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Clan Malkavian
Position None
Status 6+0+3
Domain Campinas/SP
Coterie None
Society E-Division
Path Humanity 00000
Player Raphael Corrales


Technically, it's not The Crow


  • Tristão, The Cursed;
  • The Cursed Actor;
  • The Pariah.

  • Real Name: "I never had a name".

    Apparent Age: "22 years".

    Concept: "Cursed Actor".

    Physical description:

  • Tristan has strong French ancestry, with some slight traces of small-clan inbreeding (softened by the Embrace). He is slightly below average height and build between lean and athletic. His face features are delicate (almost androgynous), thin and angular (slightly pointed and upturned nose, triangular chin, highlighted cheekbones), so much so that they convey the feeling of being brittle. His hair is dark, shoulder-length, wavy and silky, mostly tousled. His eyes are dark, deep, insane and cruel, very cruel. Usually he always wears the same outfit, a hunting suit and a black shirt, both loose and of good elasticity (like an actor's rehearsal clothes). He is ALWAYS barefoot and his fingernails and toenails are black colored. Added to all this, Tristan is always heavily made up in black and white, the makeup pattern always changing.

    Detailed Status:
  • Acknowledged by François Villon, former Prince of Paris (sometime in the 18th century);
  • Dedicated by the words of Donatello, former Seneschal of São Paulo: "For his assistance in rescuing Donatello from the Black Sect" (2004);
  • Trusted by the words of Gabriel Lawrence, former Seneschal of Sorocaba: "For the results of his numerous, risky and successful missions of infiltration and combat against Camarilla enemies" (2005);
  • Revered by the words of Demether Tsarovitch, former Prince of Sorocaba: "For the primacy and excellence in conducting the table of Firstborns for the principality for more than half a decade" (2010);
  • Influential by the words of Dom Henrique de Madrid y Castella, former Prince of Sorocaba: "For his well-coordinated movements for the reconstruction and strengthening of the Permanent Elysium of Grande Otello" (2013);
  • Wise by the words of Tupac Amaru, Prince of Campinas: "Due to his actions in maintaining the Traditions, of Humanity and for sharing his teachings with the Alva Torre" (2023);
  • Dignified as a Camarilla Dignitary (since 2007);
  • August as Camarilla Luminary (since 2012);
  • Insightful as a Member of E-Division (since its founding);

    Character Information

    Known History

    There are no proofs or records of Tristan's performance before his Acknowledgment (granted by François Villon a few years after the end of the French Revolution), but the stories and memories that the Cursed Actor, with extreme precision and richness of detail, indicate that he already he was born before the eighteenth century and even before the foundation of the Camarilla.

    The Malkavian used his legendary theatrical talent to act behind the scenes of several major events in history (mortal and immortal) in general acting as a spy mainly in times of crisis and war.

    After the Acknowledgment, he definitively broke off relations with his Sire and started to wander around Europe, absorbing cultures and developing himself in different types of arts.

    In the early 2000s, he landed on Brazilian soil and began, despite various setbacks, his political career in the Camarilla. He held the positions of Primogen (for over half a decade), Sheriff, Harpy, and Consul, always standing out for his cleverness and rhetoric, as well as sometimes for his physical and social cruelty.

    In mid-2016 he took over Praxis de Sorocaba, but despite the good performance he was forced after a few years to leave the position as a form of payment for a Life Boon due to his Harpy and mentor Demether Tsarovich. In his farewell address to his court he declared: "This is definitely my will, my Throne should last a thousand years or more, but that is Camarilla Law what is due must be paid, and the Camarilla is greater than any Kindred." .

    He moved to the Court of Campinas sometime in 2018, soon assumed the position of Sheriff but abandoned it after realizing that his appetite for politics was no longer the same.

    He was recently named Master of Knowledge and Illuminated of the Malkavian Clan and currently wanders around Brazil helping where he is called, distributing his wisdom to those who ask and perfecting what is most sacred to him: his art.


    [Only Malkavians: The New Malkavian Deck]






    There is controversy here, the Sire of Tristan constantly changed his name and appearance when interacting with his child, making his true identity a mystery.
    Centuries later Tristan investigated his genealogy and arrived at the name of Amadeus von Hohenzollern as his progenitor. This fact, if true, makes Tristan a direct descendant of the Streck / von Hohenzollern lineage.