put you in a little basket and deliver on sabbat territory" - To Flodin de Saint-Omer about Gabriel Santos
- Ela é uma dançarina excepcional
- Ryah stays in the corners of the rooms not out of shyness but to listen in to what others are discussing without being obvious about it
- É uma grande anfitriã
- Produz festas memoraveis
- Há rumores que teve um romance com um Malkavian de Natal
- Dizem que ela é tão íntima do soberano Bonfim que ela o chama de Bombom
- Ela é noiva de Hughes de Saint-Omer
- Ryah is rumored to have gone on a particularly steamy getaway to East Africa with the Sheriff of Stamford, CT.
- É impossível não a notar em lugares públicos
- Ryah is rumored to have a personal vendetta with a power demon that has committed horrors in the city of Ouro Preto that is only known as "The Man in Black."
- Sua sensualidade e beleza é marcante
- Ryan is rumored to sneak off into the woods with members of her clan to play the harp while dressed as Princess Zelda.
- Sua arte é tão bela quanto ela.
- Ryah and Achmed are now great friends.
- Corações se partiram quando descobriram que ela tinha noivado.
- She has the reputation of making legendary wards.
- Someday she will snap and kill Arthram Cockcroft
- She is an exceptional dancer
- She is too polite to openly tell people she hates them, so there are some unfortunatelly souls around that had not picked her hints and swear by her good will.
- She is a great hostess
- She and Sophie de La Vega are lovers
- Produce memorable parties
- She and Shay Salerno are lovers
- Rumor has it that he had a romance with a Malkavian from Natal
- She and Che Valiente are lovers
- People say that she is so intimate of sovereign Bonfim that she calls him Bombom
- Many Assamites think twice about doing something for not risking her displeasure
- She is engaged to Hughes de Saint-Omer
- In private meetings, she threatens people with knives and howls at the moon.
- It's impossible not to notice her in public places
- Rumor has it that she beats up her husband because of her rage issues.
- Your sensuality and beauty is remarkable
- Rumor has it that considers "Tremere" to be a misproninciation of Baali.
- Her art is as beautiful as she is.
- Kicking people’s shin is actually I signo f deep affection for her.  
- Hearts broke when they found out she was engaged.
- Ryah assaults Che with a broom when he gets too hot.

Latest revision as of 06:47, 21 September 2024

Clan Assamite
Position Prince
Status 6+4+2=12
Domain Ouro Preto, Brazil
Coterie none
Society None
Path Humanity 0000
Player Graciema


Ryah Massoud

Alias(es): None

Real Name: None

Apparent Age: 35 Years

Concept: A poet demon hunter

Physical description:

Ryah is a medium heigth woman that usually wears simple dark clothes, a long sleeve tunic and pants or a black abbaya Her hair and part of her face is covered by a veil, reveling attentive hazelnut eyes and white skin. Her appearent age is around earlly thirties, and she is usually a shy, quiet person, who speaks on a low voice.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by Mustapha, Prince of Istambul

Trustworthy by Lucas Bonfim, Prince of Ouro Preto

Wise by Tatjana Krajinik, Sovereign Prince of Savannah

Panacean by Stanford Warwick, Justicar Nosferatu

Steadfast by Lark, former Prince of CIET

Well conected by Tegyrius, Former prince of Dubai

Dignified as Dignatary of Camarilla

Exalted as Prince of Ouro Preto

Famous as Prince of Ouro Preto

Well-Know as Prince of Ouro Preto

Distinguished as Prínce of Ouro Preto

Assamite Only:

Ustath Kamil, Dragon, Hell Diver, Weathered, Brand of Ur Shulgi

Known History

Ryah is a discrete kindred. She had come to Brazil in 2014, first dwelling in Joao Pessoa Domain. She had moved to Natal, to live under Prince Armorieri’s rule, and when the tensions between Tremere and Children of Haqim arised with the Conclaved she moved again to Ouro Preto, where the Prince, Lucas Bonfim is a known ally of her Clan.A few months later she become his senescal and hold the position untill she had became Warwick’s archon at the end of 2020. Of Persian descente, she seem to be a bit old and have some trouble with moderm technology. Uncommon for a woman of her time, she was highly educated and had many years of experience as a doctor on the Red Crescent. A Seer and sensitive before her embrace, she was an specialist of Spirits untill the Year of Fire, the powers of her Blood helping her to become a sucessfull demon Hunter. When the Josians came into open, she joined it’s ranks and now days is an Arbiter, even with inicial restrictions for her Clan. In person she is a kind, calm soul, who values her privacy, lives a modest live, is a devoted Muslim and very humane. These traits makes her often understimated as spineless, wich she is not. The recurrence of this ocasions amused her. Married to Dawood Marwan for some time by now, before the somewhat troubled begining due to the rivalry of the lineages, they are deply devoted to each other and often work together as Josians.




Lucas Bonfim


Che Valiente


Nathan White

Alef Lockustus

Shay Salerno

Andre Brassi

Gary Kowalesky

Sophie de La Vega

Alisson Davis

Hughes de Saint-Omer


besides infernal beings, none that she knows.


Rishi Massoud




Razi Massoud
Rue Massoud
Roland Massoud

Character Inspirations

Rumi and Rab’bia poems


Ages Past, Ages Hence Loreena McKennitt

Cello Suit n 5, Bach

Lur/Lak Songs

Ya Allah Suhel Rais Khan

Bruno Mars: Locked out of heaven

Lindsey Stirling – Crystallize

The Absence of You – Tim Minchin


" If someone desserves the Wise status, it’s her" - Archon Hughes de Saint-Omer

"A Marwan? Why? There were no Baali around?" – Her broodmate Roland when learned she had married Dawood.

“I am giving you what you had offered to me” - Ryah Massoud

“I need to stop hanging out with you I am starting to understand"


- Ryah stays in the corners of the rooms not out of shyness but to listen in to what others are discussing without being obvious about it

- Ryah is rumored to have gone on a particularly steamy getaway to East Africa with the Sheriff of Stamford, CT.

- Ryah is rumored to have a personal vendetta with a power demon that has committed horrors in the city of Ouro Preto that is only known as "The Man in Black."

- Ryan is rumored to sneak off into the woods with members of her clan to play the harp while dressed as Princess Zelda.

- Ryah and Achmed are now great friends.

- She has the reputation of making legendary wards.

- Someday she will snap and kill Arthram Cockcroft

- She is too polite to openly tell people she hates them, so there are some unfortunatelly souls around that had not picked her hints and swear by her good will.

- She and Sophie de La Vega are lovers

- She and Shay Salerno are lovers

- She and Che Valiente are lovers

- Many Assamites think twice about doing something for not risking her displeasure

- In private meetings, she threatens people with knives and howls at the moon.

- Rumor has it that she beats up her husband because of her rage issues.

- Rumor has it that considers "Tremere" to be a misproninciation of Baali.

- Kicking people’s shin is actually I signo f deep affection for her.

- Ryah assaults Che with a broom when he gets too hot.