Dr. Josephine Lee

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Clan Ventrue
Position Primogen
Status 2+1
Domain Savannah, GA
Coterie N/A
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player J.Clark




Real Name: Josephine Lee

Apparent Age: Mid twenties

Concept: Woman with a past.

Physical description: 5’11 without heels, dark hair, often worn long though has been cut short nightly to maintain appearances while dealing with private family matters. Often seen in business dress, though has been known to travel long distances barefoot in more casual garb.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Casino Reeds, former Prince of Seattle, Washington
  • Daring by James Krieger, Former Prince of Savannah, Georgia (Currently on loan to Harpy Silhouette)
  • Revered by Position
  • Ventrue only: Holds a Dignitas, use lore to find out which

Character Information

Known History

Josephine Lee was formally acknowledged in Seattle Washington. She made the move to Savannah for a fresh start after visiting the city many years ago as a human. Current Businesses include a private practice known as Lee and Associates, and a business consulting firm called Professional Solutions. Needless to say she always has something up her sleeves. If one business folds, she has two more on the shelves waiting to be dusted off with more behind them. Is a frequent patron of the Savannah Orchestra, and an avid World Cup fan, typically cheering for USA until they get knocked out, then Brazil, then all bets are off and she cheers on whoever plays against the Italians. Watches the finals regardless of remaining teams. If you plan on attending court in the Savannah Domain and you are of clan Ventrue, heaven help you if you do not contact your Primogen after seeking out the Harpy.

  • Currently has an opening for kindred patients after the former Prince left a...vacancy.






Take a number.


Liam Rosier



Now accepting applications.


God I hope not…

Character Inspirations

No character inspirations, she just kind of exploded into existence with the force of a hurricane.



  • "Oh Aaron, I'd only be after anyone's heart at this point if I thought it'd keep me fed.
  • (When prodded about Ventrue being ‘picky’ eaters) “Just because I have standards and you clearly don’t, it does not give you the right to mock my preferences.”
  • “Catholics are my favorite hypocrites.”
  • (When told there were no ‘real’ doctors at the table.) “I completed MY residency sir!”
  • (When dressing down a visiting clanmate) “-and next time you WILL find out what is expected of you, unless that is you continue on as you have been, and I tell you, you had better not, lest others think that the Ventrue of Savannah have let you walk out of here without learning some manners, DO I make myself clear?”
  • (Waving off a question about a limp.) “Josephine, what happened to you?”
    • “I swan dove out of a tree to avoid a wall of fire…you’ll see it in the reports later.”
  • "Thaaaaaank you Maaaax."
  • “You said it would be fun….”
  • “That man makes my teeth itch.”


  • Sleeps in a suit.
  • Allegedly killed a man with a high heeled shank.
  • Once lost her favorite pair of jimmy choos to a ghost pirate.
  • Has curb stomped a possessed doll.
  • Can dance.
  • Has never seen an episode of Game of Thrones.
  • Is a cunning-linguist and talks to snakes.
  • Can run the 100 yard dash in a pair of heels without falling.
  • Once had a Toreador volunteer to put her high heels back on her feet, and she accepted. Why be bothered with the little trifles?
  • Is on a never ending quest to find the perfect bloody mary.
  • Openly lusts after the shoes of a Malkavian Primogen.
  • Once sat down among a row of the Children of Haqim. When informed of such she simply looked down the row, asked ‘Then is this seat taken?’, was answered ‘Nope.’, and then made herself at home.
  • Was once spotted in shorts and flip flops, though no pictures exist to prove this one way or the other.
  • Has never participated in a "Ventrue Toss."
    • Nor does she care to.
  • Carries a pistol named "Sympathy." It is called that because she, herself, has none.
  • Only one person has ever heard her truly laugh. Immediately afterward, she removed the moment from their mind. Some things should never be known.
  • (Ventrue Only) Is secretly a pet project of her local Praetor. She just doesn't know it yet...

Has a temper...