Razi Massoud

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Revision as of 21:47, 22 April 2011 by OBT-012 (talk | contribs) (Overview)
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Clan Child of Haqim
Position None
Status 1
Domain Twin Cities, MN
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity ???
Player Lin McP



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Alias(es): Razi

Real Name: Nice try...

Apparent Age: very early 20's

Concept: Keeper of the Masquerade/Priest on the Battlefield

Physical description: Razi looks like a shorter, athletically-curvy woman with dark auburn hair, grey eyes, and a strong aquiline nose. She looks to have had that gift of "you're older than you look" at Embrace. Her style is more towards demure, but still cosmopolitan.

Appearance: 3 (Magnetic x3)

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Prince Mustapha of Istanbul, Turkey

Character Information

Known History

Razi moved to the Twin Cities a very short time ago from Istanbul. She has been seen mostly in the company of other Children of Haqim- with the few exceptions of being shown around her first gathering and helping a visitor or two find their Primogen.

When such has come up in conversation, she states she is trained as a Rabba and is willing to speak with whomever needs her services. However, she prefers to listen to the conversation than be the focus of it.


...that's another word for closet, yes?


The Children of Haqim; perhaps others, once she gets to know them.


So soon? That would take real talent.


Rishi Massoud, Archon to the Ventrue Justicar Lucinde


None known


None known

Character Inspirations

  • Delenn, Ambassador G'Kar, Lyta Alexander, and the Rangers from Babylon 5
  • Tex, Church and Grif from Red vs. Blue
  • The Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  • Door and Hunter from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere
  • Spike Spiegel and Ed from Cowboy Bebop
  • a book of Jewish folk tales I read in high school
  • my interests in history, religion, spirituality, environmental studies, and global politics



"Forgive me, my English is not quite recovered."
"Why don't you let me drive? My car is much less... noticeable, yes."
"How may I help...?"


  • (CoH only) She's not only an actual Rabba, but a Soferet (Jewish ritual scribe) as well.
  • Harpy Rachel Eiken has taken a strange liking to her.
  • She's aware of some interesting details from the latest visions.
  • Razi talks in Yiddish when she's having a bad day- or when she thinks someone's up to something.