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<li>"I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that he catches fire and die." To the Malkavian Harpy [[Gabriel Wesson]], about Archon [[Portus]].
<li>"I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that he catches fire and die." To the Malkavian Harpy [[Gabriel Wesson]], about Archon [[Portus]].
<li>"Damn... if you want to fuck with me, at least buy me dinner first!" To Gangrel [[Portus]], Archon.
<li>"Damn... if you want to fuck with me, at least buy me dinner first!" To Gangrel [[Portus]], Archon.
<li>"You are crazy, but I like you." To Seneschal [[Lucas Viccari]] Malkavian .
<li>"You are crazy, but I like you." To Seneschal [[Lucas Viccari]], Malkavian.
<li>"He is crazy, I don't like him." To Seneschal [[Luis Eduardo]], about Prince and Toreador Elder [[Tulio Deschamps]].
<li>"He is crazy, I don't like him." To Seneschal [[Luis Eduardo]], about Prince and Toreador Elder [[Tulio Deschamps]].
<li>"Hello..." turning his head and smiling to the Ventrue girl that just passed, [[Cecília M. Stills]].
<li>"Hello..." turning his head and smiling to the Ventrue girl that just passed, [[Cecília M. Stills]].

Revision as of 00:59, 15 August 2012

Clan Tremere
Position Harpy
Domain Florianópolis, SC/Brazil
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path ??? ???
Player Marcos Aurélio



"Because it is our nature... to be Beasts. If we do not remember ourselves constantly of our human side... it will be inevitable to become one."

Marcos Aurélio, also known as M.A.

Real Name: Lost in time.

Apparent Age: 25

Concept: Witch.

Physical description: Very attractive, charismatic, but with an gaze of sorrow and a bitter smile.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Word of Prince Adrian of Tel Aviv
  • Cherished by Word of Hans Grunnin Von Hunsrück of Grande Florianópolis
  • Invaluable by Word of Elissa Maxwell of Greater Santa Rosa
  • Influential as Harpy of Grande Florianópolis e Laguna

Character Information

Known History

Arrived at Florianópolis in May 2010.

Became Harpy in February 2011.

Was Blood Hunted in July 2011.

Had the Blood Hunt removed in October 2011

Became the Primogen of Tremere Clan in October 2011.

Became Harpy in February 2012, again.


Not known.

People He Likes

  • Cecília M. Stills
  • Hans Grunnin Von Hunsrück
  • Kaiser
  • Karfax
  • Lucas Bonfim
  • Luigi Falcone
  • Maria Eduarda de Alcântara Vieira
  • People He Does Not Like

    Pretty much everyone else... but especially:

  • Arthur Rocha
  • Carlos Jorginho DECEASED
  • Luis Eduardo
  • Michelangelo Bressati
  • Miguel dos Santos
  • Raquel Matos
  • Sire

    Anna Maria Gansen, Deceased.



    Character Inspirations

    Maryann Forrester - True Blood

    Edmond Dantès - Count of Monte Cristo

    Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Carribean


  • Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD-i-yv-Mz8
  • The Doors - The End - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGXeXm0uMDo
  • Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7ts-n87f0Y&feature=related
  • Quotes

  • "Did anyone took my book about sex?" Opening a door and interrupting Sheriff Juan Pablo Malatesta, in a meeting with other members.
  • "This place is... boring." M.A. at most kindred social gatherings.
  • "...and there was also a Ventrue Prince that was a Tzimisce!" Pissing all Ventrue off in a Regional Camarilla meeting in Florianópolis.
  • (Very loud and screaming) "So you are telling me not to be pissed off? I am fucking a neighbor domain's Seneschal's ass, and the Prince comes knocking on my fucking door? How can I not get fucking pissed off?" To Prince Hans Grunnin Von Hunsrück, who entered his room while he was having sex.
  • [Tremere only] "Your methods are unconventional, at least. But they may work." Tremere Lord Perseus Geryon, to M.A.
  • "I don't like you. You talk too much." To Sheriff Juan Pablo Malatesta.
  • "I don't like you." To Alan de Almeida, Ventrue Harpy.
  • "Go fuck yourself." To Thomas Waits, Malkavian Harpy, at the National Giovanni event, 2010.
  • "I don't like you. But I can work with you." To Tulio Deschamps, Toreador Elder and the new Prince.
  • "Long live the Prince!" To Prince Luis Eduardo.
  • "I still think what you did was very bad." To Archon Luigi Falcone.
  • "I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that he catches fire and die." To the Malkavian Harpy Gabriel Wesson, about Archon Portus.
  • "Damn... if you want to fuck with me, at least buy me dinner first!" To Gangrel Portus, Archon.
  • "You are crazy, but I like you." To Seneschal Lucas Viccari, Malkavian.
  • "He is crazy, I don't like him." To Seneschal Luis Eduardo, about Prince and Toreador Elder Tulio Deschamps.
  • "Hello..." turning his head and smiling to the Ventrue girl that just passed, Cecília M. Stills.
  • "We can think of a way for you to leave this vicious circle of power" To a fellow Tremere, trapped in a vicious circle of power.
  • [Tremere only] Regent Igor Von Arms: "You are going to be Regent soon." M.A.: "I doubt that."
  • "What a fantastic way to start this damn week, ain't so?" In the Harpies' list, complaining about Archon Portus... again.
  • "This is the Camarilla. It is usually by their allies that Members fall."
  • "Let me kill him. I want to kill him. I... want... to... kill him." Asking Prince Luis Eduardo permission to kill his Sheriff, Juan Pablo Malatesta.
  • To the Prince: "Do you have something to tell me or you're here just to kill me?" Prince Luis Eduardo: "Just to kill you." M.A.: "Then, bye." And M.A. left the room.
  • "I hope that what was done to me will be undone, and that my name will be cleaned from all this." On a note to his betrayers.
  • Seneschal Erico Martins de Abreu: "And what do you think of this situation, Mr. Aurélio". M.A.: "I am no longer Harpy, Seneschal."
  • "I think the Prince is exaggerating on this punishment" To the Prince, in front of the Primogen.
  • "As a Harpy, I strongly disagree with you. As myself, I really don't care." To the Counsel of Primogen.
  • Rumors

  • M.A is as nervous as a Brujah, crazy as a Malkavian, well connected as a Nosferatu, faggot as a Toreador, involved in politics as a Ventrue, and fond of nature as a Gangrel.
  • M.A is as involved in politics as a Nosferatu, crazy as a Ventrue, well connected as a Gangrel, nervous as a Toreador, fond of nature as a Brujah, and serious as a Malkavian.
  • He told the Counsel of Primogen that never wanted to be a Harpy. At the same night, he was chosen for the job.
  • One year later, the exact same thing happened, and M.A. became Harpy again.
  • People describe M.A. as "emotive, sensitive and ilogical".
  • At Camarilla's parties, M.A. used to bet with a Toreador on who gets into more member's pants.
  • His first orgy in the Camarilla was with a Malkavian, a male and a female mortals, a dog, and wall paint.
  • It took a long time of his unlife before he started to get a bit interested in the Camarilla matters. And it took a quick event to lose all his interest again.
  • In his first month as a Harpy, M.A. removed prestige from a Seneschal, a Sheriff and two Primogens.
  • Even though he is an Harpy, he keeps absolutely no track of favors, status or anything. And usually forgets names too.
  • One of his greatest political maneuver included an orgy, a Seneschal, three dead and a frenzy.
  • The second time M.A. ever removed status from someone, it was a Ventrue. He stripped the *Acknowledged, turning him back to a Child of the Night.
  • One of his Camarilla meetings ended in a threesome with a Toreador and a Gangrel females.
  • He used to date a more powerful and superior Tremere. The first time they met there were six days of passionate sex.
  • A tremendous feeling of boredom seemed to be his driving force. Latelly, his goals have changed.
  • When flirting with a Ventrue, he took a shovel with both hands and hit her in the head. A short time later, they made love.
  • He really likes wodka, drugs and sex. Preferably, together.
  • One of the times he got angry, he hit his superior's desk with an axe, yelled at his face, disobeyed all his orders, said he was completely wrong and blamed him for the death of a clanmate. He was put foward in the clan that day.
  • "Extremely Vengeful" would describe his actions against his enemies. Or former enemies.
  • He is a somehow old Tremere who went crazy, and never got better.
  • M.A. is a witch.
  • Different people go to his private parties, from ghouls to Archons, from Anarchs to Princes.
  • An Anarch Toreador was one of his best friends.
  • He had all episodes of the "Care Bears" in his laptop, until he destroyed the computer on a rage. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to download it again.
  • People who meet him guess he is either a Toreador, a Brujah or a Gangrel, but never a Tremere.
  • Many people like him but just don't know why.
  • Many people hate him but he just don't know why.
  • An african Gangrel shaman is his oldest friend.
  • M.A. owns no boons to anyone. In the world.
  • M.A. used to divide the world into two kind of people: the pleasant and the unpleasant ones. Now they are all the same: untrustworthy.
  • A long time ago, he almost lost himself to the Beast. It was a long hard struggle rise back part of his human nature.
  • The first time M.A. met Portus, the Archon requested a hug from him. The second time, Portus attacked him. The third one, they finally talked.
  • [Tremere only] He was encouraged to be Validus and Arcanum, and denied both of them. He is now Ab Flaidd.
  • A Seneschal and a Sheriff tried to hire two Children of Haqim to kill M.A. Someone discovered the plot and alerted M.A. The conspirators were severely punished by the local Prince.
  • Seven members of the local Camarilla, lead by the Prince, ambushed and tried to kill M.A. Five of them, including the Prince, were his closest allies.
  • Former Prince Luis Eduardo has Blood Hunted M.A., after trying to kill him and failing.
  • Four months after it was called, the Blood Hunt was removed by the same Prince, who admited his mistakes and left the Praxis.
  • The Ravnos Dimitrius and the Tremere Marcos Aurélio were seen having sex at the Prince's Meeting, April 2012.
  • M.A. has auctioned the use of his body for one night. A Ventrue Primogen has acquired the lot for a Major and a Minor Boons.
  • All the Brujah of one domain tried to kill M.A. once.
  • Brujah, Gangrel, Nosferatu, Toreador and even Tremere already tried to kill him. Malkavian and Ventrue have not... yet.
  • He seems to get into trouble very easily, but somehow manages to get out of it.
  • Allegedly, M.A. killed Carlos Jorginho, his former allied who betrayed and tried to kill him.
  • Every time M.A. gets into trouble, Archons, Servires and Princes offer to help. Why, oh why?