Alec Blake

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Clan Malkavian
Position None
Status 1
Domain Unknown
Coterie None
Society None
Path Humanity 000
Player Leo


Alec Blake


Real Name: Alec Blake

Apparent Age: 20s

Concept: Perturbed Musician

Physical description: Short brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, 1,65m, 65 kg, dresses in formal arcaic suits, uses a marriage ring with a small saphire.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by Prince Augusta Regina Castagini from Curitiba/Brazil (1948).

Character Information

He is a musician in love. He composes, play and crafts piano, with an obsession about jazz and love themes.

Known History

Discover ;)



Elizabeth Sapphire Blake, his wife and eternal lover, Deceased Toreador

Elka Leeloo, Malkavian Harpy of New Enoch

Ivan, Malkavian Sheriff of Rio Grande

Tristão, Malkavian of Campinas

Siena Redfield, Malkavian of Alto Tiete

Beatriz de Castilhas, Brujah Primogen of New Enoch

Vieira, Brujah of Curitiba

Zizar, Nosferatu of Curitiba

Andrius Phanes, Toreador of Rio Grande

Carola Van Hooves, Ventrue Prince of Alto Tiete


His sire







Character Inspirations

Auri, Name of the Wind

William Blake

Brazilian Literary Romanticism

“I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.” ~ Arwen



"Music is my soul and my eternity"

"Ficaria honrado se me permitisse uma dança, sob a luz da lua e a benção das flores ao nosso redor"

"As vezes me perco dentro dos ecos da memória. Efeito colateral do meu abraço, sabe? Nem sempre sai de forma agradável."


É um Toreador (e se chama de um)

A esposa dele não passa de uma ilusão

Não tem nenhuma perturbação

Acredita ser o melhor músico de jazz entre os membros