Calton Kalmir

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Clan Tremere
Position Sovereign Prince
Status 14: 6+4+4
Domain São José dos Campos, Brazil
Coterie None
Society Elysian Knights Society
Path Humanity -
Player Mauro


Calton Kalmir

Alias(es): Crazy Mage (By Sabbat)

Real Name:  ?????????

Apparent Age: 30

Concept: Hermetic Socialite

Physical description: 1,78m, brown skin, black eyes, well cut black hair, fairly good built. (1,78m, pele morena, olhos pretos, cabelos pretos bem cortados, bem constituído.)

Detailed Status:

Reconhecido por Antony Gardel, Ancião do Clã Ventrue ;
Respeitado por Din Luc, membro do Clã Tremere por atuar avidamente em prol da Camarilla ;
Irrepreensível aos olhos de Antony Gardel, Ancião do Clã Ventrue pela força de sua argumentação.;
Estimado por Isolda Sanches, Membro do Clã Tremere por seu caráter diplomático e conciliador ;
Famoso por Joaquim Homem de Mello do clã Brujah pela manutenção das tradições em seus domínios ;
Leal por Castiel Viana do clã Tremere por combater incansavelmente os inimigos da Camarilla.
Exaltado, Famoso, Bem Conhecido, Distinto e Venerável pelo cargo que ocupa.
Dignificado, como Dignatário
Augusto, como Luminar
Respeitado, como Scion of Camarilla

Acknowledged by Antony Gardel, former Prince of Pindamonhangaba;
Respected by Din Luc, former Primogen of Joinville;
Faultless by Antony Gardel, former Prince of Pindamonhangaba;
Esteemed by Isolda Sanches, former Prince of Sousas;
Famous by Joaquim Homem de Mello, former Prince of Pindamonhangaba;
Loyal by Castiel Viana, Primogen of Ouro Preto;
Exalted, Famous, Well-Known, Distinguished and Venerable by position.
Dignified as Dignitary
August as Luminary
Respected as Scion

Character Information

Known History

Sovereign Prince Calton in his building watching the Domain

Calton Kalmir served the Domain of the Princess of the North as Harpy, Primogen and Seneschal. Took the praxi during the invasion, when the Rebellion had taken most of the cities in the Domain, destroyed the others elders and the current Prince was missing. At the request of all members of the Camarilla who survived the onslaught of the Rebellion he took back control of the Domain and maintain a structured Camarilla in the city of São José dos Campos.He married Carola van Hooves in 2023.

Calton Kalmir serviu o Domínio da Princesa do Norte como Harpy, Primogen e Senescal. Tomou o praxi durante a invasão Sabbath, quando a Rebelião tomou a maioria das cidades no Domínio, destruiu muitos ancioes e o atual Príncipe tinha desaparecido. A pedido de todos os membros da Camarilla que sobreviveram à investida da Rebelião, ele tomou o controle do Domínio e manteve uma Camarilla estruturada na cidade de São José dos Campos. Se casou com Carola van Hooves em 2023

Positions held within the Camarilla :Lesser Harpy, Primogen, Harpy, Seneschal, Sovereing Prince in present time - Brasil- Domain of São Jose dos Campos



- Erdota Urmen de Corazon
- Marcellus Renano
- Dominique, Archon of Justicar Petronius (in memorian)
- Carola Van Hooves, Prince of Alto Tietê






Character Inspirations

  • Saruman (Lord of the Rings).
  • Lady Di (The princess of the people).
  • Doctor Fate (DC Comics).
  • Barão de Mauá (Movie).
  • King Solomon. (Bible).


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony No. 25


  • If I can touch, this is not fake.
  • Death is a gift that few deserve. And I will not give you this gift...while I can.
  • The authority of the Princes ends at the borders of the Domain, but their responsibility to the members of the Ivory Tower ... no.


  • Belongs to South México
  • His voodoo already saved a lot of kindred
  • Renowned in the Sabath as the Infernalist Crazy Mage in the tower... or Saruman
  • "Mickey Sovereign Calton" by a Toreador
  • Never remembered in thank you notes
  • He is a member of the special magical forces with the function of seek and destroy Tremere transgressors.
  • He says classical music is a hobby, and rumour has it that he is the maestro of a Tremere orchestra... or maybe a glee club.
  • He found a fragment of the Chintamani stone. Whatever position of leadership he has achieved will never be lost as long as he possesses this fragment.
  • During the Year of Fire was invited to join the Rebelion.
  • A Sabbath group called "The Black Fist" or something like that tried to destroy him. And failed miserably...
  • Giovanni tried to destroy him. And failed miserably...
  • Animated meetings with a magic show.
  • He is a infernalist.
  • He is terrible with geography
  • Any Giovanni who steps into his Domain is quickly immobilized and sent to Venice.
  • Nominated for the "politesse" category at the Toreador Awards 2024.
  • Winner in the "best strategist" category at the Toreador Awards 2024.