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Clan Brujah
Position Primogen
Status 1+1
Domain Columbus, OH
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Ryan Lynch



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Real Name: Magnj "Magnus" Kohler

Apparent Age: 40-ish

Concept: Pro-Brujah Cam-fascist idealist

Physical description: Average height, build and looks and a belligerently idealistic demeanor that can turn unexpectedly persuasive on a dime, usually dressed in a simple jacket with a Knights Cross Iron Cross for a zipper. Otherwise, he simply wears some combination of black and grey and behaves more casually with those he knows well.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged (Berlin)
  • Loyal (Viktor von Steinwitz, rescinded by harpy)
  • Forthright (Prince Eric Kein, rescinded by harpy)
  • Revered as Primogen (Prince Eric Kein, 9/27/2015)

Character Information

Known History

The Brujah called "Niemand" was an officer and archaeologist in the Nazi Ahnenerbe and SS who had his hands in any conspiracy theory you might see on a bad History Channel documentary. His embrace in the final nights of the war was a mixed reward and punishment, and he was forbidden from having an actual name for many years. Despite his seeming purgatory, Niemand refused to ever admit anything but zeal for the sort of establishment shocking revolution conceived of by the likes of his fascist cronies.

Sort of a tomb raider and for more powerful Kindred, Niemand infiltrated and stole artifacts from Setites and Tremere in Cleveland, Ohio. Following a dispute in Columbus, he disappeared for several months before returning with the goal of winning back the comradeship of his own clan mates. During the time he served as Scourge in Columbus, he methodically eliminated any un-Acknowledged Kindred who showed up. Twice serving as Primogen in Columbus (and seeing one misbegotten and very manipulataive neonate safely through the Accounting), Niemand stepped down from the position after a gruesome incident in Cleveland. He also lost three Status for the incident, and spent many months in penance (also learning alongside at least one Child of Haqim). Before resting in torpor (he claims) for several months, Niemand was named a Sword Bearer of Columbus, and thus reclaimed his actual name - Magnus Kohler.

Upon recently awakening, Magnus disrupted a perceived opportunism by interfering with the selection of harpy, even vying for it against a particularly vindictive Nosferatu. When push came to shove, the Brujah shoved - and got shoved back. Learning that his perceived enemy was influenced by Disciplines left him eager to be done with the conflict, but it persists. Magnus then supplanted longtime ally Viktor von Steinwitz as Primogen, for which blows were exchanged soon after.



Those he would trust to deal with, might be a better term:


  • He considers almost everyone a potential enemy.
  • Especially Sabbat.
  • Adherents of unconventional followings within the Camarilla.


Greta von Riesling (a Kabbalist madame embraced in the Dark Ages)




Character Inspirations

Isn't it obvious?




  • He once reveled in the duties of being a scourge.
  • He once did something to earn the enmity of local Followers of Set.
  • He does not like Clan Tremere.
  • His Sire was a Jewish harlot.
  • He railed against Guy Auvergne's diablerie of Naomi Walker until something was done, making enemies for it.
  • He was Primogen until he killed an archon's child in cold blood.
  • Following an altercation with Brujah elder "Bernard", Niemand did not leave the rant alive.
  • Though he was not seen for some time, Niemand resurfaced, or at least a doppleganger did in his stead, some months later.
  • He was very unhappy about the death of Eva Sophia.
  • He is a Baharist.