João Lorenzo

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Clan Ventrue
Position None
Status Burn to Learn
Domain Brazil
Coterie ???
Society ???
Path ??? ???
Player A. Freitas


Alias(es): Dom Lorenzo | Dom João Lorenzo de Avis, "The Spear of Heaven"

Real Name: Lost in Time

Apparent Age: Early ~ 35/40

Concept: Inquisitor, Éminence Grise

Physical description:

Detailed Status: Burn to Learn

More Information:

  • Clan Friendship: Toreador
  • Fame x5: Businessman | Consultant

Character Information

Known History

  • Former Archon to his Celestial Eminence and Tai Pan Robert Pedder, Former Justicar Ventrue;
  • Former Archon to his Lord Democritus, Former Justicar Ventrue;
  • Former Archon-in-Training to his Magnific Miss Viollet, Former Justicar Toreador;


  • Vox Dei (Apparently Disbanded)
  • Jack of all Trades (Apparently Disbanded)


  • Lorenzo does not publicize his allies names.


  • Lorenzo does not publicize his enemies names.


  • Dom Sebastião de Avis [1]


  • Lorenzo does not publicize his childer names.


  • Almirante Estevão Vasques Pimentel de Avis
  • Dom Leocádio de Avis
  • Dom Ignácio Setubal de Avis Beja
  • Alois Bourboun-Busset de Vendôme Beaufort Étampes et Avis (Deceased)
  • Katarine Lokshemi de Avis (Deceased)
  • Miranda Valkerian de Avis (Deceased)
  • Eduardo Consuelo de Avis (Deceased)
  • Gustavo Voltack de Avis (Deceased)
  • Luís Consuelo de Avis (Deceased)
  • Caterine de Avis (Deceased)

Character Inspirations

  • Under Construction


Quotes by

"Não há homens como eu. Há apenas eu."
"There are no men like me. There's only me."

" Não há pacto entre Leões e Homens."
"There is no pact between Lions and Men."

"Ouve, vê e cala, se queres viver em paz."
"Audi, vide, tace, si vis vivere in pace."

"Algumas guerras são ganhas com Espadas, outras com Penas e Corvos."
"Some wars are won with Swords, others with Quills and Ravens."

"É preferível que seu inimigo superestime sua estupidez do que sua esperteza. Assim como é melhor que seus amigos pensem que você é maluco do que o achem razoável e racional."
"It is better to know your enemy overestimate your stupidity than cleverness. Just as it is better than your friends think you are crazy of you find it reasonable and rational."

"I swear to you, I was never so alive as when I was winning this throne, or so dead as now that I've won it"

Quotes about

"D. Lorenzo, eu cheguei à conclusão de que os problemas nunca se afastam de pessoas como nós."
por Maria Eduarda de Alcântara Vieira
"D. Lorenzo, I came to the conclusion that the problems are never away from people like us."
by Maria Eduarda de Alcântara Vieira


  • Became known as "The Kingslayer", after killing the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Some say he is hunted by the Black Hand;
  • Gives money to some Anarchs in Brazil;