Randall Scott

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Clan Tremere
Position None (Apprentice)
Status 4
Domain Baltimore, MD
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Jason Ruth



Picture by Meredith Gerber

Alias(es): None Used

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: A youthful mid 30's

Concept: Beat Bokor

Physical description: A dark haired, youthful looking man with a beard. His clothing is worn and well traveled, generally a simple collared shirt over jeans with a sport coat and matching trilby hat. He also carries a US Army messenger bag adorned with various trinkets, including an old brass Corporal's pin. He wears a green cameo on his jacket that features a skull wearing a top hat, and is usually wearing a series of carved skull bracelets on his right wrist. His left wrist has a pair of black handcuffs closed around it.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged -- Tara, Prince of San Diego
  • Resourceful -- William Shultz, former Prince of Baltimore
  • Resourceful -- Sean Donaghy, former Prince of Baltimore
  • Well Connected -- Sean Donaghy, former Prince of Baltimore

Character Information

Known History

There's not much "Known" about Randall Scott. Even his name is a fraud, which he will cheerfully admit. He's (depending on when you ask) from Arkansas, California, Oklahoma, or any number of other places. Sometimes he lived through the Great Depression, sometimes he missed it. He may have served in the Pacific during the Second World War, maybe he fought in Korea, perhaps he's criminal and the only serving he did was on the chain gang. The only consistent portions of his story are that he grew up poor, went "On the Road" while wandering the United States, has always been able to talk to ghosts, and considers himself to be a voodoo sorcerer (a Bokor).

Having arrived back in Baltimore after spending five years in Ohio, Randall seems...different. Instead of a gregarious and friendly man, quick with a joke and a grin, he's much more grim. There's a tightness about him. He's much more fatalistic, and his laugh is strained. His humor turns more and more to the macabre and the absurd. Rumor has it that he's on the outs with his Clan, but he refuses to speak about it or confirm it...he simply says that he's on "Sabbatical". He very rarely makes appearances at Court, preferring his own company (and presumably the company of the Restless Dead) to the company of other Kindred and the power games they inevitably bring along with them.


Most of them seem to be dead these days. Or even worse, they look at him with pity.

Character Inspirations

Kerouac, Ginsburg, Corso, Charles Bukowski, Tom Waits, Camus


Stepford Smiler?

So-Called Coward?


...Pretty much anything by Tom Waits, really.


  • "Imagine Sisyphus is happy!"
  • "Behold, Randall Scott! The World's Worst Tremere!"
  • "Oh, I've been there! Well, not since I died..."
  • "Magic is dumb."
  • "Hallucinogens alter your consciousness. They pierce the veil and allow you to commune with the spirit world. That's why they're used in so many shamanic rites. Also, they let you see dragons. And that's pretty cool."
  • “Oh, yeah, when I went to the Clan Fair in my High School gymnasium the Tremere booth really called out to me. It had a great pamphlet, and I really liked the idea of having a career as a ‘Untrustworthy Blood Mage that will sell his mother for a nickel and get all Jaffar on some Prince’. So that’s why I totally chose to be a Tremere! What…you didn’t go to a job fair and choose to be what Clan you are?”
  • "You hate all Tremere, huh? You hate a large group of individuals based on a few common traits? So...you're a racist. That's cool, I'm not here to judge. At least with an honest racist I know where I stand."
  • "(Laughs) Do you have any idea just how absurd all of this is! It's amazing!"
  • "I'm on break. Take your problems to someone who cares."
  • "Fuck it. Let's get stoned."


  • Is a serial liar who can't even keep his stories straight
  • Is a coward at heart
  • Is always high or tripping on LSD, and is a complete hedonistic degenerate
  • Can lay down an old-school Voodoo curse on you if you upset him
  • Belongs to a cabal of necromancers
  • Is a powerful necromancer
  • Is a "Friend of the Family"
  • Carries a heavily underlined copy of "The Myth of Sisyphus" everywhere he goes
  • Was a close personal friend of Elias Beecher
  • Suffers from PTSD, which explains his sometimes erratic behavior
  • He has a talent for getting swept up in Archon nonsense, no matter how much he tries to avoid it
  • Fought in a 20th Century conflict. Which one seems to change from telling to telling.
  • Spent most of his Human life as a wandering itinerant, and as a result has seen much of the United States
  • Hates Communists as much as Joe McCarthy
  • Is in a relationship with Marli Giovanni
  • Abuses drugs and alcohol not as part of any shamanic tradition, but because he can't handle the pain of being a Vampire
  • Once gave Garrett Dannington a magic pipe that he then re-gifted to Justicar Art Morgan
  • Offered to raise Philip Walkin's dog as a zombie dog. He politely declined
  • (Tremere only) Challenged his own Lord to Certamen at a Grand Tribunal. It didn't happen...but resulted in loss of all influence and rank
  • (Tremere only) His transfer to Baltimore is a form of exile
  • (Tremere only) Has become more and more erratic, even to the point of threatening his Regent on the lists.
  • (Tremere only) Used to be a hedge mage and a necromancer
  • (Tremere only) He was the Recruiter for High Saturday for years, until he abruptly quit
  • (Tremere only) He was the only Regent to volunteer to defend Lord Alexander Kull, former head of the Horned Society, at his Tribunal. He was unsuccessful.
  • (Tremere only) If Randall Scott is defending you at your Tribunal, you have done fucked up: He will defend you with passion, with elan, and will tip back a drink to your memory when he loses.