Carlão Paje

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Clan Brujah
Position None
Status 0
Domain Brasília, Brazil
Coterie None
Society ???
Path Humanity 00
Player José Paulo Alves Júnior


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Real Name: Carlos Rodrigues Nascimento

Apparent Age: over fifty

Concept: Motorcycle Rider

Physical description:

5'6", Brown eyes, long gray hair on the sides and thin on top, has also an poorly maintained gray beard. Despite the gray's fell most of his time signals can be attributed more to the use of cigarettes and drink than time itself (choop's belly, yellow teeth, etc ...)

He wears a threadbare jeans and a shirt, both had oil and grease marks. He also wears a Black Napalm's waistcoat and a beanie with a Black Napalm's bottom.

Descrição Física:

1,70, olhos castanhos, cabelos grisalhos longo nas laterais e ralo no topo, tem uma barba mal cuidada grisalha também. Apesar dos pelos grisalhos a maior parte dos seus sinais do tempo podem ser atribuidas mais ao uso de cigarro e bebida do que ao tempo propriamente dito (barriga de choop, dentes amarelados, etc...)

Ele usa um Jeans surrado e uma camiseta qualquer, ambas possuem marcas de oleo e graxa. Ele também estará com um colete do Black Napalm e uma touca com um botton do Black Napalm.

Detailed Status:

Character Information

Known History





Calvin Beliacov (missing)




Malu Beliacov

Sebastian Le Faun

Character Inspirations

Tig (sons of Anarchy)

Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross (The Expendables)


  • any Matanza's song
  • any Motörhead's song
  • any Velhas Virgens's song
  • Born to Be Wild (performed by Steppenwolf)

