Zak DuCard

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Revision as of 21:10, 21 January 2011 by LAS-006 (talk | contribs) (Rumors)
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Clan Malkavian
Position ???
Status 3
Domain Los Angeles, CA
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Marty



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Real Name: ???

Apparent Age: early to mid 30's

Concept: Crazy Computer Malk

Physical description: Zak has dark hair and can normally be seen wearing his "DeceptiCobra" track jacket and either a backpack or green book bag

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged, Something, and Something else

Character Information

Known History

Zak claims to have taken part in the Vietnam War in various infantry capacities... He also claims to have fought in many wars since then as some sort of black ops soldier. Certain things that cannot be denied, however, are that Zak normally turns to violence as either a first or second option to resolving conflict, and that Zak is extremely skilled with computers and electronic devices. He claims that his proficiency with electronics is a result of his work with the military; furthermore, he claims that had he not been drafted into the Vietnam War, he would have gone on to become one of the most brilliant scientists that the world has ever seen.




Cody Chase

Smith John Smith


Katey McGovern

Ca$h McGovern

Lyra McGovern

Walter Cronan

Deacon Lysander

Elliot Maxwell


Victor Castillas

Nathanial Cross

Connor (Brer Bear)

Eaton Noimon

Alexander Worthington

Adrian Serra

Joe Barclay

William Atherton

Uncle Remus


Johnny Chang






JJ DuCard





Character Inspirations

Doc Brown, the Predator, GI Joe, Apocalypse Now, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Fallout 2


For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Metallica

When the Levee Breaks, by Led Zeppelin

Fortunate Son, by CCR

London Calling, by the Clash


"Giant rats the size of people?!?!?! I dont have enough buckshot for all this bullshit!!!"

"All you have to do is re-route the continuum frequency to the COMMON frequency and you'll get the sum total of the variables that are affecting the growth of the central tendency. Then you jack that in to the resistor right here, and you will be able to determine which values you want according to the current data available. Got it?

OK, so are you just messing with me or did that actually make sense?

I'm just messing with you, but it sounded cool, right?"


Zak has built a superconductor

Zak and Victor Castillas have travelled through time

Zak has hacked the Pentagon, the Vatican, and Interpol