Category:Domain:Buffalo, NY

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  • Primogen:


Former Princes of Buffalo

  • Mr. Thaumarian of clan Malkavian, ex-Prince, whereabouts unknown
  • Anton Sophys of clan Ventrue, ex-Prince, former Archon in early 1900s, still in Buffalo but in seclusion
  • Victor Valentine of clan Brujah, ex-Prince, Murdered by Joseph Daniel Gabriel
  • Warren Peace of clan Ventrue, ex-Prince three times over, Bloodhunted by Victor Valentine. Believed to be deceased
  • Sebastian Andolini of clan Ventrue, ex-Prince three times over, Diablerist, Bloodhunted. Now Baron of Rochester.
  • Alex Mancusso of clan Nosferatu,
  • Corey Ashford Buchanan of clan Brujah, ex-Prince, recently returned, now an Anarch
  • Sachin of clan Tremere, ex-Prince, recently returned from a prolonged disappearance. Again deposed

Prince's Edicts


City Rumors

OOC Information