Charlotte Cartwright

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Clan Ventrue
Position Prince
Status 5+4+1
Domain St. Augustine, FL
Coterie None
Society ???
Path Humanity x 6
Player Meg L


Charlotte Cartwright in Griffin GA, Sept 2019


Real Name:

Apparent Age: 30s

Concept: Southern Belle philanthropist.

Physical description: Blonde hair usually kept neat. Usually seen wearing business casual dresses and skirts.

Detailed Status:

Personal Status - 6; Positional Status - 4+1; Honorary Status - 1

Personal Status:

  • Acknowledged (then Prince Asher Sinclaire - NPC)
  • Resourceful (then Prince Christine Strauss)
  • Steadfast (then Sovereign Prince Christine Strauss)
  • Just (Elder then Primogen Tiberius)
  • Magnanimous (Primogen Roxanne Maddox)
  • Savvy (Sovereign Prince Evelyn Landrake)

Positional Status:

  • Exalted (As Prince)
  • Famous (As Prince)
  • Well-Known (As Prince)
  • Distinguished (As Prince)
  • Venerable (as a Sovereign Prince)

Honorary Status:

  • Dignified (as a Dignitary of the Camarilla)

Character Information

Charlotte Cartwright

Known History

Came to St Augustine from Georgia in May 2015.

Became Keeper of Elysium as of January 2016.

Became Seneschal as of October 2019

Claimed Praxis is of February 28, 2020

Made Sovereign Prince as of July 2023



  • St. Augustine Court



  • Childe of (redacted)

Ventrue Only Knowledge:

  • Childe of Marie-Elise d'Renard
  • Childe of Gnaeus
  • Childe of Lysander
  • Childe of Artemis



Character Inspirations

Dorothy "Dot" Williams from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries


  • It's all in the game - Tommy Edwards
  • These boots are made for walking - Nancy Sinatra

Playlist: Spotify



  • Charlotte is dating a local Toreador named Cameron Clark.
    • It's serious, but one of them has commitment issues.
  • Charlotte has an extensive hand fan collection, with some pieces as old as 1890.
    • The bigger the fan, the bigger the secrets.