Mark Richardson

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Clan Malkavian
Position Seneschal
Status 6+2
Domain San Francisco
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Ken Shields



Mark making a point


Mark Richardson

Real Name:

Probably not actually Mark Richardson

Apparent Age:



Former lawyer / yuppie “dealing with it”

Physical description:

5’10”, 170 lb, long brown hair, blue-green eyes. Dark circles under the eyes, stubble, slightly hollow but flushed cheeks. Clammy or yellowish tinge to skin. Often has twitches and nervous tics, laughs or giggles compulsively. Usually dishevelled and sometimes mistaken for homeless, wearing something like jeans and a sweater with an old (WW2 US) army coat. Cleans up well on official occasions, but looks dishevelled within an hour or so anyway. Looks distracted when he starts talking, then gets way too intense when he focuses on something. Then a tangent about video games or the vast reptilian conspiracy. Then BACK ON TARGET

(Mechanics: Off-brand version of blush of health – looks human, just doesn’t look healthy. Like a long term heroin abuser, or maybe he’s just got the flu or something? Yeah.)

Detailed Status:

Character Information

Known History

Moved to San Francisco in the early 2000s. Was Malkavian Primogen there for many years, until Virgil Deems named him Seneschal. Willingly admits to being schizophrenic before his embrace, sometimes gripes about it. He apparently has domain over “Mark’s Tree”, whatever that is. (Status 6+2, actually has a point of anarch prestige for asking interesting questions, but he has no idea what it is and it’s probably not a good one)




Presumably the local Camarilla power structure in the Bay Area. Has dealt with the Kuei-jin more than just about anyone other than Jack Sebastien and Jack Rogan.


Mark has the unfortunate tendency to say people everyone hates are pretty nice when you think about it. So if he has any he probably doesn’t think of them that way.


Mark never talks about it.


Mark never talks about it.


Mark never talks about it.

Character Inspirations

A well-off, intelligent person getting broken, and having to figure out on their own (as people do) how to put themselves back together and develop tricks to cope. Crossed with that guy who sits down next to you on MUNI.


Oingo Boingo – Insanity and It Only Makes Me Laugh, Jane Siberry – Symmetry, Concrete Blonde – Walking in London, Nick Cave – Abbatoir Blues, MC 900 Ft Jesus – Hearing Voices in One’s Head


“Heh he hehe haha” “No look, you’re wrong. We’re not monsters and we shouldn’t try to be. Haven’t you ever read Joseph Campbell? Look, what’s the most dangerous thing in the entire world? What do we hide from? What rules the entire world? What was responsible for the most fucked up atrocity you’ve ever heard of? Humans. That’s why we’re going to win. Because we’re humans, and they were stupid enough to make themselves the monsters. They’ve got nothing on us.” “See, the Tremere got awesome world controlling powers, the Ventrue get the international success life, and what do I get? The fucking pills don’t work anymore.”


Mark is a reincarnation of Emperor Norton. Mark is actually the true Prince of San Francisco. After all, he’s crazy and likes to talk way too much. What more proof do you need? Mark can hear anything said within earshot of a tree anywhere in San Francisco. That’s why he always warns people that trees aren’t Masquerade safe. That or he’s just really into Order of the Stick.