Mikailah 'Kai' Gry

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Clan Ravnos
Position None
Status 1
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Dora



The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.


Real Name: Mikailah, formerly Mikailah Gry

Apparent Age: 16

Concept: 'Imperfect I am, imperfect I'll remain'

Physical description: Kai is a lanky 5'7 girl with long dirty brown hair that's almost never let down. Something about hair being obnoxious. She used to dress extremely flashy but it came with her getting too much damn attention (Magnetic x 5) and she's tried to tone it down some. She dresses in mostly black but, somewhere on her person, is a freedom scarf, emblazoned with the US flag. That never changes.

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged by Sovereign Prince Kelly

Character Information


Even if you don't approve of me, I want to laugh and when I want to cry, I'll cry.
I always want to show my true self.
No one can relive a moment once it's gone.
With these feelings I have now, despite my regrets, I want to walk my own path.


Kai, Nashville 2014

Kai openly admits to being embraced just shy of her 17th birthday 3 years this coming August 2015. She started her unlife in the south, with her sire Butch, until the passions caused a poor life choice and forced her away from his side. She came up north to Iowa to be with her Grandsire and became a member of the Anarch Movement.

Six months later, Kai was Acknowledged at Nonclaive.

Since then, she's stayed mostly within the Midwest, working for the betterment of her brothers and sisters in the Movement while somehow managing to keep a tight grip on her Acknowledgement.

She rotates between several domains, claiming her clan makes it hard to stay rooted down, which makes it hard to pin exactly where she calls 'home', if there's anywhere at all.

She's known best for her rock solid ties to the Anarch Movement and follows an open Reformer Impulse.

For the most part, Kai comes off exactly how she wants to.

What people make of that is up to them.

Brothers and Sisters

Sal | "We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!" Yeah, we're still living like that" Clarence | "We all hurt, We all lie, and nothing stays the same" Joe | "Sometimes I wish you weren't honest with me."
Bulvi | "If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead"

Cam Contacts

Nakki | "See Above."
Archon Malcom Durrett | "I don't think you'll ever realize what you did for me. I'm okay with that."
Tiny | "Let's start a riot!"
Prince Abbot | "I can't help but wonder where I'm bound..."
Prince Tao | "I appreciate your honesty more than you know."
Taylor | "You and I are more alike than I want to admit."
Xxero |
Cricket |


Lena! | "You have a mind to keep me quiet and although you can try, better men have hit their knees and bigger men have died."
Prince Hannibal |


Butch | "Even if I love you to the point of breaking, not even 1/3 of my feelings will reach you" (Deceased)


And if the night is burning, I will cover my eyes
For if the dark returns then my brothers will die
And as the sky is falling down, it crashed into this lonely town
And with that shadow upon the ground, I hear my people screaming out

And I see fire.

Blue River | "He put his foot inside the door and gave a crooked smile. Something in his eyes, something in his laugh, something in his voice; it made my skin crawl off"
Thomas | Double Master Sensei | "Don't trust a ho."
Nicolae | Sloan | "In the illusion that you have created, I have known love."
Tex | Grandsire | "You can run, you can try, but you won't get away this time"
Rayne | Aunt | "Yesterday, a child came out to wonder, caught a dragonfly inside a jar." (Deceased)

Character Inspirations

Homeschoolers Annoymous
"'Ohana" means "family." "Family" means "no one gets left behind." But if you want to leave, you can. I'll remember you though. I remember everyone that leaves."
Various Visual Novel Sources.


King of Anything - Sara Bareilles
No Logic - JimmyThumb-P
I See Fire - Ed Sheeran
Red Hands - Walk off the Earth
Illusion and Dream - Poets of the Fall
Broken Crown - Mumford & Songs
human - Christina Perri
Ash Like Snow - The Brilliant Green
No Good Deed - Wicked
Tragedy + Time - Rise Against
Nothing stays the same - Luke Sital-Singh
Slow Me Down - Emmy Rossum
Just give me a reason - Pink/Nate Ruess
Dead Hearts - Stars
I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin
Put the Gun Down - ZZ Ward
Riot - Three Days Grace
Bartholomew - The Silent Comedy
Got the Life - Korn
You've Got to Stand for Something - Aaron Tippin
Bourbon Street - Jeff Tuohy
Desperate Measures - Marianas Trench
One Foot - Fun.
Awake o Sleeper - The Brothers Bright
Resolution - Everfound
Little Motel - Modest Mouse
Near to You - A Fine Frenzy
Oblivion - Bastille
Dust Bowl Dance - Mumford and Sons


"Let me tell you a story about Vampire Snooki, Lena the Barbarian, Big Clarence, and Hobo Guy..."

"When faced with tragedy, people come alive or they find themselves coming undone. So...I don't want to talk about love. At all.""
