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Clan Nosferatu
Position None
Status 2
Domain Fortaleza, Brazil
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity ???
Player Cassiano Oliveira



Pleura - unofficial VTES Card
Pleura on 03/30/13
Pleura on 03/30/13
Pleura on 03/30/13
Pleura on 03/30/13
Pleura, by Alexandre Rodrigues


Real Name: José Waldisnei Felício

Apparent Age: 30

Concept: Spy, Sewer rat

Physical description: Pleura resembles the character of the Devil in "O Homem que Desafiou o Diabo". He has the manners of a countryman in the interior of Ceará, but there is something noble in his actions and experiences, as seen in old bohemians, bankrupt and ragged. Pleura, besides the appearance of the character (without horns, of course) has a large lump on his back, and lower face disfigured. In the area where it should be cheeks, where there are holes, occasionally, the tongue plummets. Pleura also has a visco covering his body and and no matter how clean it up and rub their grimy white suit, still dripping and slathering everything wherever he goes.

Pleura lembra muito o personagem do Diabo, em "O Homem que Desafiou o Diabo". Ele tem os modos de um matuto do interior do Ceará, mas há algo de nobreza e vivencia nos atos dele, como visto em velhos boêmios, falidos e maltrapilhos. Pleura, além da aparencia do personagem (sem os chifres, claro) possui um grande nódulo nas costas, e a parte inferior do rosto desfigurada. Na área onde deveria estar as bochechas, há buracos por onde, vez por outra, a lingua despenca. Pleura tem também um visco que recobre seu corpo e e não importa o quanto ele se limpe e esfregue seu terno branco encardido, continua a pingar e ensebar tudo por onde ele passa.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged, for Washington Banderas, former Prince of Fortaleza (in memoriam) in December, 13 of 1875.
  • Reliable, for Gustavo Flanner, former Prince of Fortaleza (in memoriam), in February, 10 of 1930, by gathering important and exclusive information about the enemies of the Camarilla.

Character Information

Known History

Primogen of Fortaleza, between May, 13 of 2012 to November, 22 of 2012.

Lesser Harpy of Fortaleza, working to Samuel Hernandez, between January, 31 of 2013 to April, 4 of 2013.

Owner of a Trivial Boon in the name of Aghata Vis.

Owner of a Minor Boon in the name of Aghata Vis.

Owner of a Minor Boon in the name of Vinicius Vettra.





Gustavo Flanner, "The First"


Pablo, know as "Pablito of Sugar" (Pablinho de Açucar)


Character Inspirations

The Devil, on "O Homem que Desafiou o Diabo" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x_K3ChyGAA


Auto da Compadecida - http://goo.gl/0MJb4


"Pleura is just the dirty and miserable Pleura, now, look the other way, please..."


Seems to have good relations with the Tremere.

A strange event forced Pleura to spend years pent.

Has a special affection for Parahyba.