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*Shake it Out by Florence and the Machine
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCWnVznnWcs '''Florence and the Machine'''- Shake it Out]<br>
*Now is the Time by Damone
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCxdF2sL3ZE '''Damone'''- Now is the Time]<br>
*Beat Goes On by DJ Ross vs DY
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ad2Eag9Hzg '''DJ Ross vs DY'''- Beat Goes On]<br>
*All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swbcFnkeMwE '''Bob Dylan'''- All Along the Watchtower]<br>
*Dear Sister, Your Brother by Talain Rayne
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3S4hUedfG0 '''Talain Rayne'''- Dear Sister, Your Brother]<br>
*Trouble is a Friend by Lenka
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHpvlr_kG6U&ob=av2e '''Lenka'''- Trouble is a Friend]<br>

Revision as of 09:20, 4 December 2011

Clan Child of Haqim
Position None
Status Acknowledged, Cherished, Trustworthy
Domain Buffalo, NY
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 00
Player Kaela



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Real Name: She doesn't share this, but some that knew her before the embrace know her real name.

Apparent Age: 17ish

Concept: Scrappy Girl DJ that keeps finding trouble... or does it find her?

Physical description: Rue finds that looking like a seventeen year old is often a blessing and a curse, especially considering that her physical description is merely an illusion. She alternates between dressing the part, and trying to make herself look older with liberal uses of make-up. The girl has skin the color of toffee, and large dark brown eyes reflecting the Cuban part of her mortal heritage. Her long brown hair curls just past the shoulders, framing her youthful face. She dresses in either skinny jeans or short skirts, preferring to look stylish in public. A pair of headphones constantly hang around her neck, often blasting an eclectic mix of music. When she speaks, she does so with conviction and often can't resist witty remarks about her situation. She exuberantly will discuss many topics, including kindred society, music, and philosophy. Sometimes she sings to herself, and while her voice is not diva material she can hold a tune. When not at court she can be found in Buffalo clubs, sometimes working part-time as a DJ.

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged, Cherished, Trustworthy

Character Information

Known History

  • Received acknowledgement in Istanbul
  • Traveled Europe for the past several years along with Lazul Haroukin, and Pietra Corvalis.
  • Only Recently came to the United States
  • DJs under the moniker DJ Sunshine


None yet.


  • Lazul Haroukin
  • Pietra Corvalis
  • Fouad Azeem
  • Moira O'Neil


It's only a matter of time.


Rishi Massoud




Character Inspirations

  • Veronica Mars
  • Molly Carpenter from the Dresden Files
  • Rika Furude from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni


Florence and the Machine- Shake it Out
Damone- Now is the Time
DJ Ross vs DY- Beat Goes On
Bob Dylan- All Along the Watchtower
Talain Rayne- Dear Sister, Your Brother
Lenka- Trouble is a Friend


"DRINK!" - To all the Buffalo Toreador upon their first meeting as she passes out shots

"Everyone and their mother knows Alabastor Haroukin! We've only been looking for him for fifteen years!" - To Moira O'Neil
