Luccas Gotti - Deceased

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Clan Toreador
Position Primogen
Status 2+1
Domain Curitiba, Brazil
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity ???
Player Thiago Zonatto



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Luccas Gotti, Lucca, Lucc

Real Name:  ??????

Apparent Age: 23

Concept: Actor, ὑποκριτής, Bon Vivant,

Physical description: Usually dressed in black clothes with a leather pant and a tattoo in his right wrist.

Relevant Background: Fame x2

Detailed Status: Burn to learn!

Character Information

Known History

- Arrived at Curytiba in early 2009

- Former Lesser Harpy of Curityba, Campos Gerais e Litoral do Paraná to Gabriel Geraldo Santos Dammski (deceased) in early 2009

- Was not seen from august 2009 to november 2009 and from December 2010 to march 2014.

- On march 2014 Arrived again at Curytiba

- Toreador Primogen, since 2014.



- Luigi Falcone, Toreador, Former Archon of Justicar Art Morgan Justicar Gangrel;
- Helena Crivelli, Toreador, Maldonado, Argentina
- Amanda Desrosiers, Toreador, Harpy of Natal,Brazil;
- Jan Dvorak, Malkavian, Archon of Justicar Maris Streck Justicar Malkavian;
- Marcos Aurélio, Tremere, Primogen of Curitiba,Brazil ;
- Elijah Binyamim, Ventrue, Curitiba,Brazil ;
- Maria Eduarda de Alcântara Vieira, Toreador, (Deceased)



Katherine Hatherly (Deceased)



Character Inspirations


Complexos by Escola de Escândalos
Venus in Furs by Velvet Underground
Komakino by Joy Division
Isolation by Joy Division
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven


“An artist is somebody who enters into competition with God.” - Patti Smith.

"It seems to be much more than Art when the Art you sell is you." "Parece ser muito mais que Arte quando a Arte que você vende é você."

"How can I find the right way to control, All the conflicts inside, all the problems beside, As the questions arise, and the answers don't fit.” Joy Division – Komakino.

“But if you could just see the beauty,These things I could never describe, These pleasures a wayward distraction,This is my one lucky prize.” Joy Division – Isolation.

"Taste the whip, in love not given lightly Taste the whip, now plead for me" Velvet Underground - Venus in Furs .


- He has very important friends within her clan....