Blackwood X

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Revision as of 14:38, 27 January 2011 by FIB-005 (talk | contribs)
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Clan Nosferatu
Position Seneschal of Joliet, Illinois
Status 6+2+1
Domain Chicagoland
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity? ???
Player Dragon Alexander



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Kalo Kascht, Blake Wood, Medera Negra, Numerous others if you believe he's been around for centuries.

Real Name: Blackwood X

Apparent Age: Late 30's

Concept: Grumpy Nos Elder

Physical description: Blackwood’s mask projects a man in his mid 30’s; shaven bald, a slight bulge in his belly and a nondescript round face. He is almost always seen wearing jeans, a dress shirt, black trench coat, a cane, black fedora and a carry on luggage case. While not unkempt, there is always a “frumpy” look about him.
Underneath his mask is quite different. Blackwood looks like a 75 lbs. dehydrated corpse with leathery skin drawn tightly over wiry muscle and bone. Sunken in solid black eyes, overgrown angular bone structure and porcupine quills for hair are seen when he decides to let others view his true appearance.

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged, Feared, Knowledgeable, Resourceful, Respected, Trusted. +2 Seneschal Positional, +1 Reputation, "He knows everything.", Fame x3 Kindred Society, "He knows everything."

Character Information

Known History

Under construction3.jpg







Character Inspirations


