Walter Englesman

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Revision as of 20:48, 25 July 2017 by CID-038 (talk | contribs) (Known History)
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Clan Brujah
Position Citizen
Status 7
Domain Columbus, OH
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player Walter Englesman



Alias(es): Wally

Real Name: Walter Englesman

Apparent Age: Mid-Thirties

Concept: "I know a guy."

Physical description: A middle-aged man, Walter Englesman stands over six feet tall with a strong frame. His greying hair is often tucked behind ears and he sports a tightly trimmed beard.

Character Information

Known History

Coming from the West coast, Walter arrived in the Domain of Columbus, OH in early 2013. Seeing the city was rife with opportunity for an enterprising young Kindred, he quickly set down stakes and began making connections with both mortals and kine alike.


Johnny Creed
Quinn Lionsigh
Titus Bastone


"Is this your ten dollars? I saw it floating underneath the car."
"Trust me."


  • Walter is inept at using technology.
  • Walter is secretly in love with Harry Fisher.
  • Walter took Eric Kein to a club and convinced him to dance.