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*"Your mouth is talking again. Fix that."
*"Your mouth is talking again. You might want to see to that."
*(To him) "You know...you should really loosen that collar..."
*(To him) "You know...you should really loosen that collar..."

Revision as of 18:49, 7 January 2014

Clan Ventrue
Position Primogen
Status 2+1
Domain Griffin, GA
Coterie Templars
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player Will



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The Monsignor,
Monsignor Cross

Real Name: Monsignor Ezekiel Cross

Apparent Age: mid 30's

Concept: The Religious Hunter

Physical description:

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by Scott Cohen, Prince of Trenton, NJ in 1886.

Loyal by word of Saxton H. Redfield, Prince of Griffin, Georgia

Revered as Primogen of Griffin, Ga

Character Information

Known History

Records of a man named Ezekiel Cross can be traced back to the mid 1600's in the Massachusetts Bay Colony area, and was associated with many of the witch hunts in the area, according to older church records. Whether or not this is the same man that roams the city of Griffin today is unknown.

Monsignor Ezekiel Cross appeared in the domain of Griffin in mid 2013, shortly after a fairly major scandal amongst the Ventrue of the area. He quickly made his name known, and is known to be both a disciplinarian and traditionalist of the highest caliber. He almost seems to take pleasure in reining in members of the blood that act against the traditional ways of the Ventrue.

Perhaps the most disturbing thing about Monsignor Cross is the aura of power he seems to radiate at all times. To some, it may resemble true faith, but to others, it may resemble an immense force of will that practically radiates from him. Regardles, it seems to put a number of Kindred in the domain ill at ease.


None Known


Dr. Josephine Lee

Danny Storm



Lady Evangeline Westerling (deceased)





Character Inspirations

The Crucible




Knockin' on my Coffin- Bat Country

Barton Hollow- The Civil Wars

Ain't No Rest for the Wicked- Cage the Elephant

In Time- Mark Collie

God's Gonna Cut you Down- Johnny Cash

Immortal- Cruxshadows

Short Change Hero- The Heavy


  • "Your mouth is talking again. You might want to see to that."
  • (To him) "You know...you should really loosen that collar..."
  • "These young Licks will learn respect, one way or another..."
  • "When, in your tiny little mind, did you think that would be a good idea? Was it before or after I jumped down your throat about it?"


  • Radiates an aura of power that may resemble True Faith
  • Despises most Vampires
  • His mother was burned at the stake as a witch, firmly cementing his hatred of supernaturals
  • Was once assaulted by a clanmate who left lipstick on his collar, and a kiss on his cheek.
    • And he liked it.
  • Recently attempted to exorcise a demonic entity that had appeared in the Griffin Elysium.
  • Has attracted a lot of attention of the local leadership of the state in the time that he has been active. Whether this is for better or worse is yet to be seen.
  • Has been heard on occasion referring to himself as a "violent relic of ages past." The reasoning why is unknown to most.