José 'Zé' Kalunga
Clan | Brujah. |
Position | Harpy. |
Status | Acknowledged by Luis Fernando Muller deceased Prince of Curitiba;
Efficient by Ivan Prince of Joinville; Influential by Harpy; Well-Connected by Hapry. |
Domain | Joinville, Brazil. |
Coterie | None. |
Society | None |
Path | Humanity O |
Player | César Robortella |
Real Name: José Kalunga - Also Zé Kalunga
Apparent Age: 35 years
Concept: Babalorixá - Also Kingpin
Physical description: Strong black man with regular size and a soldier portrait. Normally appears in three kinds of vestment, in white cerimonial vest as a religious Babalorixá between closer allies, as a Kingpin during social events acting as Harpy and with tatical suit at combat. Normally he walks with a black briefcase. He appears to be a charismayic and friendly person, but easily changes to a grimm look and intimidate posture when necessary.
Detailed Status: