Joe Ledger

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Clan Nosferatu
Position unknown
Status 1
Domain Kenosha
Coterie unknown
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0
Player Johnny



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Alias(es): None have currently been associated with the one known as Joe Ledger

Real Name: Only Known as Joe Ledger

Apparent Age: Hard to tell

Concept: Twisted Mentor/Dark Prophet

Physical description: Joe takes many forms, but most often he is found in the body of nondescript white male.

Detailed Status: Acknowledged By Casino Reeds

Character Information

Known History

The one who is currently known as Joe Ledger was embraced in the late 18th century in a small village in Haiti. The one currently called Joe talks about his embrace in only the most abstract terms. All he has said is that he was in service to another for quite some time until a vengeful Nosferatu enacted his revenge on the one currently called Joe Ledger's would be sire, by "poaching" him.

Not much else is known about the one currently called Joe Ledger until his emergence in to the Camarilla in the 90s.

Since his admittance in to the Cam he has become what some would call a scholar on the rule of law that governs civilized society. After finishing and feeling that he has mastered the law and learned all that there is to know he began to branch out his studies in to much more complex and frankly interesting topics. Much of his work borders on obsession.

Along with his extensive studies into the Kindred and Human condition and "knowing ones self" the one currently known as Joe Ledger has established himself as a very powerful ally to have, that is if you can stand to be around him for any length of time.


  • Steven "Boston" Delucci
  • Alex Masterson
  • Jeff Greenwell
  • Maggie Hintz
  • Kelly V Elkove
  • Alan Peschel


  • Steven "Boston" Delucci
  • Alex Masterson
  • Jeff Greenwell
  • Maggie Hintz
  • Kelly V Elkove
  • Alan Peschel


Unsure, there was this other guy interested in him for a while, but he missed his chance.


None Kindred


None that passed their "test"

Character Inspirations



From Joe
"Do you know yourself?"
"Not only do you not know yourself fully, I question if you even know your fucking name at this point. So take a seat and try, TRY to learn something before you get lost in your own haven."

About Joe
"That could be the most disturbing and creepy thing I have ever heard, and I am a Tremere"


  • Joe is rumored to have around 200 "students" he is teaching, and by students he means children, and by teaching he means torturing to show them what fear really is.
  • Joe is actually pronounced 'So', as in Socrates. No, Joe isn't Socrates, don't be silly; he just took the name of his Mentor in his honor. (To be fair, several sources do describe Socrates as being really, really ugly)
  • A thin-blooded seer once took one look at Joe and declared she'd have nothing to do with him; claimed that he was going to fall into wassail soon and never come out of it, and that she didn't want to be anywhere near the place when he did.
  • While Joe's name only commands a single measure of standing, the more elite in political circle pay this man great respect. No one knows why or what he has on them.
  • Joe speaks and commands the dead.