Petra Grunwald-Cole

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Clan Toreador
Position ???
Status 1
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player J. Clark[1]





Real Name: Petra Grunwald-Cole

Apparent Age: Late 20's

Concept: Culinary Mad Scientist

Physical description: Rather tall with a stern posture when she is in work mode. Dark hair and skin

Detailed Status: Acknowledged by former Prince Julius Grunwald-Cole

Character Information

    • OOC: Most likely to respond to IC e-mails M-F from 11am-8pm EST.

Known History

A rising star in Germany's culinary world, Petra's passion caught the attention of her sire upon first meeting. That or the attempted attack on her sous-chef during competition may have done it. Whatever the rationale or logic, her 'lie, steal, cheat, kill or die' attitude for perfecting her art led her into the arms of Clan Toreador.

She quickly made her way to America after her embrace to be with her sire, learning everything Julius had to offer. As an avid student, she found herself taking some instruction in basic combat skills from her sire's spouse, Lucus Grunwald. So fond of her new found family Petra took Julius' last name (at the time) to better honor her line. After Lucus' death she kept her name hyphenated in his memory. She stayed close to Julius after his passing, and was thrown into a deep state of mourning along with Julius upon the death of her brood-mate Aegis Cole.

After her sire stepped down from her position as Prince of Nusquam Petra began considering a change of scenery for herself. She allegedly rolled out a large map of the united states and threw a dart to determine where she would be moving.





Julius Cole



Olivia Kennedy Cole

Aegis Cole (deceased)

Zackary Cole

Ian Cole (deceased)

Character Inspirations

Quindim Buongiovanni-CHEW Comic Book

Gorden Ramsey

Hannibal Lector

The Scarlet Pimpernel



"I find better, that more interest comes from seeing, and listening, than person prattling aimlessly."

"Hey Computador, you want I should look into this?"


  • Gave a Priest a spiritual crisis by using War-hammer 2DK in a constructed argument against his spirituality.
  • Was asked by her Primogen to take notes for him, and instead wrote out a recipe for strawberry sauce.