Augustine St. Just

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Revision as of 22:17, 12 November 2010 by CoA-001 (talk | contribs) (Overview)
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Clan Nosferatu
Position None
Status 2
Domain Nomadic
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Unknown (Inhumane) ???
Player Brad



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Alias(es): The Black Saint, The Bogeyman, Don Carlos Fernando, Clevant "Dogmeat" Jones

Real Name: Mikhael Vorozkhov

Apparent Age: Mid 40s

Concept: Torturer/Monster

Physical description: Unknown, typically covers every visible inch of skin. Height and apparent weight vary dramatically.

Detailed Status: Acknowledged, Feared

Character Information

Known History

"What I was before is irrelevant, what I am now even more so. What good are names and histories to we whom rewrite both to keep ourselves hidden from the world?"




None specific


Alois St. Just (deceased)


Veldrane St. Just


Germaine St. Just (MIA)
Constantine St. Just (deceased)
Gregorian St. Just (deceased)


I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin


"All sentient beings lie, for all of them have something they wish to hide. Take a man and strip him of all that he owns, kill all that matters to him, and deny him a future in this or any other world. When you have torn away all that surrounds and left him utterly alone in his very last moment, then and only then, will you meet his true self." -Augustine on making friends

"I'm gonna go beat up a hooker, fill her nose with epoxy, and drag her back to my lair. Then, I'm gonna make her suck me off while I read any responses to this and she doesn't get to come up for air until I'm finished...If I need to get a new hooker, well there's a maternity ward not far from here." -Augustine on settling disputes
