Category:Domain:Curitiba, Brazil

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The Court of Curityba, Campos Gerais e Litoral Paranaense (Curitiba)



OoC: Information

The OOC location is in Curitiba, Paraná - Brazil

And on the Facebook


Former Princes

Prince's Edicts

  • In 2020, José Luis Romanekels was declared a blood hunter for breaking the first tradition, with the cohort supporting Prince Alzahir's decision.
  • In 2023, during the reign of Alzahir, a blood hunt was declared for Beto, a member of the Brujah clan, for breaking Elysium and using the Gift of Vicissitude to attack members of the Camarilla. This hunt was reinforced during the reign of Prince Agnes in 2024 for having broken the Masquerade, being found guilty before the Camarilla.


Curitiba, PR

OWbN Curitiba Setting

  • Bolsa de Valores de Curitiba
  • Ateliê Victor Augusto Gentil

City Rumors

  • No parque Barigui tem um Mokolé de Papo Amarelo que se alimenta exclusivamente de cachorrinhos de madame.
  • O poder de Dominação da Augusta nunca funcionava em homens porque nunca nenhum deles olhou para cima e encontrou seus olhos.
  • Em uma mesma noite Curitiba trocou três vezes de Príncipe
  • Existem muitos caçados de sangue na cidade sendo procurados