João Lorenzo

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Clan Ventrue
Position Primogen
Status Burn to Learn
Domain Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Coterie Vox Dei
Society {{{Society}}}
Path ??? ???
Player Player Name



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Alias(es): João Lorenzo / Dom Lorenzo / Dom João Lorenzo de Avis

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: Early ~ 35

Concept: Éminence Grise

Physical description:

Detailed Status: Burn to Learn

Character Information

Known History


  • Vox Dei (Apparently Disbanded)


  • Lyon Garfary, Child of Haqim, Harpy of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Erick, "The Nordic Wolf", Gangrel, Former Archon to his Former Justicar Kharel;
  • Lucas, "The Shining", Toreador, Former Prince of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Maria Eduarda de Alcântara Vieira, Toreador, Seneschal of João Pessoa;
  • Dijian Vechi Lup, Ravnos, Scourge of Rio de Janeiro;
  • Lucas Bonfim, Ventrue, Archon to his Arbiter Eleganciae Justicar Titus Petronius Niger;
  • Richard Nieman, Ventrue, Archon to his Justicar Lady Lucinde;
  • Dom Ignácio Setúbal de Avis-Beja , Ventrue, Primogen of Mossoró;
  • Aarão "Jun", Tremere, Former Archon to his Former Justicar Anastasz Di Zagreb (Deceased);


  • None publicly known.


  • Dom Sebastião de Avis


  • Dom Luís de Bourbon e Avis
  • André de Castro Bonfim e Avis (Deceased)
  • Afonso Medeiros e Avis (Deceased)


  • Almirante Estevão Vasques Pimentel de Avis
  • Dom Leocádio de Avis
  • Dom Ignácio Setúbal de Avis-Beja
  • Alois Bourboun-Busset de Vendôme Beaufort Étampes et Avis (Deceased)
  • Katarine Lokshemi de Avis (Deceased)
  • Miranda Valkerian de Avis (Deceased)
  • Eduardo Consuelo de Avis (Deceased)
  • Gustavo Voltack de Avis (Deceased)
  • Luís Consuelo de Avis (Deceased)
  • Caterine de Avis (Deceased)

Character Inspirations



" Não há pacto entre Leões e Homens"
"There is no pact between Lions and Men"
